BP10 Extension Public Health Emergency Preparedness Grant Update Health & Medical Subpanel Meeting July 13, 2010 Mark J. Levine, MD, MPH
Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Funding Funding Year/ Funding Category Base$14,008,918$13,769,844 Chemical Lab$ 913,961$ 933,795 Cities Readiness Initiative$ 1,675,130$ 1,798,642 TOTAL$16,598,009$16,502,281 State Match$830,699$1,660,310
PHEP Activities Continuation of 3 Priority Work Projects Continue Epidemiological Surveillance Continue pursuit of Public Health Ready Designation Statewide Continue Laboratory capacity for timely specimen testing an identification Continue Compliance with Emergency Systems for Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professional guidelines (ESAR-VHP) Continue addressing emergency preparedness needs of the elderly and focus on “all needs” planning
PHEP Activities (con’t) Continue development of Mass Prophylaxis and Countermeasure Distribution and Dispensing Operations Continue Countermeasure and Response Administration (CRA) System Data Collection Project Continue Level 1 Chemical Laboratory Surge Capacity Activities
Public Health Emergency Response (PHER) Funding for H1N1 Public Health Phase I $6,538,072 Public Health Phase II $5,624,014 Public Health Phase III $20,520,344 Sub-total $32,682,430 Estimated Unobligated total $16,500,000 Hospital (HPP Suppl.) $2,259,231
PHER Issues (con’t) CDC still contemplating approval for extension of funding period to allow for use of unobligated funds Expect to reach a decision within the next few weeks Potential uses of this funding include: Continued vaccination Targeted education to minority populations Enhancement of surveillance tracking systems
Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) Funding Budget Period July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 $9,572,306 ($957,231 match) Project Period Year two of three year period
Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) Activities All hazards preparedness planning and improvement Increasing healthcare systems bed capabilities Engaging other responders through interoperable communication systems Tracking bed and resource availability using electronic systems Developing ESAR-VHP systems Protecting healthcare workers with proper equipment
Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) Activities Enabling preparedness partnerships/coalitions Educating and training healthcare workers Enhancing fatality management and healthcare system evacuation/shelter in place plans Coordinating preparedness regional exercises