ARL Statistics Webcast December 4, :30 – 3:00 p.m. EST
Welcome Martha Kyrillidou Director, Statistics and Service Quality Programs Julia Blixrud ARL Assistant Executive Director, External Relations Mark Young ARL Statistics Liaison
ARL Statistics and Measurement 2007 MaShana Davis Technical Communications Liaison Kristina Justh Customer Relations Coordinator Yolanda Glass Administrative Assistant
ARL Statistics and Measurement 2007 Gary Roebuck Technical Operations Manager ClassFive Development Team: James Marquis, President Jim Moore, Senior Developer Eric Johnson, Developer Joshua Sunshine, Developer
ARL Board Statistics and Assessment Committee The Statistics and Assessment Committee is established as an ARL Board Committee: To advise the Statistics and Measurement Program, and To identify quantitative and qualitative metrics and assessment tools needed in support of ARL's programmatic objectives. Adopted by the ARL Board July 25, 2005
ARL Statistics and Assessment David Carlson (Southern Illinois Carbondale) Joanne Eustis (Case Western Reserve) Chris Filstrup (Stony Brook, SUNY) Brinley Franklin (Connecticut) Ruth Jackson (California, Riverside) Judith Nadler (Chicago) Louis A. Pitschmann (Alabama) Bill Potter (Georgia) Paul Wiens (Queen's) Sandra Yee (Wayne State) Colleen Cook (Texas A&M) Martha Kyrillidou, ARL Staff
ARL Statistics and Measurement …To describe and measure the performance of research libraries and their contribution to teaching, research, scholarship and community service …
ARL Statistics and Measurement …To describe and measure the performance of research libraries and their contribution to teaching, research, scholarship and community service …
Assessment of ARL Tools – StatsQUAL ® ARL Statistics and other annual, or adhoc, surveys LibQUAL+ ® ClimateQUAL™ MINES for Libraries™ and DigiQUAL ® Building a Community of Practice Library Assessment Conferences Service Quality Evaluation Academy Library Assessment blog Individual Library Consultation ESP Assessment - Effective, Sustainable, Practical Using LibQUAL+ ® Effectively
Julia Blixrud ARL Assistant Executive Director, External Affairs
Counting Serials Number of unique serial titles currently purchased Number of unique serial titles currently received (and maintained?), but not purchased –ARL New Serials Statistic: Gathering the Statistic at the Texas A&M University Libraries:
ARL NEW SERIALS STATISTIC Gathering the Statistic at the Texas A&M University Libraries
Step 1: From Link Resolver (SFX) Create eSerials List Step 2: From Library Mgmt System (Voyager) Create eDocuments List Step 7: Compare Print Serials Lists to other Branch Lists Remove duplicate titles From Successive Branch Lists Step 6: Compare Print Serials List to eSerials List Remove duplicate titles From Branch Lists Step 4: Merge unique eDocuments Titles with eSerials List Step 3: Compare to eSerials List Remove duplicate titles from eDocuments List TOTAL SERIAL COUNT Branch #2 Print Serials Branch #1 Print Serials eDocuments eSerials FOR EACH BRANCH Step 5: From Library Mgmt System Create Print & Other Format Serials Lists + eDocuments GATHERING THE SERIAL STATISTIC 1.Only ISSN’s are used to compare de-dupe serial titles (i.e. titles are not used to compare or de-dupe) 2.Only full text serials are counted, not abstracted titles (e.g. Lexis-Nexus: only titles that L/N marked as full text were counted) 3.Electronic versions take priority over print & other format 4.Purchased versions take priority over non- purchased versions Guidelines
RESULTS ARL Serial Statistics – TAMU EVANSMSLTOTAL 4aNumber of current serials purchased33, ,888 4a iElectronic29, ,512 4a iiPrint & other formats 3, ,376 4bNumber of current serials received 16, ,678 but not purchased 4b iElectronic11, ,745 4b iiPrint & other formats 4, ,933 TOTAL SERIALS50,566 Notes: Statistic is generated by comparing ISSN & eISSN’s Serial titles that do not have ISSN/eISSN’s are treated as unique titles and added to list
Electronic Serials Document eSerials COMPARISON OF SERIALS WITH ISSN AND WITHOUT Print Serials
COMPARISON OF OLD ARL SERIAL STATISTIC TO NEW SERIAL STATSTIC Electronic 25,088 41,257 Print & other formats 20,718 9,309 Total 45,806 50,566
RECOMMENDATIONS Stay the course Involve vendors Begin discussion on how to fill in ISSN gaps for each institution – Possibly a collaborative project Recommended that each institution began tracking ISSN/non-ISSN statistics. As the % of ISSN Serials grow the ARL Serials Statistic becomes more accurate.
Collect data from link resolver (TAMU uses Ex Libris SFX) to create 2 lists: 1.List of unique Electronic Titles 2.List of unique ISSN’s from Electronic Titles (ISSN and eISSN – more often these days eSerials use ISSN’s) Title list will contain purchase/not purchased information Collect Document eSerials data from Main Branch Library Management System (TAMU uses Ex Libris Voyager) to create 2 lists: 1.List of unique Document eSerials Titles 2.List of unique ISSN’s from Documents eSerials ISSN’s Compare Documents eSerial ISSN list to Electronic ISSN list If Documents eSerial ISSN matches Electronic ISSN move on to next Documents eSerials ISSN to compare If Documents eSerial does not have an ISSN add title to Electronic Titles list If Documents eSerial ISSN does not match Electronic ISSN add to Electronic Titles list Product – Electronic Title list and Electronic ISSN list accounting for all Document and non-Document eSerials Final Products – Electronic Titles List Print Titles list for each branch Each list with unique titles; no duplication Search Branch Library Management System (For TAMU these include Main Branch; Med Sci Libr; and Galveston Libr) to create 2 lists for each branch: 1.List of unique Print Titles 2.List of unique ISSN’s from Print Titles Title list will contain purchase/not purchased information Product – FOR EACH BRANCH a Print Titles list and an ISSN list accounting for all Print Serials Compare Branch Print ISSN list to Electronic ISSN list If ISSN matches delete from Branch Print Titles list Repeat through all branches Electronic vs. Print Product – FOR EACH BRANCH a REVISED Print Titles list & REVISED Print ISSN list that do not contain titles listed on Electronic Titles list Compare Branch No. 1 Revised Print ISSN list to Branch No. 2 Revised ISSN list If ISSN matches delete from Branch No. 2 Revised Print Titles list Repeat through all branches until all branches have been compared to one another Print vs. Print Product – FOR EACH BRANCH a Print Titles list with unique titles; i.e. no duplication of print titles between branches Create Serials Electronics Lists Create Serials Print Lists Note these lists contain all current subscriptions for all formats other than Electronic. Not just Print formats De-Dupe Serials Print Lists Against Serials Electronic List De-Dupe Serials Print Lists Against One Another GATHERING THE ARL SERIAL STATISTIC – TAMU De-Dupe Documents eSerials Against Serials Electronic List and then Merge Lists Electronic versions take priority over other formats therefore Electronic Title and ISSN lists from this point forward will remain static 1.ISSN’s used to compare and de-dupe serial titles 2.Electronic versions take priority over print & other format 3.Purchased versions take priority over non- purchased versions
ISSN ( International standard since 1975 Assigned by national centers, not by individual publishers –83 national centers –International Centre ISSN Register –1,284,413 records in 2006 (half English) –Adding 60-80,000 per year
ARL Statistics FAQ – Dec 3, 2007 It includes clarification on questions regarding many of the changing aspects of the collections variables like: –How to count ebooks –Reporting currently purchased titles –Can open access titles be counted –How to count Google and Open Access Alliance digitization projects
Library Assessment Blog Use the library assessment blog to tell us how you are deduping serials To find what others are asking To learn the latest ARL thinking on the issues
Using the Web Form Mark Young ARL Statistics Liaison
Closure Martha Kyrillidou Director, ARL Statistics and Service Quality Programs
Data Audit Procedures Mathematical and logical errors Follow up on increases/decreases from last year that are unusually large Summary statistics Key indicators –ARL Index variables –“Analysis of Selected Variables” table, ARL Statistics
Deliverables Machine-readable data Publications (PDF) –ARL Statistics –ARL Academic Law Library Statistics –ARL Academic Health Sciences Library Statistics –ARL Preservation Statistics Electronic edition of the ARL Statistics at the Geostat Center at the U. of Virginia
January 30, 2008 All surveys are due no later than January 30, 2008
Meeting in Philadelphia ARL Survey Coordinators and SPEC Liaisons Meeting FRIDAY, January 11, :30–5:00 p.m. University of Pennsylvania Logan Hall, Terrace Room (249 South 36th Street) REGISTER: *NOTE: There are ARL assessment meetings throughout the day starting at 9:00am
Thank You for Joining Us! Questions we received during this conference will be archived with answers and made available on the ARL Statistics website:
ARL Statistics Webcast Evaluation Please Complete the Webcast Evaluation by Wednesday, Dec 5, 2007: Thank You!