Adolf Hitler’s Birthday April 20, 1889 121 years old
1.) Name and describe the event that boosts British morale. 2.) What is Germany’s new “type of warfare”? 3.) Explain the outcome of Operation Sea Lion.
SSeptember 1, 1939 – The Nazi- German forces storm into Poland. HHitler utilizes “BLITZKRIEG” LLightning War: German planes fly in to attack troops and civilians NNext, tanks quickly roll in. LLastly, troop transports move in to occupy. SStalin invades from the East. WWithin one month, Poland no longer exists.
“Phony War” French troops wait along with British troops behind the MAGINOT Line. Quiet time during winter War ‘EXPLODES’ in April Hitler takes Norway and Denmark. Netherlands and Belgium are next. Hitler has his sights set on crushing France
GGerman forces were pouring into France. TThe retreating British forces were trapped between the Nazi forces pushing east and the English Channel. BBritain sends all of its naval vessels, even fishing boats, to stage a rescue of its stranded troops. DDespite German air attacks on the beach of Dunkirk. 3300,000 are safely rescued give Brits a morale boost!!
The forces of Germany had made it to Paris. June 22, 1940 – Hitler avenges the loss of 1918 and has eliminated the pain of Versailles. France must sign surrender documents. Northern France is now under German control. Some “free French” set up a government in exile. Led by Charles de Gaulle.
The use of Air power is paramount. Luftwaffe – German air force Armored tanks vastly improved from WWI. Scientists helped to improved capabilities of weaponry. Sonar used by submarines. Radar used by airplane pilots.
With France fallen, Britain is the next target and last democracy in West. Europe. Prime Minister Winston Churchill will not give in. “We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be.” Operation Sea Lion Starting on August 12, 1940, German planes bomb southeast coast of England. “The Blitz” is initiated.
September 7, 1940 Planes bomb London for 57 straight nights (Sept. 7, 1940). Much is destroyed and 15,000 lose their lives. Citizens encouraged to go about daily routines. Parliament continued to meet. The King and Queen stayed too. British remain united together. By June 1941, Operation Sea Lion was a failure. Next Target: The Soviet Union
June 1941, conquest of Soviet Union is Hitler’s goal. Must defeat his rival Stalin. New blitzkrieg with 3 million Germans pouring into USSR. USSR lose 2.5 million soldiers in fighting. Burn factories, crops, ect. Just like Napoleon, the “General winter” of 1941 will be Soviets best defense.
2 and-a-half year battle for city. Citizens starved and suffered. “jellied meat” – boiled wallpaper Over one million citizens die. German forces are somewhat stopped.
Lend-Lease Act – 1941 FDR says USA is, “the arsenal of Democracy.” Atlantic Charter August 1941 – Churchill and FDR meet to make plans. “Destruction of Nazi tyranny.” United States do not enter, but are ready to support.
Japan wants to expand territorial control in Asia and Pacific. USA stands in the way. No peace talks can be made. General Tojo executes a “surprise attack” against the United States in Pacific. U.S. Naval base at Pearl Harbor.
“A DATE, WHICH WILL LIVE IN INFAMY.” Early in the morning, Japanese planes bombard American base. Airplanes destroyed, 19 ships are demolished, and 2,400 will perish. President Roosevelt asks to declare “WAR on JAPAN”. As allies, Germany and Italy declare war against the United States (12/11/1941).
1.) Name and describe the event that boosts British morale. 2.) What is Germany’s new “type of warfare”? 3.) Explain the outcome of Operation Sea Lion.