Green-e Verification and Certification Programs Green Power Webcast April 8, 2008 Alex Pennock Andreas Karelas Center for Resource Solutions
About Center for Resource Solutions Non-profit 501(c)(3) organization headquartered in San Francisco National and international programs Expertise and programs in policies and consumer-protection mechanisms in renewable energy, greenhouse gas reductions, and energy efficiency Green-e Certification Program
Green-e Program Governance Independent Governance Board Natural Resources Defense Council Union of Concerned Scientists Environmental Defense Fund Renewable Northwest Project Several other environmental and industry leaders Associate Member of the International Social and Environmental Accreditation and Labeling (ISEAL) Alliance
Green-e Program Development All standards and policies developed through open stakeholder consultations Energy and Electricity Environmental Regulatory Government Consumer groups Substantial updates made with input from Governance Board, stakeholders Major changes typically go into effect a year after announcement Immediate changes in response to market changes sometimes necessary
Voluntary consumer protection program for renewable energy products Established 1997 Covers all 50 states and Canada Certification of three product types: Renewable energy certificates (RECs) Renewable electricity sold in competitive retail and wholesale markets Utility green pricing programs
What Functions Does Green-e Energy Provide? Defines eligible renewable electricity products Eligible renewable resource types Product specifications and exclusions Additional requirements for utility green pricing programs Ensures clear ownership, no double counting Independent verification audits of sales and supply Electronic tracking systems Requires disclosures and monitors sellers Consumer Product Content Label and product disclosures Marketing material reviews
* 2007 numbers based on preliminary unaudited data Sales of Green-e Certified Renewable Energy Million MWh *
2007 Green-e Energy Certified Sales* Renewable energy sales reached 15 million MWh, up 50% from 2006 Sales of renewable energy certificates (RECs) reached more than 13.3 million MWh, over 50% more than the previous year 300,000 residential customers, 90,000 more than last year 15,000 commercial customers, more than double the number in 2006 * 2007 numbers based on preliminary unaudited data
Allows use of Green-e logo to promote purchase Minimum purchase or generation requirements Fee to use trademarked logo Logo can be used on consumer goods manufactured with 100% renewable energy Intel recently purchased 1.3 million RECs
Consumer protection program for greenhouse gas emission reductions (aka “offsets”) Certifies “offset” products sold at retail level Standard and program developed through advisory group and stakeholder processes
Renewable Energy Tracking Systems Can substantiate retirement of RECs for Green-e Energy and Climate Compliments to Green-e programs; not replacements Same geographic requirements as Green-e Energy Regional differences in definition of ‘renewable attributes’
Certificate Tracking Systems Source: PEW Center on Global Climate Change,
Contact Information Alex Pennock Manager, Green-e Energy Andreas Karelas Program Associate Center for Resource Solutions (415)