November 5-6, 2010 Sheraton Arlington Arlington, Texas Log on to to register for your hotel and conference registration Early Bird registrants will be eligible to win a 1 nights conference stay or a free registration to the conference! $160 April 1, 2010 thru October 1, 2010 $175 September 1 thru October 31, 2010 $200 November until day of the conference Price includes events for both days
HISPANIC ORGANIZATION OF POSTAL EMPLOYEES P.O. BOX FORT WORTH TX Albuquerque Austin Arizona Dallas Denver Fort Worth Houston Northern Illinois Portland San Antonio Southern Colorado September 20, 2010 Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce 1327 N.Main St. Fort Worth, Texas The Hispanic Organization of Postal Employees (H.O.P.E.) is a non- profit organization committed to recruiting and educating Hispanics on employment opportunities within the U.S. Postal Service, scholarships, and community involvement. The HOPE Organization is pleased and honored to be hosting the 2010 National Hispanic Conference, being held in Arlington, Texas, November 5-6, 2010 at the beautiful Sheraton Arlington Hotel. The theme for our National Hispanic Conference is: H.O.P.E: “Providing Leadership, Education and Development” This conference will offer numerous self-development and skills enhancing workshops to better prepare our workforce for career opportunities within the Postal Service. Our invited guest speakers include many USPS Senior Executives and motivational speakers. The national conferences are held every 2 years and it would be a distinct honor if you could be a part of our event through your sponsorship or donation of a promotional item to be placed in our event bags that will be given to each attendee. I believe the partnership we share will help us develop our members for today’s changing business climate. Thank you for taking the time to consider our invitation and we look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Daniel Mata National President, HOPE Inc
REGISTRATION April 1, 2010 thru August 31, 2010 $160 September 1 thru October 31, 2010$175 November 1, 2010 until day of the conference$200 Workshops & General Session (No meals or other activities)$75 Single or Additional Friday Luncheon tickets (Fri. & Sat.)$30 Single or Additional Hospitality Reception tickets (3 hrs.)$20 Single or Additional Saturday Luncheon Tickets$30 Single or Additional Dinner/Dance Banquet Tickets$40 per person $75 couple
CONFERENCE PROGRAM Color Advertisement Full page (back cover)$500 Full page (front inside cover)$400 Full page (back inside cover)$400 Black and White Advertisement Full page $125 Half Page$75 Quarter Page$50 Business Card$25
HOPE U.S.P.S and H.O.P.E.: “Providing Leadership, Education and Development” National Hispanic Conference November 5-6, 2010 Arlington, Texas Company/Organization Name: Contact Person: Title: Address: City/ST/Zip+4: Business Phone: Fax Number: Conference Partnership Opportunities Please check your desired commitment level. Program Advertisement Color Advertisement Black & White Advertisement Full Page (Back Cover) $500 Full Page $125 Full Page (Front Inside Cover)$400 Half Page $75 Full Page (Back Inside Cover)$400 Quarter Page $50 Business Card $25 Total Advertising Commitment ****************************************************************************************************************************************************** Exhibitor/Vendor Booths Exhibitor 2 Day Package$100 (Informational exhibit only, no merchandise may be sold) Vendor 2 Day Package$200 Lunch tickets will be available for purchase. Names of Attendees: Total Exhibitor/Vendor Commitment ****************************************************************************************************************************************************** Special Advertising Opportunities Friday Luncheon$3000 Saturday Continental Breakfast$1500 Friday Luncheon Decorations$1500 Saturday Luncheon$3000 Friday Mixer Sponsorship$2000 Saturday Luncheon Decorations$1500 Friday Mixer Decorations$500 Saturday Banquet Sponsorship $2000 Dinner Banquet Decorations$500 Musical Entertainment$3000 Cultural Dancers/Mariachi’s$1500 Total Special Advertising Commitment ****************************************************************************************************************************************************** All Conference Partners will be recognized in our Conference Program. Pledge your involvement now. Total Amount Enclosed: I have read and agree to all terms in the Advertising/Vendor/Exhibitor General Information page. Authorized Signature:Date: Mail completed form, along with check or money order to: National Hispanic Conference, c/o HOPE, 5050 Kleinbrook Dr., Houston Tx
Exhibitor/Vendor Booth Exhibit area will be open Friday, November 5, 2010 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Saturday, November 6, 2010 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Exhibit tables are 2.5’ x 6’ and include table cloth and two chairs. All exhibits must be in place, ready to open on Friday, November 5, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. and close down by Saturday November 6, 2010 at 4:30 p.m. Electrical and telecommunication supplies and services will not be provided. You must contact the hotel directly to arrange for electrical power or phone lines. Storage space is not available for display merchandise. HOPE will not be responsible for any loss or damages arising from vendor activities on hotel premises. Exhibitor/Vendor Booth Exhibitor 2 Day Package $100 (Informational exhibit only, no merchandise may be sold) Vendor 2 Day Package $200 Lunch tickets will be available for purchase Names of Attendees: Total Exhibitor/Vendor Commitment $ Please mail registration form along with your payment to: Michelle Grant HOPE National PO Box Fort Worth TX VENDOR TABLES Tables Available 6’ x 2.5’ Vendor tables $200 for 2 days Exhibitors $100 for 2 days
The Hispanic Organization Of Postal Employees invites you to participate in the 2010 HOPE Golf Classic Thursday, November 4, 2010 Rockwood Golf Course 1851 Jacksboro Highway Fort Worth, TX Check-In Time a.m. Shot Gun Start 12:00 p.m. $60 Entry fee, per golfer Florida Scramble Format All entries must be submitted no later than Monday, October 25, 2010 Includes: Golf Cart, Hamburger Lunch (11:00 am) 4 Adult Beverages per player For more information contact: Cathy Villagran at Michelle Grant at Daniel Mata at Thursday, November 4, 2010 Rockwood Golf Course Fort Worth TX To register go to or click on the link
The Hispanic Organization Of Postal Employees invites you to participate in the 2010 HOPE Golf Classic $60 Entry fee, per golfer Florida Scramble Format Check-In Time a.m. Shot Gun Start 12:00 p.m. Includes: Golf Cart, Hamburger Lunch (11:00 am), 4 Adult Beverages per player For more information contact: Cathy Villagran at Michelle Grant at Daniel Mata at Log on to to register or for more Golf Tournament Entries: Contact Name: Address: City, State, ZIP: Telephone: Names of Team Members (4) Amount submitted: $ Please make check payable to H.O.P.E. Write Golf Tournament in the memo section of your check Mail to: HOPE PO Box Fort Worth TX Thursday, November 4, 2010 Rockwood Golf Course 1851 Jacksboro Highway Fort Worth, TX Rain Or Shine All entries must be submitted no later than Monday, October 25, 2010
November 4, 2010 Tour Departs: 6:30 p.m. (Please arrive no later than 5:45 p.m. at Entry A) Tickets will be available for pick up at Entry A on November 4 th Cowboy Stadium is approximately 1 mile from the Sheraton Hotel (Transportation is not provided. Make some friends and carpool!) You will have access to: Private Suite The Cowboys & Cheerleaders Locker Room Run through the Cowboys Tunnel and explore our Field Club Post-Game Interview Room Field Access (throw passes, kick field goals, take pictures on the Star Free 6 X 8 photo on the field Exclusive HOPE Price $18.64 ORDERS ARE DUE BY October 25, 2010; reservations must be placed in advance. No Refunds. The tour will last approximately minutes; wear comfortable footwear For information about the 2010 National HOPE Conference go to To register for the HOPE Golf Classic go to Come and tour Cowboys Stadium with.
HOPE Presents The La Musica Calienté Saturday, November 6, 2010 at the HOPE Conference Gala