Full-service logistic operator
2 Evolution of «SANNA-Group» company 1991 Transportation services in Russia Cargo insurance & protection + Legal services (transportation, customs, FEA) FEA-outsourcing(agent/operator) in Russia + Import/Export services in Russia & abroad International logistic services +Customs clearance FEA-consulting services in Russia + Customs audit + Logistic for development projects Customs warehouse:TSW FEA-services abroad + Internet marketing & SEO- services in Russia & abroad 1991÷2014 = 23 years
3 Structure of «SANNA-Group» services ( ) Logistic services in Russia International logistic services Customs services FEA-outsourcing (export/import) FEA-outsourcing (export/import) Legal services Internet- marketing & SEO- optimization «SANNA-Group» company Full-range of services for: - Logistic - FEA & international transport
4 Our geography of services has no limits! (Knowledge+Practice) х 23years = Professional solutions & B2B services
5 International logistic services ( ) Sea, road, rail & air transportation – direct contracts with the transport operators from around the world Large fleet of motor vehicles + more than motor vehicles of our partners, member of FIATA since 1993г. All types of shipping countainers, including refrig-, tank-, open-top & etc. Attractive terms for all types of transportation: sea, road, rail & air. Delivery «door to door» & «just in time» under any conditions, including EXW, FOB, CIF, DDP and etc. A vehicle tracking system & unified docflow Проектные перевозки (60 tons +, space-consuming cargoes) Project logistic Logistic services & supplies for building & engineering projects International logistic (multimodal & intermodal transportation) Door-to-door deliveryRussia EuropeRussia AsiaRussia South/North America Our Partners:
6 Road-transportation in Russia: Refrig. trucks cub. meters Tents from 68м 3 to 150 м 3. Container trucks ft., Tip-trucks from 8м 3 to 20м 3 & etc. Rail-transportation in Russia: Refrig., platforms, tank-containers, carriage, gondolas and containers ft. & etc. Air-transportation in Russia: Tare & non-tare weights Logistic services in Russia ( ) Project logistic Customer services for engineering projects & building projects Vehicle tracking system Transportation in Russia Under customs treatmentInterurban & InterregionalHazardous, liquid, loose cargoes Space consuming & heavy-weight cargoes Our own fleet of motor vehicles + more than motor vehicles of our partners in Russia Fixed rates (up to 3-6 months), payment prolongation (up to 30 days) We transport cargoes in spite of road-conditions & in thermal conditions from -50 to +50 °C
7 Your transportation advantages with «SANNA-Group»: 1). Lowest freight rates provide us direct contracts with transport operators of all types. 2). Efficiency, accountability and the highest level of our services for all countries are the result of our 23-years experience. 3). 14-years experience for transportation of space-consuming & heavy-weight cargoes (60 tons+) 4). Payments with any foreign currency & payments prolongation up to 30 days. 5). Mutual responsibility for all cargoes (insurance sum is за груз до $ 1 million) & 100% guarantee for fulfilment of the terms of the contract. 6). Synchronized international and domestic docflow. 7). Vehicle tracking system provides us the most correct information about current location and movement of cargo & also about every condition that has an impact on transportation. We are 5 years older than entire logistic in Russia!
8 Customs services with «SANNA-Group» ( ) Customs services In Russia (No geographical or product limits) In Europe (TOP-12 countries with the biggest external turnover) In Asia (China) With the help of «SANNA-Group» company сustoms clearance in Russia takes 2-12 hours for all types of cargoes (including export, import and temporary admission) Additional supplements: Customs classification Approval documents Quality Certification Customs payment Customs audit for FEA in Russia & foreign trade deliveries Warehouse of temporary storage & representative office at every Russian customs terminal: 12 branches, including sea & air ports, and near-border customs logistic terminals. Declaring: electronic, distant and preliminary Full responsibility before our clients & customs: financial implications - € 1 million. Federal Customs Service licence of the national customs agent in Russian Federation (licence № 0206/00 from ).
9 Your advantages in customs clearance with «SANNA-Group»: 1). With the help of «SANNA-Group» company сustoms clearance in Russia & abroad takes 2-12 hours, including realization of export/import services. 2). Full responsibility for transporting cargoes before our clients & customs. 3). No corrections of a fixed customs value. 4). We are able to use the centers of the distant & electronic customs clearing that allow us to avoid problems caused by the distant location of different customs. 5). Payments with any currency & payments prolongation up to 30 days. An average price for a customs declaration is 4-9 thousands rubles. 6). Our own warehouses of temporary storage 19 years of deserved authority & trust of customs!
10 FEA-Outsourcing with «SANNA-Group» ( & ) Foreign Economic Activity for Russian, foreign & non-resident companies: As an FEA-operator/agent we take care for conducting of all FEA-transactions & docflow (including import/export operations). We provide: purchase operations, monetary and financial operations, logistic and customs clearance and all-types reportings (including tax reporting) Legal & financial responsibility before all of the Transaction parties, and also before the compliance monitoring authorities Realization of supplier & consumer research, FEA-partners research and high quality goods research in Russia & abroad. Consulting: for business conversations & contract award, taking into account business traditions and mentality of foreign partners. E-marketing & SEO-Optimization in Russia & abroad, и sео- продвижение продукции considering special aspects of different countries. FEA-Outsourcing Russia Europe Asia
11 Your FEA-advantages with «SANNA-Group» company: 1). You do not have to be registered as the member of Foreign Economic Activity 2). During realization of foreign trade operations you stay in Russian legal terrain 3). You do not have to hire a team of professional employees 4). Direct contracts with foreign partners, prices with no extra-charges 5). We take care of all of the risks during realization of foreign trade operations 6). Legal, financial, tax and material liability before our clients & compliance monitoring authorities 7). We are able to be your professional tool for realization of foreign trade operations 8). Payments after delivery, buying-in and report presentation Our business is risk-proof!
12 Legal support ( ) Legal services (transport, customs, FEA) Russia Europe Asia Legal support and consulting FEA, transportation and customs Customs audit Advocatory and litigation support Settlement of disputes with Federal Customs Service Professional reviews for FEA-contracts, transportation, logistic and customs Enumeration of legal entity in Russia & abroad, including companies with foreign capital
13 Your legal-service advantages with «SANNA-Group» company 1). Great knowledge & wealth experience in juridical sphere, that takes into account all of the juridical aspects of different countries 2). The vast experience in legal proceedings & judicial remedy for our clients 3). We know how to find ultimate solutions in any cases 4). Professional contract awarding with allowances made for law enforcement practice of different countries.
14 Our services: Cargo insurance. Our client is the only beneficiary party Insurance proceeds up to $ in case of: -damage of goods -loss of cargo -human’s injuries -damage of motor vehicle Customs insurance proceeds up to € Providing of customs transit in Russia Cargo insurance Transportation in Russia Transportation abroad Foreign trade operations Our partner:
15 Resposibility «SANNA-Group» company– 23 years in logistic, customs & FEA Shipping agent’s insurance sum – $ Freight insurance sum– $ – client is the only beneficiary party Customs insurance sum – € Customs license value – $ 2,7млн. T Tangible fixed assets – $ Vehicle tracking system Russian customs agent’s licence № Job appraisal for every team’s member Business experience – more than 23 years Total business transparency!
16 «SANNA-Group company’s clients in Russia & abroad: Your business is safe with us!
17 Your business is safe with us!
18 Contacts: Russia Moscow B. Drovyanoy side-street 11/8, build. 1 («Taganskaya» metro station). Tel./fax: +7 (495) (PBX) Offices in Russia: Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Vyborg, Rostov-on-Don, Stavropol, Volgograd, Crimea, Vladikavkaz, Yekaterinburg, Tomsk. CHINA Beijing Guangzhou EUROPE Hamburg