Major Rivers of Texas Rivers of Texas 1._Rio Grande_______ 2._Red River________ 3._Sabine River_____ 4._Neches River_____ 5._Nueces River_____ 6._Trinity River______ 7._San Jacinto River__ 8._Brazos River______ 9._Colorado River____ 10._Lavaca River______ 11._Guadalupe River__ 12._San Antonio River_ 13.**_Pecos River_____ 14.**_Canadian River__ ** - These two rivers are not streets in downtown Austin Sabine River Red River Neches River Rio Grande Trinity River Brazos River Colorado River Lavaca River Guadalupe River San Antonio River Nueces River The San Jacinto Battle Caused Lots of Grief for Santa Anna Pecos River Canadian River San Jacinto River
How am I EVER going to remember all those rivers for the quiz????? Label the border rivers FIRST (they should be the easiest!) Label the “Two N” rivers NEXT… Neches R. and Nueces R. (remember- they are alphabetical from east to west) Learn this saying to remember the rest of the rivers. If you use the first letter of each of these words, they should help you remember the rivers from east to west The San Jacinto Battle Caused Lots of Grief for Santa Anna Fill in the last two rivers (Pecos and Canadian) last
Important Texas Cities 1._Austin__________ 2._El Paso__________ 3._Laredo__________ 4._Brownsville_______ 5._Corpus Christi_____ 6._Galveston________ 7._Houston_________ 8._Dallas___________ 9. _Fort Worth________ 10._Amarillo_________ 11. _Lubbock_________ 12. _San Antonio______ Important Texas Cities Sabine River Red River Neches River Rio Grande Trinity River Brazos River Colorado River Lavaca River Guadalupe River San Antonio River Nueces River Pecos River Canadian River Austin El Paso San Antonio Dallas Fort Worth Brownsville Laredo Houston Galveston Amarillo Corpus Christi Lubbock San Jacinto River