The importance of scholarly information in the research process Endre Béky Account Manager ELSEVIER B.V. Date: April 14, 2009
2 Dissemination, by scientific publishers, of high quality scientific output across the globe is a crucial part of research In recent years the move from paper to electronic content delivery has drastically changed researchers time-spending Researchers are able to spend significantly less time on searching for relevant content and at the same time have access to a wider range of content At the same time the increase of usage clearly positively affects the quantity and quality of scientific output Comparing macro-economic and demographic data with the uptake of usage and scientific output enables decision-makers to analyze the productivity and efficiency of their investments Elsevier has invested heavily in the increase of productivity and efficiency of researchers all over the world through the ScienceDirect platform, Scopus and many other highly specialized products Introduction
3 Solicit and manage submissions Manage peer review Production Publish and disseminate Edit and prepare Archive and promote 1,000 new editors per year 18 new journals per year >500,000+ article submissions per year 200,000 referees 1 million referee reports per year 7,000 editors 70,000 editorial board members 6.5 million author/publisher communications per year >250,000 new articles produced per year 180 years of back issues scanned, processed and data-tagged 10 million researchers 4,500+ institutions 180+ countries >300 million+ downloads per year 2.5 million print pages per year 8 million articles now available Organise editorial boards Launch new specialist journals 40%-90% of articles rejected Introduction Elsevier is the leading S&T publisher with a market share of 20-25%
4 Author Gateway and Elsevier Editorial Systems $15 million eJournal Backfiles eReference Works $40 million Production Tracking System $5 million ScienceDirect Scopus Scirus eNewsletters and alerts >$200 million Estimated cumulative investment since 2000 Electronic Warehouse $15 million Introduction Elsevier invests significantly to service its Academic, Government and Corporate clients in the most efficient way Solicit and manage submissions Manage peer review Production Publish and disseminate Edit and prepare Archive and promote Organise editorial boards Launch new specialist journals
5 Elsevier is the leading STM journal publisher in Ukraine with a 17.5% paper market share Introduction 2007 Market share of Articles in Ukraine Indexed on Scopus # Citations received ( ) # Publications at Elsevier in Ukraine
6 Assets/ Laboratories Access to Content Resources/ Researchers High Performance Research Engine The training and Physical fitness of the athlete (Indicated by demographic data) A good position at the start (Research performance indicators) The Quality of your shoes (Elsevier provides high quality access) Introduction Research is like running a marathon…
7 Macro-economics Haile finishing first in the 2007 marathon of Berlin in a new world-record of 2 hours 4 minutes and 26 seconds Haile Gebrselassie Born: Nat.: Ethiopian The training and physical fitness of the athlete
8 Population (X Mio) Growth rate 0.3% 0.1% -0.1% -0.3% -0.7% R&D Spend (X Mio $) (%) of GDP 1.7% 1.1% 1.4% 1.0% 1.1% GDP (PPP) (X Bln $) Growth rate 2.8% 3.9% 6.4% 3.9% 7.1% # of researchers (X Thousand) (%) of total population 0.27% 0.26% 0.24% 0.16% - % Macro-economics Source: CIA world book of facts 2007, UNESCO, All values are against GDP(PPP) Economic growth in Ukraine is above UK, however R&D Spend and # of researchers can be improved
9 Low and Medium developed countries can significantly increase their performance in R&D by increasing their investment per Capita to the UK-GDP/Capita ratio 2006 – R&D-spend/Capita $ 2006 – GDP/Capita 1.5 X1.8X4.1X $ 1.2 X Source: CIA world book of facts 2007, UNESCO, All values are against GDP(PPP) ? Macro-economics 1.9 X3.2 X7.5 X1.9 X The per capita R&D spend shows room for improvement
10 UK Ukraine US Hungary Spain Czech Republic comparing countries research performance To win a marathon a good position at the start is crucial
11 Hungary Ukraine Spain Czech Republic United Kingdom United States comparing countries research performance International rankings still show a huge lead for UK and US universities
12 Article output market shares derived from Ukraine share of articles indexed on Scopus has declined to 0.34 % while neighbours share has grown, a trend shared by UK and US Average share of articles published worldwide comparing countries research performance The UK and US contribute 32.3% of world articles but representing only 5.5% of the world population Average Growth ’96-’01’02-’06 Ukraine3.3%-2.1% Hungary2.8%5.2% Czech Republic 5.2%7.2% Spain4.2%8.7%
13 Source: comparing countries research performance The quality of your shoes
14 comparing countries research performance To win in R&D, Elsevier provides the best equipment
15 comparing countries research performance Electronic access to large volumes of content has significant influence on the article output growth of countries worldwide
16 comparing countries research performance The rapidly increasing usage of SD further explains the sharp increase in # of articles published Meant for whitepaper
17 comparing countries research performance The rapidly increasing usage of SD further explains the sharp increase in # of articles published
18 2.3x faster growth comparing countries research performance 1.9x faster growth 4.5x faster growth Historically UK has large access-levels to content, making the transition from paper to electronic small in terms of additional availability In Poland the transition from paper to electronic content opened up access to a much larger volume of content In China the amount of content available before the launch of SD was insignificant compared to the amount available today Low development countries High development countries Access growth accelerator Developing countries have a larger benefit from electronic access to high quality content than developed countries
19 Basketball Running Golf Which shoes to wear?
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