@ Toronto March 15, 2012
Acquisition Models Budget Collection Policy Publishers & Vendors Library’s OPAC Patrons Librarians
e-Book Aggregators / Vendors SubscriptionPerpetual Purchase Short Time Loan (STL) DDA PDA eBrary (ProQuest) Yes EBLYes NetLibrary (EBSCO) Coming soonYesComing soon Yes Myilibrary (Ingram) Yes
YBP Previewed for several minutes Short Time Loan (STL) Auto Purchase (Trigged by times of STL) Patrons Order record Statistics Profile / Pre-selection Invoices MARC Record Library OPAC
Be Prepared Librarians’ Perspectives Working with Control Working with Control Working with Partners Working with Partners Working with Technology Working with Technology Download records to OPAC Deduping Discovery Sort and purge Profile Collection policy Observation Monitoring Budget Workflow Content provider and vendor Price model Pilot Among functional units in libraries
Books that are never or rarely used Processing time Budget restriction Space issues Usage assessment Patron as user Buy as needed Immediate access Cost efficiency Online Auto tracking statistics Patron as selector Why now? What is the library’s ROI ? What is the library’s ROI ?
Challenges Collection control Budget control Staff shifting and training Insufficient search of e-Books records in OPAC Price model P vs. E, e-Books availability timing System Integration Management
Chinese EA Library A glance of University of Pittsburgh Fact 4 In the past 3 years, newly purchased titles, based on users recommendation, is below 1% Fact 1 Monographs New Pub. vs. Old % 6% % 5% % 12% Fact 2 Apabi – % % % Fact 3 Chinamaxx % % % Is there a strong demand for PDA implementation in EAL?
Are Vendors in China Ready for PDA? 用户驱动的图书馆采购 SubscriptionPerpetual Purchase Pay-per-view / Short Time Loan DDA PDA ApabiYes No ChinamaxxYes No (Chinamaxx) Yes (Duxiu) No East ViewYesNo Airiti / 華藝 Yes No Transmission Books & Micro info Co. / 漢珍 Yesn/a No
A small user group Most users are in humanities and social sciences Study habits or preference for print vs. e-Books Possibility of synchronized publication Marketing strategy and willingness to work on new model Most e-content are in science & popular reading Copyright Technology-ready A relatively small budget Collaboration with e-content providers Collaboration with main libraries/IT Technology concerns The Challenges of PDA for Chinese e-Books
Discovery & Acquisitions Journal & newspapers Loaned short MARC records Purchased eBooks Print books A-V & more Databases Remove unwanted MARC records OPAC Databases Open source e-Books records for observation
More Thoughts “ Change is inevitable. Librarians can decide to wait for change and adapt, however painfully, when it is no longer possible to maintain old ways. The authors advocate the alternative: seizing the new opportunities that change brings or, better yet, pioneering and creating some of those opportunities.” (M.S. Bracke) Nixon, J. M., Freeman, R. S., & Ward, S. M. (2011). Patron-driven acquisitions: Current successes and future directions. London: Routledge.