General Safety Rules Ms. Royster East Forsyth
Rule #1 Eye protection should be worn whenever conditions indicate eye protection is necessary. --- ALL THE TIME!!!
Rule #2 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) addresses health, safety and noise regulations in the workplace.
Rule #3 Unless carefully taking electrical measurements, a person should NEVER work on electrical equipment while the power is on.
Rule #4 An individual should assume the ultimate responsibility for safety and the protection of good health.
Rule #5 It is safer to wear snug fitting clothing in the technology lab because it is less likely to become tangled.
Rule #6 Fire Extinguisher Type “A” Extinguishers – paper, wood, or cloth Type “B” Extinguishers – oil, solvents, inks, or grease Type “C” Extinguishers – electrical panels or wire
Rule #7 The best tool choices for use in a damp environment are battery powered portable tools.
Rule #8 Muffled hearing is a symptom that could indicate exposure to excessive noise levels.
Rule #9 Read and follow directions to avoid accidents while mixing chemicals.
Rule #10 Safety Colors Safety! Find it easily; Emergency routes and location of first aid equipment. Warning! Hazards that may cause injury if not avoided. Hazards having cutting, crushing or shock hazards. Warns against unsafe practices or guard removal. Stop! Or Danger! Hazards that will result in injury or death; Hazards that cannot be guarded. Stop buttons, emergency switches and fire equipment. Caution! Hazards of moderate injury potential; Hazards hindering movement. Trip hazards, traffic lanes and flammable materials cabinets. Safety information – Read this to stay safe; Informational materials and safety bulletin boards or displays.
Rule #11 Ink or solvent saturated rags should be stored in a fire safety can.
Rule #12 When working with chemicals, keep the work area clean at all times.
Rule #13 Glass containers should be avoided for chemical storage because they may break.
Rule #14 If there are exposed or damaged wires on portable power tools, report it to the teacher.
Rule #15 Electrical grounding is intended to prevent electrical shock.