Closing Report IEEE Media Independent Handover Services Session #25 Orlando, Florida Vivek Gupta
2 Agenda Accomplishments WG Election Update Comment Resolution Update Study Group Updates Future Locations
3 Accomplishments Resolved all comments in SB Recirculation-2 Updated Draft D10.0 to be produced by Editor SB Recirculation-3 to be initiated in April Study Groups extended by 802 EC until July Security Study Group Multi-Radio Power Conservation Management SG Two other Study Groups under consideration Emergency Services Handover with Broadcast Technologies (DVB, etc.) WG Approved ad hoc meeting in June 2008
4 WG Election Report WG carried out WG elections on Monday March-17 A secret ballot was used with paper ballot forms In the election for WG Chair, Vivek Gupta was the only candidate and was elected unanimously (with 34 votes). There were 2 candidates for WG Vice Chair, Michael Williams and Subir Das. Subir Das was elected as Vice Chair by vote of
5 Revised Timeline (March 2008) IEEE ECSG formed – March 2003 IEEE WG formed – March 2004 Requirements development – September 2004 Call for Proposals – October 2004 Harmonized Single Proposal Confirmed by the WG – May 2005 Ongoing WG Comment Resolution started – July 2005 WG Comment Resolution completed – January 2006 Start of WG Letter Ballot – March 2006 Start of IEEE 802 Sponsor Ballot –(July-07) IEEE 802 Draft Standard sent to RevCom – July 2008 Ongoing Interaction with Other Standards Organization (3GPP, 3GPP2, IETF, , , 802.3) - adoption of it depends on the timeline of work items within these groups
6 SB Recirculation-2 Voting Summary No of Members: 165 Received Votes: 140 Approve: 112 Disapprove: 15 Abstain: 13 Approval ratio = 112/(15+112) = 0.88 Return ratio = 140/165 = 0.84
7 SB Recirc-2 Comment Resolution Progress SectionResolved #Total Comments Annex118 Total: 253 Comments Includes Editorials (Total: 68)
8 Request to form Emergency Services SG 802 Networks need to support Emergency Services. Specifically they would need to address L2 issues related to prioritization, pre-emption and geo-location of caller to support these services Various presentations on this topic over last year %20Services%20CFI.ppt – CFI by Stephen McCann (Nov 2007) %20Services%20CFI.ppt tutorial.ppt - Tutorial by Scott, Stephen et al (March 2007) tutorial.ppt services.ppt - Stephen (March 2008) services.ppt WG Motion to request EC Approval for formation of Emergency Services SG Stephen McCann/Michael Williams/Scott Henderson (as potential SG Chair candidates)
9 Request to form Handovers with Broadcast Technologies SG DVB is an emerging technology in Europe and elsewhere. There are potential handover scenarios between DVB (and other broadcast technologies) and / WG has been invited to give a Tutorial to DVB Consortium in June and DVB to reciprocate in July. Possibility of liasion between IEEE and DVB Consortia in June-July timeframe. Some presentations on this topic over last year presentation.ppt – Burak Simsek et al (Nov 2007) presentation.ppt presentation.ppt - Grigat, Stupor, Simsek et al (Jan 2008) presentation.ppt presentation.ppt#306,3,Summary – Burak Simsek (March 2008) presentation.ppt#306,3,Summary WG Motion to request EC Approval for formation of Handovers with Broadcast Technologies SG: Burak Simsek/Juan Carlos Zunniga (as potential SG Chair candidates)
10 Study Group Reports
11 Security SG - Accomplishments Two meeting slots: (Tue) AM2, (Thu) PM1 Joint Meeting with Tutorial on Tuesday: Security Signaling during Handovers sec-security-signaling-during-handovers- tutorial.ppt sec-security-signaling-during-handovers- tutorial.ppt Discussed PAR and 5C issues Details available at ssg-closing-notes.ppt ssg-closing-notes.ppt
12 Security SG Milestones (Revised) March 2008 TR discussion (MIH-level security) Tutorial preparation Joint Meeting with Security Task Group April 2008 Teleconference(s) for PAR/5C update May 2008 Finalize PAR/5C TR discussion (distributed authenticator model) June 2008 Submit PAR/5C to IEEE 802 EC to create a TG July 2008 Completion of TR Discuss feedback on PAR/5C
13 Multi-Radio PM SG – Accomplishments Two meeting slots: (Tue) AM1, (Thu) AM1 Officers Chair: Behcet Sarikaya Editor: Behcet Sarikaya Secretary: Junghoon Jee Technical contributions MRPM Scenario Analysis Tutorial Power Management Modes Use Cases Fixed Terminal Power Management Draft 5C Detailed Report available at mrpm-sg-notes.ppt mrpm-sg-notes.ppt
14 MRPM SG Milestones May 2008 Contributions (Policy, QoS aspects of power mgmt) Contributions (Solution space) Contributions (Tutorial) June 2008 Submit PAR/5C to IEEE 802 EC to create a TG July 2008 TR MRPM Tutorial EC to consider PAR/5C
15 Future Sessions
16 Future Sessions Interim: May 11 th – 16 th, 2008 (Jacksonville) Meeting co-located with /15/18/19/20/22 Plenary: July 13 th – 18 th,2008, Denver, Colorado Co-located with all 802 groups Interim: Sept 7 th – 12 th,2008, (Big Island, Hawaii) Meeting co-located with /15/18/19/20/22 Plenary: Nov 9 th – 14 th,2008, D allas, TX Co-located with all 802 groups
17 Future Sessions Interim: Jan (San Antonio) Meeting co-located with /15/18/19/20/22 Plenary: March (Vancouver) Co-located with all 802 groups Interim: May (Montreal) Meeting co-located with /15/18/19/20/22 Plenary: July (San Francisco) Co-located with all 802 groups Interim: Sept (Big Island, Hawaii) Meeting co-located with /15/18/19/20/22 Plenary: Nov (Atlanta) Co-located with all 802 groups