400 pt 600 pt 800 pt 1000 pt 200 pt 400 pt 600pt 800 pt 1000 pt 200 pt 400 pt 600 pt 800 pt 1000 pt 200 pt 400 pt 600 pt 800 pt 1000 pt 200 pt 400 pt 600 pt 800 pt 1000 pt 200 pt Destruction Leaders And Battles Military Take Over ScategoriesEvents
Date of Pearl Harbor
December 7, 1941
Name the two cities where the bombs were dropped
Nagasaki and Hiroshima
City under siege in the Soviet Union (cannibalism)
At Munich Pact - Hitler promised To stop attacking if he kept Sudenteland
Only 1,000 survivors were left At this battle and Bushido was in full effect
Iwo Jima
Italian form of government
Last effort by the Germans to repulse the allies
Battle of Bulge
English leader at the Battle of Britain
Winston Churchill
1st battle was here - it officially started the war
Led the US forces in the Pacific theatre of war
Douglas MaCarthur
June 6, 1944 Allied invasion of France
D- Day
West part of Czechoslovakia that Hitler took in 1938
Japanese claimed this area of China in 1931
Soviet - German Pact to share Poland
Non Aggression Pact
US defeated Japan to re-take this island, while destroying 4 aircraft carriers
Battle of Midway
Dacchau is located where?
Name one similarity and difference Between Pearl Harbor and 9/11
Sim- planes used,surprise attack, started war, around 2000 deaths Differences- Japan vs. Terror group, civilian vs. military target,
African American Fighter pilots
Tuskegee Airmen
Death March in the Philippines
Leader who took over Ethiopia in 1935
Benito Mussolini
Hitler’s Term for Genocide
Final Solution
He ordered the Pearl Harbor attack
Hideki Tojo
War Crime Trials held here
Nuremberg, Germany
Night of Broken Glass
Conference to make a peace plan was here- Soviets decided to stay in East Germany