Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Data Interpretation, Further Analysis and Dissemination Workshop HIV/AIDS and sexual behaviour.


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Presentation transcript:

Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Data Interpretation, Further Analysis and Dissemination Workshop HIV/AIDS and sexual behaviour

What we know  An estimated 35.3 million (32.2–38.8) adults and children were living with HIV in 2012  There were 2.3 (1.9–2.7) million new HIV infections globally,  This is a 33% decline in the number of new infections from 3.4 (3.1–3.7) million in  At the same time the number of AIDS deaths is also declining with 1.6 (1.4–1.9) million AIDS deaths in 2012, down from 2.3 (2.1–2.6) million in 2005 Source: UNAIDS, Global report: UNAIDS report on the global AIDS epidemic 2013

What we know

MICS HIV/AIDS module  Introduced in MICS2  Questions of the module are related to knowledge, attitudes and practices (including HIV testing and counselling)  Some countries add seroprevalence testing  Analysis of HIV and sexual behaviour variables  Answering no to the 1 st question make skip the entire module to HIV/AIDS module

Table HA.1: Knowledge about HIV transmission, misconceptions about HIV, and comprehensive knowledge about HIV transmission (women) Percentage of women age years who know the main ways of preventing HIV transmission, percentage who know that a healthy looking person can be HIV-positive, percentage who reject common misconceptions, and percentage who have comprehensive knowledge about HIV transmission, Country, Year Perce ntage who have heard of AIDS Percentage who know transmission can be prevented by: Percenta ge who know that a healthy looking person can be HIV- positive Percentage who know that HIV cannot be transmitted by: Percentage who reject the two most common misconceptions and know that a healthy looking person can be HIV- positive Percent age with compre hensive knowle dge 1 Numb er of wome n age Having only one faithful uninfected sex partner Using a condom every timeBoth Mosqui to bites Supernat ural means Sharing food with someone with HIV Age MICS indicator 9.1; MDG indicator Knowledge about HIV prevention among young women Denominator of the table includes all women, including those who have not heard of AIDS All misconceptions about HIV transmission included in the questionnaire should be reported. Country may adapt misconceptions. A first run of the table will determine the two most prevalent misconceptions HA.1M - Men

Table HA.2: Knowledge of mother-to-child HIV transmission (women) Percentage of women age years who correctly identify means of HIV transmission from mother to child, Country, Year Percentage of women age who have heard of AIDS and: Numbe r of wome n age Know HIV can be transmitted from mother to child: Do not know any of the specific means of HIV transmission from mother to child During pregnancy During delivery By breastfeeding By at least one of the three means By all three means 1 1 MICS indicator Knowledge of mother-to-child transmission of HIV HA.2M - Men

Table HA.3: Accepting attitudes toward people living with HIV (women) Percentage of women age years who have heard of AIDS who express an accepting attitude towards people living with HIV, Country, Year Percentage of women who: Number of women age who have heard of AIDS Are willing to care for a family member with the AIDS virus in own home Would buy fresh vegetables from a shopkeeper or vendor who is HIV- positive Believe that a female teacher who is HIV- positive and is not sick should be allowed to continue teaching Would not want to keep secret that a family member is HIV-positive Agree with at least one accepting attitude Express accepting attitudes on all four indicators 1 New Global Indicator as of 2014: New question in addition to “shopkeeper”: If HIV-positive children should be allowed to go to school with HIV-negative children. 1 MICS indicator Accepting attitudes towards people living with HIV HA.3M - Men

Table HA.4: Knowledge of a place for HIV testing (women) Percentage of women age years …, Country, Year Percentage of women who: Number of women age Know a place to get tested 1 Have ever been tested Have ever been tested and know the result of the most recent test Have been tested in the last 12 months Have been tested in the last 12 months and know the result 2, 3 Total Age and sexual activity in the last 12 months Sexually active MICS indicator Women who know where to be tested for HIV 2 MICS indicator Women who have been tested for HIV and know the results 3 MICS indicator Sexually active young women who have been tested for HIV & know the results HA.4M - Men

Table HA.5: HIV counselling and testing during antenatal care Percentage of women age with a live birth in the last 2 years who received antenatal care from a health professional during the last pregnancy, percentage who received HIV counselling, percentage who were offered and tested for HIV, percentage who were offered, tested and received the results of the HIV test, and percentage who received counselling and were offered, accepted and received the results of the HIV test, Country, Year Percentage of women who: Number of women age with a live birth in the last 2 years Received antenatal care from a health care professional for last pregnancy Received HIV counselling during antenatal care 1 Were offered an HIV test and were tested for HIV during antenatal care Were offered an HIV test and were tested for HIV during antenatal care, and received the results 2 Received HIV counselling, were offered an HIV test, accepted and received the results 1 MICS indicator HIV counselling during antenatal care 2 MICS indicator HIV testing during antenatal care

Table HA.7: Key HIV and AIDS indicators (young women) Percentage of women age years by key HIV and AIDS indicators, Country, Year Percentage of women age years who: Numb er of wome n age years Percentage of sexually active young women who have been tested for HIV in the last 12 months and know the result 2 Number of women age years who had sex in the last 12 months Percentage who express accepting attitudes towards people living with HIV/AIDS on all four indicators Numbe r of women age years who have heard of AIDS Have comprehen sive knowledge 1 Know all three means of HIV trans- mission from mother to child Know a place to get tested for HIV Have ever been tested and know the result of the most recent test Have been tested for HIV in the last 12 months and know the result Had sex in the last 12 months 1 MICS indicator 9.1; MDG indicator Knowledge about HIV prevention among young women 2 MICS indicator Sexually active young women who have been tested for HIV & know the results HA.7M - Men Summary table NEW!

Sexual Behavior  Data quality issues: Missing, refusal, DK and misreporting in Sexual Behavior module

Table HA.6: Sex with multiple partners (women) Percentage of women age years who ever had sex, percentage who had sex in the last 12 months, percentage who had sex with more than one partner in the last 12 months, and among those who had sex with multiple partners in the last 12 months, the percentage who used a condom at last sex, Country, Year Percentage of women who: Number of women age years Percentage of women who had more than one sexual partner in the last 12 months reporting that a condom was used the last time they had sex 2 Number of women age years who had more than one sexual partner in the last 12 months Ever had sex Had sex in the last 12 months Had sex with more than one partner in last 12 months 1 1 MICS indicator Multiple sexual partnerships 2 MICS indicator Condom use at last sex among people with multiple sexual partnerships HA.6M - Men

Table HA.8: Key sexual behaviour indicators (young women) Percentage of women age years by key sexual behaviour indicators, Country, Year Percentage of women age years who: Numb er of wom en age years % of women who never had sex 2 Numb er of never- marrie d wome n age years % of women age years who in the last 12 months had sex with: Numbe r of wome n age years who had sex in the last 12 month s % reporting the use of a condom during the last sexual intercourse with a non- marital, non- cohabiting partner in the last 12 months 5 Number of women age years who had sex with a non- marital, non- cohabitin g partner in last 12 months % reporti ng that a condo m was used the last time they had sex Number of women age years who had sex with more than one partner in the last 12 months Had sex before age 15 1 Ever had sex Had sex with more than one partner in last 12 months A man 10 or more years older 3 A non- marit al, non- cohab iting partn er 4 1 MICS indicator Sex before age 15 among young women 2 MICS indicator Young women who have never had sex 3 MICS indicator Age-mixing among sexual partners 4 MICS indicator Sex with non-regular partners 5 MICS indicator 9.15; MDG indicator Condom use with non-regular partners HA.8M - Men NEW!

Table HA.9: School attendance of orphans and non-orphans School attendance of children age years by orphanhood, Country, Year Percenta ge of children whose mother and father have died (orphans) Percentage of children of whom both parents are alive and child is living with at least one parent (non- orphans) Number of children age years Percentage of children whose mother and father have died (orphans) and are attending school Total number of orphan children age years Percentage of children of whom both parents are alive and child is living with at least one parent (non-orphans) and are attending school Total number of non- orphan children age years Orphans to non- orphans school attenda nce ratio 1 Total Sex Male Female Area Urban Rural 1 MICS indicator 9.16; MDG indicator Ratio of school attendance of orphans to school attendance of non-orphans

Percentage of children whose mother and father have died (orphans) Percentage of children whose parents are still alive and who are living with at least one parent (non- orphans) Number of children age years Percentage of children whose mother and father have died (orphans) and are attending school Total number of orphan children age years Percentage of children whose parents are still alive, who are living with at least one parent (non- orphans), and who are attending school Total number of non- orphan children age years Orphans to non- orphans school attenda nce ratio SexMale Female Areaxxx yyy Total Table HA.13: School attendance of orphans and non-orphans School attendance of children age years by orphanhood

Some ideas for further analyses Association between use of ANC services and knowledge about HIV Mass Media and ICT Determinants of sexual behavior among adolescents Some surveys may consider presenting more tables, such as was provided in MICS4, i.e. further disaggregated data

Table HA.10: Male circumcision Percentage of men age years who report having been circumcised, and percent distribution of men by age of circumcision, Country, Year Percent circumcised 1 Number of men age years Age at circumcision: Total Number of men age years who have have been circumcised During infancy 1-4 years 5-9 years years years years 25+ years DK/ Missing 1 MICS indicator Male circumcision

Table HA.11: Provider and location of circumcision Percent distribution of circumcised men age by person performing circumcision and the location where circumcision was performed, Country, Year Person performing circumcision: Total Place of circumcision: Total Number of men age years who have have been circumcise d Traditional practitioner / family/ friend Health worker/ professio nalOther DK/ Missin g Health facility Home of a health worker/ professi onal At ho me Ritua l site Othe r hom e/ place DK/ Mis sing