Abstinence- prevents pregnancy and STD’s. Abstinence- prevents pregnancy and STD’s. safe, easy, and convenient safe, easy, and convenient
What is abstinence? What is abstinence? To some: not having sexual intercourse, To some: not having sexual intercourse, –they may enjoy other sex that doesn’t lead to pregnancy (outercourse). To others: not having vaginal intercourse when a woman might get pregnant. To others: not having vaginal intercourse when a woman might get pregnant. –This is periodic abstinence or rhythm method. Some describe it as not having any sex Some describe it as not having any sex Only way to ensure you won’t have a pregnancy or get an STD. Only way to ensure you won’t have a pregnancy or get an STD. 100% effective 100% effective
Abstinence prevents pregnancy by keeping sperm out of the vagina. Abstinence prevents pregnancy by keeping sperm out of the vagina. safest way to prevent pregnancy safest way to prevent pregnancy no side effects no side effects free free
Sexual relationships present risks. Sexual relationships present risks. Abstinence postpones those risks until you are able to handle them. Abstinence postpones those risks until you are able to handle them. Women who abstain until their 20’s and have fewer sexual partners may have certain health advantages over women who do not. Women who abstain until their 20’s and have fewer sexual partners may have certain health advantages over women who do not. –Less likely to get STD’s, become infertile or develop cervical cancer
Why do people choose abstinence? Why do people choose abstinence? prevent pregnancy prevent pregnancy wait until ready for a sexual relationship wait until ready for a sexual relationship Waiting for “right” partner Waiting for “right” partner have fun with partners without sexual involvement have fun with partners without sexual involvement focus on school, career, or extracurricular activities focus on school, career, or extracurricular activities support personal, moral, or religious beliefs and values support personal, moral, or religious beliefs and values get over a breakup get over a breakup heal from the death of a partner heal from the death of a partner medical advice during an illness or infection medical advice during an illness or infection
Teens Advantages- postpone sexual risks until you can handle them Teens Advantages- postpone sexual risks until you can handle them health advantages/fewer partners health advantages/fewer partners –less likely to develop STD’s – “ “ “ “ cervical cancer Disadvantages Disadvantages difficult to abstain for long periods difficult to abstain for long periods young people often end abstinence without being prepared to protect themselves from pregnancy or infection young people often end abstinence without being prepared to protect themselves from pregnancy or infection
Talk to Your Partner About Abstinence Talk to Your Partner About Abstinence be honest, discuss decision to abstain be honest, discuss decision to abstain make decisions together make decisions together discuss before things become sexual discuss before things become sexual be clear in your words/behavior be clear in your words/behavior be straightforward and set limits be straightforward and set limits Other Ways to Get to Know Each Other Other Ways to Get to Know Each Other talking talking listening listening sharing sharing being honest being honest respecting each other’s thoughts/feelings respecting each other’s thoughts/feelings enjoying their company enjoying their company Abstinence only works when both partners agree Abstinence only works when both partners agree
How Can I Stay Abstinent? How Can I Stay Abstinent? Remind yourself why you chose to be abstinent Remind yourself why you chose to be abstinent Think about the consequences of sex Think about the consequences of sex Don’t re-evaluate your decision to stay abstinent during sexually charged situations Don’t re-evaluate your decision to stay abstinent during sexually charged situations Stick with your decision until you can think with a clear head Stick with your decision until you can think with a clear head Can you avoid situations that can make it difficult? Can you avoid situations that can make it difficult? Alcohol and drugs can affect your judgment and decision-making ability. Alcohol and drugs can affect your judgment and decision-making ability. Are there supportive people you can talk to about abstinence? Are there supportive people you can talk to about abstinence? Do you have information about other methods of birth control and have access to them? Do you have information about other methods of birth control and have access to them? Do you know how to protect yourself from STD’s? Do you know how to protect yourself from STD’s?
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