The Population of Texas and The United States: Historical Patterns and Future Trends Affecting Education Steve H. Murdock Department of Sociology Rice University TAMU Commerce Educational Conference July 15, 2010
Major Topics of the Presentation __________________________ Change in Rates and Sources of Population Growth Increase in NonAnglo Populations Aging of the Population Implications of Demographic Change for Education, the Labor Force and Economic Development
Sources of Data U.S. Census Bureau: See website for definitions for U.S. race categories. Texas State Data Center: See website for definitions for Texas race categories.
Total Population and Percent Population Change in Texas and the United States, Total Population Percent Change YearTexasU.S. TexasU.S ,592 23,191, ,215 31,443, ,579 39,818, ,591,749 50,155, ,235,527 62,947, ,048,710 75,994, ,896,542 91,972, ,663, ,710, ,824, ,775, ,414, ,669, ,711, ,697, ,579, ,323, ,196, ,302, ,229, ,545, ,986, ,709, ,851, ,421, ,782, ,006, * Source: Derived from the U.S. Census Bureau decennial census and population estimates. Values for years ending in 0 reference April 1 of the year. Value for 2009 is an estimate for July 1.
Components of Change, U.S. and Texas, United States Texas Component Numeric Change Percent of Total Change Numeric Change Percent of Total Change Total Change25,584, ,930, Natural Increase15,875, ,124, Net Domestic Migration , Net International Migration9,709, , Source: Derived from U.S. Bureau of the Census.
Percent of United States Population Change Due to Immigration and Natural Increase, 1820 to 2005 Source: Texas State Data Center
Immigration into the United States, by Period and Area of Origin of Immigrants, (numbers in thousands)
Ten Largest States in the United States by Population Size in 2009: Population in 2000 and State 2000 Population* 2009 Population* Change NumericPercent California33,871,64836,961,6643,090, Texas20,851,82024,782,3023,930, New York18,976,45719,541,453564, Florida15,982,37818,537,9692,555, Illinois12,419,29312,910,409491, Pennsylvania12,281,05412,604,767323, Ohio11,353,14011,542,645189, Michigan9,938,4449,969,72731, Georgia8,186,4539,829,2111,642, North Carolina8,049,3139,380,8841,331, * Population values are decennial census counts for April 1 for 2000 and estimates for July 1 for Source: Derived from U.S. Bureau, Population Division
Ten Largest States in the United States by Population Size in 2008: 2000 and 2008 State2000 Population* 2008 Population* Change NumericPercent California33,871,64836,756,6662,885, Texas20,851,82024,326,9743,475, New York18,976,45719,490,297513, Florida15,982,37818,328,3402,345, Illinois12,419,29312,901,563482, Pennsylvania12,281,05412,448,279167, Ohio11,353,14011,485,910132, Michigan9,938,44410,003,42264, Georgia8,186,4539,685,7441,499, North Carolina8,049,3139,222,4141,173, * Population values are decennial census counts for April 1 for 2000 and estimates for July 1 for SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division
Ten States in the United States with Largest Numeric Population Increase: State 2000 Population* 2009 Population* Change NumericPercent Texas20,851,82024,782,3023,930, California33,871,64836,961,6643,090, Florida15,982,37818,537,9692,555, Georgia8,186,4539,829,2111,642, Arizona5,130,6326,595,7781,465, North Carolina8,049,3139,380,8841,331, Virginia7,078,5157,882,590804, Washington5,894,1216,664,195770, Colorado4,301,2615,024,748723, Nevada1,998,2572,643,085644, * Population values are decennial census counts for April 1 for 2000 and estimates for July 1 for Source: Derived from U.S. Bureau, Population Division
Ten States in the United States with Largest Percentage Population Increases: State 2000 Population* 2009 Population* Change NumericPercent Nevada1,998,2572,643,085644, Arizona5,130,6326,595,7781,465, Utah2,233,1692,784,572551, Georgia8,186,4539,829,2111,642, Idaho1,293,9531,545,801251, Texas20,851,82024,782,3023,930, Colorado4,301,2615,024,748723, North Carolina8,049,3139,380,8841,331, Florida15,982,37818,537,9692,555, South Carolina4,012,0124,561,242549, * Population values are decennial census counts for April 1 for 2000 and estimates for July 1 for Source: Derived from U.S. Bureau, Population Division
Population Change in Texas Counties, Source: Texas State Data Center
Texas Regional Councils of Governments
Councils of Governments in Texas Ranked by Total Population in 2009: Total Population in 2000 and 2009; Numeric and Percent Change, ; and Percent of the State Population (2009) and State Population Change Total PopulationPopulation ChangePercent of State Council of Government Numeric% Population 2009 Change, North Central Texas5,309,2706,614,8891,305, Houston-Galveston4,854,4476,005,3341,150, Alamo Area1,807,8772,175,874367, Capital Area1,346,8351,816,818469, Lower Rio Grande Valley924,7801,157,918233, East Texas745,180813,56668, Rio Grande704,318775,92071, Coastal Bend549,014559,06710, Central Texas374,513422,76748, Panhandle402,856415,85613, Permian Basin376,670402,27725, South Plains377,870397,35519, South East Texas385,090378,477-6, Deep East Texas355,861369,67113, Heart of Texas321,533345,30823, South Texas264,177323,14258, West Central Texas324,897317,539-7, Brazos Valley267,087301,42834, Ark-Tex270,475278,5708, Nortex224,362217,270-7, Texoma178,202191,67913, Golden Crescent183,906187,5323, Middle Rio Grande154,385163,4089, Concho Valley148,213150,6372, State of Texas20,851,81824,782,3023,930,
Texas Metropolitan Statistical Areas
Metropolitan Statistical Areas in Texas Ranked by Numerical Change Between 2000 and 2009: Total Population in 2000 and 2009 and Numeric (U.S. Rank) and Percent Change, Total PopulationPopulation Change Metropolitan Statistical Area Numeric(Rank)% Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington5,161,5446,447,6151,286,078(1)24.9 Houston-Sugar Land-Baytown4,715,4075,867,4891,152,072(3)24.4 Austin-Round Rock1,249,7631,705,075455,329(12)36.4 San Antonio1,711,7032,072,128360,412(17)21.1 McAllen-Edinburg-Mission569,463741,152171,681(34)30.1 El Paso679,622751,29671,674(71)10.5 Brownsville-Harlingen335,227396,37161,144(84)18.2 Killeen-Temple-Fort Hood330,714379,23148,522(97)14.7 Laredo193,117241,43848,321(99)25.0 Tyler174,706204,66529,959(133)17.1 College Station-Bryan184,885212,26827,383(139)14.8 Lubbock249,700276,65926,962(141)10.8 Amarillo226,522246,47419,952(171)8.8 Waco213,517233,37819,859(174)9.3 Midland116,009132,31616,307(198)14.1 Odessa121,123134,62513,502(212)11.1 Longview194,042206,87412,832(215)6.6 Corpus Christi403,280416,09512,813(217)3.2 Sherman-Denison110,595120,0309,435(240)8.5 Texarkana /AR129,749137,4867,732(257)6.0 San Angelo105,781110,1194,338(286)4.1 Victoria111,663115,3963,728(292)3.3 Abilene160,245160, (318)-0.1 Wichita Falls151,524147,421-4,103(340)-2.7 Beaumont-Port Arthur385,090378,477-6,613(349)-1.7 Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Population Change in Texas Counties, Source: Texas State Data Center
Population Change in Texas Counties, Source: Prepared from U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2006 County Estimates by the Texas State Data Center, The University of Texas at San Antonio
Population Change in Texas Counties,
Population of the United States by Regions,
Percent Change in Population for States and Puerto Rico:
Proportion of U.S. Population by Race/Ethnicity in Each Region in 2000
Population, Percent Population Change, and Proportion of Population by Race/Ethnicity for Texas and the United States, Source: Texas State Data Center using 1980 Census Sample Data and 1990 Summary Tape File 1 (STF 1) – 100-Percent Data
Population, Percent Change in Population and Proportion of Population by Race/Ethnicity for Texas and the United States, 1990 and 2000 Source: Texas State Data Center
Population, Percent Change in Population and Proportion of Total Population by Ethnicity for Texas and the United States, 2000 and 2009 Population Percent Change Proportion of Population Race/Ethnic Category Texas White Alone, Not Hispanic 10,986,96511,583, Black Alone, Not Hispanic 2,378,4442,812, Other, Not Hispanic 816,7451,239, Hispanic 6,669,6669,148, Total 20,851,820 24,782, United States White Alone, Not Hispanic195,575,485199,851, Black Alone, Not Hispanic34,313,00737,681, Other, Not Hispanic*16,227,59621,054, Hispanic35,305,81848,419, Total 281,421,906307,006, Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division, Population Estimates for the United States, 2009 Vintage
Population, Percent Change in Population and Proportion of Total Population by Ethnicity for Bexar County and Texas, 2000 and 2009 Population Percent Change Proportion of Population Race/Ethnic Category Bexar County White Alone, Not Hispanic500,477516, Black Alone, Not Hispanic96,768111, Other, Not Hispanic38,65360, Hispanic 757,033962, Total 1,392,931 1,651, Texas White Alone, Not Hispanic 10,986,96511,583, Black Alone, Not Hispanic 2,378,4442,812, Other, Not Hispanic 816,7451,239, Hispanic 6,669,6669,148, Total 20,851,820 24,782, Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division, Population Estimates for the United States, 2009 Vintage
Population, Percent Change in Population and Proportion of Total Population by Ethnicity for Dallas County and Texas, 2000 and 2009 Population Percent Change Proportion of Population Race/Ethnic Category Dallas County White Alone, Not Hispanic989,665844, Black Alone, Not Hispanic448,697492, Other, Not Hispanic117,808147, Hispanic 662,729967, Total 2,218,8992,451, Texas White Alone, Not Hispanic 10,986,96511,583, Black Alone, Not Hispanic 2,378,4442,812, Other, Not Hispanic 816,7451,239, Hispanic 6,669,6669,148, Total 20,851,820 24,782, Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division, Population Estimates for the United States, 2009 Vintage
Population, Percent Change in Population and Proportion of Total Population by Ethnicity for Harris County and Texas, 2000 and 2009 Population Percent Change Proportion of Population Race/Ethnic Category Harris County White Alone, Not Hispanic1,444,1601,438, Black Alone, Not Hispanic623,637730, Other, Not Hispanic213,030282, Hispanic 1,119,7511,619, Total 3,400,5784,070, Texas White Alone, Not Hispanic 10,986,96511,583, Black Alone, Not Hispanic 2,378,4442,812, Other, Not Hispanic 816,7451,239, Hispanic 6,669,6669,148, Total 20,851,820 24,782, Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division, Population Estimates for the United States, 2009 Vintage
Population, Percent Change in Population and Proportion of Population by Ethnicity for Texas and the United States, 2000 and 2008 Population Percent Change Proportion of Population Race/Ethnic Category Texas White Alone, Not Hispanic 10,933,313 11,525, Black Alone, Not Hispanic 2,364,255 2,748, Other, Not Hispanic 884,586 1,182, Hispanic 6,669,666 8,870, Total 20,851,820 24,326, United States White Alone, Not Hispanic 194,552, ,491, Black Alone, Not Hispanic 33,947,837 37,171, Other, Not Hispanic 17,615,477 20,452, Hispanic 35,305,818 46,943, Total 281,421, ,059, Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 and Population Estimates, 2008
Latino Population (1000s) in 1990 and 2000 and Percentage Growth for Top 20 States in 2000
Hispanic Origin Population (1000s) in 2000 and 2007 and Percentage Change for Top 20 States in 2007 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 from Summary File 1 Table QT-P9; 2007 from Population Estimates, Table SC-EST
Birth-Death Ratios by Hispanic Origin, United States and Texas, Source: U.S. data from U.S. Census Bureau. Texas data from Texas State Data Center
Median Age in the United States and Texas,
Percent Change in Population by Age Group in the United States and Texas,
Percent Change in Population by Age Group in the United States and Texas,
Percent of Texas Population by Age Group and Ethnicity, 2000
Percent of Texas Population by Age Group and Ethnicity, 2040*
Percent of United States Population By Age Group and Ethnicity, 2000
Median Household Income in the United States by Age of Householder, 1999 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Money Income in the United States: 1999, Current Population Report P60-209
Median Household Income in the United States by Race/Ethnicity, 1989 and 1999 with Percent Change 1989 to 1999
Median Household Income In 1999 in Texas by Race/Ethnicity of Householder
Educational Attainment in 2000 in Texas for Persons 25+ Years of Age By Race/Ethnicity _____________________________________ Percent
Average (Mean) SAT Scores for College Bound Seniors in the United States in 2001 by Selected Characteristics
Projections of the U.S. Population by Race and Hispanic Origin: 2000 to 2050
Numeric Change in the Projected U.S. Population by Race and Hispanic Origin: 2000 to 2050 (in millions)
Projections of the U.S. Population by Race and Hispanic Origin: 2000 to 2050
Percent Change in the Projected U.S. Population by Race and Hispanic Origin: 2000 to 2050
Projected Change in the U.S. Population by Race and Hispanic Origin: 2000 to 2050
Projected Age Distribution of the U.S. Population: 2000 to 2050
Percent Age Distribution of the U.S. Population by Race and Hispanic Origin: 2000
Projected Percent Age Distribution of the U.S. Population by Race and Hispanic Origin: 2030
Projected Percent Age Distribution of the U.S. Population by Race and Hispanic Origin: 2050
Percent Race and Hispanic Origin Distribution of the U.S. Population by Selected Age Groups: 2000
Projected Percent Race and Hispanic Origin Distribution of the U.S. Population by Selected Age Groups: 2030
Projected Percent Race and Hispanic Origin Distribution of the U.S. Population by Selected Age Groups: 2050
Percent Change in the Projected U.S. Population by Age: 2000 to 2050
Population in Texas by Race/Ethnicity in 2000 and Projections of the Population in Texas by Race/Ethnicity from 2010 to 2040
Percent Change for Selected Time Periods for Projected Population in Texas by Race/Ethnicity Under Alternative Scenarios of Age/Sex and Race/Ethnicity-Specific Net Migration
Percent of Population in Texas by Race/Ethnicity in 2000 and Projections of the Population in Texas by Race/Ethnicity from 2010 to 2040
Texas Counties with 50 Percent or More of Their Total Population That is Anglo in 2000 and Projected for 2040 Under Alternative Projection Scenarios
Population by Age Group and Race/Ethnicity in 2000 and Projected Population by Age Group and Race/Ethnicity from 2020 to 2040 for Texas Under Alternative Scenarios of Age/Sex and Race/Ethnicity-Specific Net Migration
Percent of Population by Age Group and Race/Ethnicity in 2000 and Projected Percent of Population by Age and Race/Ethnicity from 2020 to 2040 for Texas Under Alternative Scenarios of Age/Sex and Race/Ethnicity-Specific Net Migration
Percent of Persons 65 Years of Age and Older in Texas Counties, 2000
Percent of Persons 65 Years of Age and Older in Texas Counties, 2040* * Assuming rates of migration equal to
Percent of Net Change in Texas Population from Due to Each Race/Ethnicity Group Under Alternative Scenarios of Age/Sex and Race/Ethnicity-Specific Net Migration
Projected Elementary and Secondary School, Community College and Public University Enrollment in the United States by Race/Ethnicity,
Percent of Projected Elementary and Secondary School, Community College and Public University Enrollment in the United States by Race/Ethnicity,
Percent Change for Selected Time Periods for Projected Elementary and Secondary School, Community College and Public University Enrollment in the United States by Race/Ethnicity,
Percent of Net Change in Elementary and Secondary School, Community College and Public University Enrollment in the United States Due to Each Race/Ethnicity,
Enrollment and Change in Enrollment of Economically Disadvantaged and All Students by Ethnicity in Texas Public Schools, and School Years Enrollment10-Year Change Race/Ethnic Category NumericPercent Economically Disadvantaged White368,387402,05733, African American364,434460,70396, Other36,58957,85221, Hispanic1,146,0711,765,647619, Total1,915,4812,686,259770, Total White1,746,8961,616, , African American568,757671,871103, Other112,068186,48774, Hispanic1,526,7132,275,098748, Total3,954,4344,749,571795, Source: Texas Education Agency, Enrollment in Texas Public Schools,
Enrollment, Percent Change in Enrollment and Proportion of Enrollment of Economically Disadvantaged and All Students by Ethnicity in Texas Public Schools, and School Years Enrollment Percent Change Proportion of Enrollment Race/Ethnic Category Year Economically Disadvantaged Students White368,387402, African American364,434460, Other36,58957, Hispanic1,146,0711,765, Total1,915,4812,686, All Students White1,746,8961,616, African American568,757671, Other112,068186, Hispanic1,526,7132,275, Total3,954,4344,749, Source: Texas Education Agency, Enrollment in Texas Public Schools,
District/County/School Year White (%) African American (%)Hispanic (%) Asian/Pacific Islander (%) Native American (%) Total Enrollment Houston ISD (Harris) , ,769 Dallas ISD (Dallas) , ,605 Cypress-Fairbanks ISD (Harris) , ,546 Northside ISD (Bexar) , ,544 Austin ISD (Travis) , ,181 Fort Worth ISD ( Tarrant) , ,732 Fort Bend ISD (Fort Bend) , ,780 Arlington ISD (Tarrant) , ,560 North East ISD (Bexar) , ,910 El Paso ISD (El Paso) , ,839 Total Public School Students by Race/Ethnicity in the 10 Largest* School Districts in Texas, and *Largest enrollment based on school year Source: Data compiled by the Texas State Data Center from Texas Education Agency, Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) District Profiles
Texas Higher Education Enrollment in Public Universities, Public 2-year Colleges and Health-related Institutions by Race/Ethnicity, 2000 and 2008 Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity Public Univ Public 2-year Colleges Health-related Institutions 2000 Enrollment White (%) African American (%) Hispanic (%) Asian (%) American Indian (%).5 International (%) Unknown (%) Total 2000 Enrollment414,626447,99813, Enrollment White (%) African American (%) Hispanic (%) Asian (%) American Indian (%).5.6 International (%) Unknown (%) Total 2008 Enrollment509,136617,50720,421 Source: Data compiled by the Texas State Data Center using data from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB)
Public Elementary and Secondary Public Community College, and Public University Enrollment in Texas by Race/Ethnicity in 2000 and Projections to 2040 Assuming Rates of Net Migration Equal to (1.0 Scenario)
Percent of Public Elementary and Secondary, Public Community College and Public University Enrollment in Texas by Race/Ethnicity in 2000 and Projections to 2040 Assuming Rates of Net Migration Equal to (1.0 Scenario)
Percent Change in Projected Public Elementary and Secondary, Public Community College and Public University Enrollment in Texas Assuming Rates of Net Migration Equal to (1.0 Scenario)
Number and Percent of Net Change in Projected Public Elementary and Secondary, Public Community College and Public University Enrollment in Texas Due To Each Race/Ethnicity Group, Assuming Rates of Net Migration Equal to (1.0 Scenario)
Future Demands for Specific Programs
Early Childhood
Early Childhood Age Population and Total Population in Texas by Age Group and Race/Ethnicity and Percent of Total Group Population for Selected Time Periods Race/ Ethnicity Number Percent Age < 3 Ages 3 to 5 Ages 0 to 5 Total Population Age < 3 Ages 3 to 5 Ages 0 to 5 Total Population Census 2000 Anglo389,504399,426788,93011,074, Black121,690124,058245,7482,421, Hispanic435,403416,493851,8966,669, Other30,84130,88261,723685, Total977,438970,8591,948,29720,851, Estimated for 2008 Anglo401,474406,601808,07511,342, Black131,036128,743259,7792,823, Hispanic595,953543,9011,139,8549,116, Other45,16441,99787,1611,043, Total1,173,6271,121,2422,294,86924,326, Source: Texas State Data Center
Change in Early Childhood Age Population and Total Population in Texas by Age Group and Race/Ethnicity for Race/ Ethnicity Numeric Change Percent Change Age < 3 Age 3 to 5 Ages 0 to 5 Total Population Age < 3 Ages 3 to 5 Ages 0 to 5 Total Population Anglo11,9707,17519,145268, Black9,3464,68514,031401, Hispanic160,550127,408287,9582,447, Other14,32311,11525,438358, Total196,189150,383346,5723,475, Source: Texas State Data Center
Early Childhood Age Population by Race/Ethnicity for Texas and Selected Counties in Texas in 2000 and Estimated for 2008 Source: Texas State Data Center Race/ Ethnicity TexasBexarDallasHarrisHidalgoTarrantTravisWebb Census 2000 Anglo 788,930 33,890 65, ,723 2,849 70,019 29, Black 245,748 9,722 47,177 64, ,882 7, Hispanic 851,896 86,302 94, ,933 66,288 40,685 28,687 23,653 Other 61,723 2,341 9,507 16, ,308 3, Total Population 1,948, , , ,715 69, ,894 69,563 24,723 Estimated for 2008 Anglo 808,075 35,717 55,191 91,668 4,171 70,959 31, Black 259,779 10,537 47,086 70, ,121 8,507 6 Hispanic 1,139, , , ,130 87,587 64,057 43,148 33,577 Other 87,161 3,773 12,848 23, ,345 5, Total Population 2,294, , , ,607 92, ,482 88,756 34,263
Percent of an Area’s Early Childhood Age Population by Race/Ethnicity for Texas and Selected Counties in Texas in 2000 and Estimated for 2008 Source: Texas State Data Center Race/ Ethnicity TexasBexarDallasHarrisHidalgoTarrantTravisWebb Census 2000 % Anglo % Black % Hispanic % Other Estimated for 2008 % Anglo % Black % Hispanic % Other
County Proportions of the Statewide Total Population by Race/Ethnicity for Selected Counties in Texas in 2000 and Estimated for 2008 Source: Texas State Data Center Race/ Ethnicity TexasBexarDallasHarrisHidalgoTarrantTravisWebb Census 2000 Anglo Black Hispanic Other Total Estimated for 2008 Anglo Black Hispanic Other Total
Early Childhood
Early Childhood Age Population and Total Population in Texas by Age Group and Race/Ethnicity in 2000 and Projected to 2040 Under Net Migration Rates Equal to Age Group AngloBlackHispanicOtherTotal Census 2000 < 3389,504121,690435,40330,841977, ,426124,058416,49330,882970, ,930245,748851,89661,7231,948,297 All Ages11,074,7162,421,6536,669,666685,78520,851,820 Projected 2010 < 3398,192132,968626,61146,6111,204, ,608131,264585,61844,3871,168, ,800264,2321,212,22990,9982,373,259 All Ages11,441,5952,925,7519,847,8521,158,74925,373,947 Projected 2020 < 3360,408132,883729,06355,6001,277, ,324138,084702,44752,4431,267, ,732270,9671,431,510108,0432,545,252 All Ages11,612,1223,447,89613,940,0311,858,40030,858,449 Projected 2030 < 3325,434130,726890,31270,9211,417, ,061132,929837,04466,1011,371, ,495263,6551,727,356137,0222,788,528 All Ages11,525,2693,922,90018,973,4242,863,89337,285,486 Projected 2040 < 3310,388135,8711,059,82794,5981,600, ,100137,1901,013,90187,1001,554, ,488273,0612,073,728181,6983,154,975 All Ages11,196,4274,341,62725,090,7454,243,23944,872,038 Source: Texas State Data Center
Percent of Early Childhood Age Population and Total Population in Texas by Age Group and Race/Ethnicity in 2000 and Projected to 2040 Under Net Migration Rates Equal to Age Group AngloBlackHispanicOtherTotal Census 2000 < All Ages Projected 2010 < All Ages Projected 2020 < All Ages Projected 2030 < All Ages Projected 2040 < All Ages Source: Texas State Data Center
Numerical Change in Early Childhood Age Population and Total Population in Texas by Age Group and Race/Ethnicity for Selected Time Periods Under Net Migration Rates Equal to Age Group AngloBlackHispanicOtherTotal Change < 38,68811,278191,20815,770226, ,1827,206169,12513,505198, ,87018,484360,33329,275424,962 All Ages366,879504,0983,178,186472,9644,522,127 Change < 3-37, ,4528,98973, ,2846,820116,8298,05698, ,0686,735219,28117,045171,993 All Ages170,527522,1454,092,179699,6515,484,502 Change < 3-34,974-2,157161,24915,321139, ,263-5,155134,59713,658103, ,237-7,312295,84628,979243,276 All Ages-86,853475,0045,033,3931,005,4936,427,037 Change < 3-15,0465,145169,51523,677183, ,9614,261176,85720,999183, ,0079,406346,37244,676366,447 All Ages-328,842418,7276,117,3211,379,3467,586,552 Change < 3-79,11614,181624,42463,757623, ,32613,132597,40856,218583, ,44227,3131,221,832119,9751,206,678 All Ages121,7111,919,97418,421,0793,557,45424,020,218 Source: Texas State Data Center
Percent Change in Early Childhood Age Population and Total Population in Texas by Age Group and Race/Ethnicity for Selected Time Periods Under Net Migration Rates Equal to Age Group AngloBlackHispanicOtherTotal Change < All Ages Change < All Ages Change < All Ages Change < All Ages Change < All Ages Source: Texas State Data Center
Households and Households in Owner Occupied Housing in Texas and the United States by Presence of Own Children in 2000 by Race/Ethnicity of Householder HouseholdsProportion of Households All Households Owner Occupied All Households Owner Occupied Race/Ethnic Category All With Own Children < 18All With Own Children < 18 Texas White, Not Hispanic4,487,5743,175,7711,014, Black, Not Hispanic844,696391,863136, Other, Not Hispanic273,943146,73125, Hispanic1,787,1411,002,929533, Total7,393,3544,717,2941,710, United States White, Not Hispanic79,086,56657,296,11817,865, Black, Not Hispanic12,136,3545,625,1471,938, Other, Not Hispanic5,077,4172,704,6351,190, Hispanic9,179,7644,190,6132,194, Total105,480,10169,816,51323,189, Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000, SF-4
Households by Race/Ethnicity of the Householder and Owner Occupancy Status and Presence of Own Children in Texas and the United States in 2000 – Percent of Total Race/Ethnic Group Households All Households Owner Occupied Race/Ethnic Category Households with ChildrenAll With Own Children < 18 Texas White, Not Hispanic4,487, Black, Not Hispanic844, Other, Not Hispanic273, Hispanic1,787, Total7,393, United States White, Not Hispanic79,086, Black, Not Hispanic12,136, Other, Not Hispanic5,077, Hispanic9,179, Total105,480, Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000, SF-4
All Households (Percent of All Households) Owner Occupied (Percent of Owner Occupied Households) CountyTotalWhiteBlackHispanicOtherTotalWhiteBlackHispanicOther Bexar488, , Brazoria81, , Cameron97, , Collin181, , Dallas807, , Denton158, , Ector43, , Ellis37, , Ft. Bend110, , Galveston94, , Guadalupe30, , Hale11, , Harris 1,205, , Hays33, , Hidalgo156, , Johnson43, , Lubbock92, , McLennan78, , Montgomery103, , Nueces110, , Smith65, , Tarrant533, , Taylor47, , Travis320, , Wichita48, , Williamson86, , Texas7,393, ,717, United States105,480, ,816, Households and Owner Occupied Households by Race/Ethnicity of the Householder for Texas, the United States, and Selected Texas Counties in 2000 Source: Derived from U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000, SF-4
Total Households With Own Children < 18 (Percent of Households with Children) Owner Occupied With Own Children < 18 (Percent of Owner Occupied Households with Children) CountyTotalWhiteBlackHispanicOtherTotalWhiteBlackHispanicOther Bexar180, , Brazoria33, , Cameron44, , Collin74, , Dallas285, , Denton62, , Ector17, , Ellis15, , Ft. Bend55, , Galveston32, , Guadalupe11, , Hale4, , Harris196, , Hays11, , Hidalgo78, , Johnson17, , Lubbock29, , McLennan26, , Montgomery42, , Nueces40, , Smith22, , Tarrant198, , Taylor16, , Travis94, , Wichita16, , Williamson38, , Texas2,742, ,756, United States34,819, ,189, Households with Own Children < 18 and Owner Occupied Households with Own Children < 18 by Race/Ethnicity of the Householder for Texas, the United States, and Selected Texas Counties in 2000 Source: Derived from U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000, SF-4
Total Households Owner Occupied (Percent of Total Households) Owner Occupied With Own Children < 18 (Percent of Total Households) CountyTotalWhiteBlackHispanicOtherTotalWhiteBlackHispanicOther Bexar 488, Brazoria 81, Cameron 97, Collin 181, Dallas 807, Denton 158, Ector 43, Ellis 37, Ft. Bend 110, Galveston 94, Guadalupe 30, Hale 11, Harris1,205, Hays 33, Hidalgo 156, Johnson 43, Lubbock 92, McLennan 78, Montgomery 103, Nueces 110, Smith 65, Tarrant 533, Taylor 47, Travis 320, Wichita 48, Williamson 86, Texas 7,393, United States 105,480, Percent of All Households by Owner Occupied Status and Presence of Own Children < 18 by Race/Ethnicity of the Householder for Texas, the United States, and Selected Texas Counties in 2000
Average Household Income in Texas, * (in 2000 Dollars)
Projected Percent of Households in Poverty by Family Type in Texas, 2000 and 2040
Projected Percent of Labor Force by Educational Attainment in Texas, 2000 and 2040
Average Annual Household Income in Texas and the United States by Educational Attainment of Householder in 2000*
Percent of Persons 25 Years of Age or Older by Level of Educational Attainment and Race/Ethnicity in 2000 and Projected to 2040* Assuming Trends in Educational Attainment Rates
Aggregate Income and Consumer Expenditures for Population 25 Years of Age or Older in Texas in 2000 and Projected Under Alternative Educational Attainment Assumptions for 2040* *Source: Texas State Data Center. Projections are shown for the 1.0 scenario $251 $621 $765 $938 $210 $528 $629 $ Base Values 2040 Assuming 2000 Attainment Differentials 2040 Assuming Trends in Differentials 2040 Assuming Anglo Trends Apply to all Groups $0 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 $1,200 Billions Aggregate IncomeConsumer Expenditures
The mark of a truly educated man is to be moved deeply by statistics. George Bernard Shaw
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