Indigenous Communities, Tourism and Biodiversity Workshop Series: New Information and Web-based Technologies Workshop II: Islands Pacific Region Chantal Robichaud Dr John S. Hull Carolyn Nodder Nathaniel Dobbin Professor Simon Milne 3 – 5 November 2008, Samoa
Introduction Demonstrate Tourngats National Park Reserve promotional video Shows simple ideas can convey strong emotion and message Use of imagery and static photography instead of full motion video Photos zoom and pan to show movement Sound track provides rich link to local culture Sound links in well with the imagery, images change in beat with the sound Unique connection with scenery, landscapes, people and biodiversity shown as seen from the eye of local wildlife (Moose eye opens and closes the video) 29/08/2015 2
Demonstration of some useful web tools Google Analytics – Explained the ease of setup – Can be used to gain an understanding of visitors to their current website – Can track trends over time – Recommended all who do not have statistics packages should try and get these setup Content Management Systems (CMS) – Demo a Content Management System (CMS Made Simple) – Website to review open source CMS systems: – Information requested about making a website without web developer -Introduced Google Sites - 29/08/2015 3
Discussion Each participant to highlight ideas useful for their website and any plans for the future 29/08/2015 4