WHAT ARE THESE EFFECTS? Heat effect Light effect Magnetic effect Chemical effect
HEAT AND LIGHT EFFECT When an electric current flows through the filament of a light bulb, electric energy is converted into light and heat energy.
We want the light from a light bulb, but a lot of the available energy is given off as heat by an incandescent light bulb.. Energy-saving light bulbs are much more efficient in converting energy into light.
Energy-efficient fluorescent light bulb converts more than 80% energy into light
WHERE ELSE DO WE USE THE HEAT EFFECT? A fuse is a safety measure to prevent a circuit from overheating. The wire in a fuse is made of a metal with a lower melting point than that of the circuit conductors. The fuse wire will burn through when the circuit overheats, breaking the circuit.
Blade fuses are used in motor car engines. The element of a kettle converts electric energy into heat energy
MODERN CIRCUIT BREAKERS In modern circuit breakers the „fuses” are much more sophisticated. Electrical boards in our homes have „trip” switches.
In some countries the use of a fuse in a plug is compulsory
Magnetic effect Charge moving through a conductor causes a magnetic effect around the conductor. (Likewise, a magnet can cause an electric current in a conductor.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=KumDUr33qmI
How to make an electromagnet Wind copper wire around an iron nail. Connect the ends of the copper wire to a battery; switch on. The right hand rule will help you to determine the polarity of your electromagnet.
The right hand rule... Your fingers point in direction of conventional current (+ to -). Thumb will point towards North. You have to use RIGHT hand!
Applications of electromagnetism Sound equipment e.g. Speakers and microphones. Electromagnetic cranes. Maglev trains Etc.
The train tracks as well as underside of train are magnetised; electromagnet activated and deactivated as train moves forward https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=aIwbrZ4knpg
CHEMICAL EFFECT OF AN ELECTRIC CURRENT Breaking up of a compound by means of an electric current = ELECTROLYSIS. Solution that can conduct an electric current = ELECTROLYTE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Q62UfP-ZADY