From Vision to Implementation Vision of goal in place Assemble team Establish hierarchy Set roadmap to guide the essentials into place Vision TeamHierarchyRoadmap
EG Steering Committee Chairman : Chief Secretary to the Government EG Programme Management Group Chairman : DG of MAMPU Project Director Sub Teams Agencies Consortium E-Services Project Steering Committee E-Procurement Project Steering Committee GOE Project Steering Committee HRMIS Project Steering Committee PMS Project Steering Committee Project Director Project Manager Project Implementation Team Agencies Consortium Project Support Team MAMPU Consortium Project Manager Project Implementation Team Agencies Consortium Project Support Team MAMPU Consortium Project Manager Project Implementation Team Agencies Consortium Project Support Team MAMPU Consortium Project Manager Project Implementation Team Agencies Consortium Project Support Team MAMPU Consortium Project Manager Project Implementation Team Agencies Consortium Project Support Team MAMPU Consortium Sub Teams Agencies Consortium Sub Teams Agencies Consortium Sub Teams Agencies Consortium Sub Teams Agencies Consortium Secretariat MAMPU Programme Management Structure
Road Transport Department E-Services Treasury, Ministry of Finance E-Procurement Prime Minister’s Office Generic Office Environment Public Service Department Human Resource Management Information System Implementation Coordination Unit, Prime Minister’s Department Project Monitoring System Lead Implementing Agencies of the E-Government Pilot Projects
Project Steering Committee Government Project Director Vendor Project Director & Manager Project Management Office Business Improvement Process Change Management Operation & Support Training & Education Installation Management Application Development Web Publishing Knowledge Base System Development Government Project Manager Project Support Group Project Implementation Structure
Government IT and Internet Committee GITIC IT Implementation Committee JTPIT IT Technical Committee JTIT IT Training and Education Committee JLPIT IT Consultative Committee Governing Structure Under GITIC
Accenture Hewlett-Packard AIMS Hitechniage AT&T Microsoft Celcom NCR Dataprep NTT Data Digital Oracle EDS PNB-IT Fujitsu Ltd Price Waterhouse Sapura Renong Solutions Sun Telekom Malaysia Malaysian Administrative Modernisation & Management Planning Unit (MAMPU) Multimedia Development Corporation (MDC) Web Shaper Companies Representatives from Lead Implementing Agencies Conceptualisation & Planning Team
Towards a Vision for a New Electronic Government in Malaysia The E-Government Information Technology Policy and Standards The E-Government Blueprint 5 CRFPs Conceptualisation & Planning Team
Electronic Government Services Lodgment Enables general public to submit and/or process applications electronically to the government for services Payment Enables electronic transfer of monies between public & government as payment for services, fees & fines Information Enables general public to access information on-line about government, regulations, services, etc Communications Enables government to communicate with public electronically or via multimedia medium Procurement Enables government to procure and/or tender electronically with respective businesses Polling Provides easy yet secured electronic channel for government to reach out to the public for surveying purposes Customer Care Management Provides general public with a one-stop help centre Public Complaint Provides single interface to public to relay grievance effectively and conveniently to government Citizens & Business Service Categories
Citizens & Business Application Landscape Mission Provide one-stop quality service to the public delivered efficiently and effectively through multiple delivery channels using improved processes and innovative technology Transaction with PaymentInformation General Transaction non-PaymentInformation Private Lodgment Electronic application Easy licensing/permitting Procurement Electronic tendering Electronic ordering Payment Electronic fine payment Electronic registration fee Electronic tax payment & refund Public Complaint Public box Electronic complaint status tracking Polling Electronic voting Electronic surveying Electronic census Communication Electronic discussion forum Multimedia conferencing Information Online government service information Online social, culture & tourist information Online disaster announcement Online public speeches Electronic publishing Information Online personal information Online health record Customer Care Online help Help desk service/call centre
Electronic Government Inter-Agency Services Public Complaint Services Web based Complaint Form Auto-response System Complaints Routing & Tracking System Human Resource Management Personnel & Payroll Workforce Planning Training & Career Development Inventory Management JIT Inventory System Automated Warehousing System Electronic Procurement Development Planning Econometric Modeling Data Acquisition System Budgeting Integrated Budgeting System Budget Monitoring System Project Monitoring Planning workbench Monitoring & Correction Information Centre Supplier Profile Supplier Profile Database Performance Evaluation System Accounting Integrated Accounting Smart Card Payment System Spectrum of Potential Inter-Agency Applications
Electronic Government Services 1 Research To provide timely access to information and efficient distribution 2 Communication To improve collection and dissemination of information, and increase media coverage 3 Planning To enhance information flow 4 Formulation and Implementation of Policies To improve process of information 5 Audit To improve traceability 8 Finance To improve financial management and accountability 6 Project Management To improve capabilities to plan, organise and monitor 7 Human Resource To improve management of human resource and availability of personal information Map of Intra-Agency Service Categories 9 Support Services To improve workflow, increase productivity and effectiveness
E-Government Intra-Agency Applications Finance Financial Modeling System Audit Decision Tracking Planning Business Resumption Planning Support Services Meeting Management Project Management Research Document Management Search & Retrieval Web Info Filter Human Resource Human Resource Info Management Communication Electronic Meeting Messaging System Policy Implementation Electronic Publishing Spectrum of Potential Intra- Agency Applications
Develop criteria for pilot selection and generate list of potential pilots Evaluate applications against selection criteria Confirm pilot selection through market research and internal surveys Finalise list of pilot applications and rollout schedule Approach Low High Impact Feasibility High visibility High value delivered High transaction/usage Improved efficiencies High urgency Availability of technology Ease of implementation Low capital cost to government Short timeframe – “Quick-Wins” High user acceptance Framework Tier 2 : Potential pilots Tier : High potential pilots Tier 3 : Future pilots Tier 2 : Potential pilots Application Prioritisation Approach
Citizen/ Business to Government Inter-Agency Intra-Agency Electronic Delivery of Driver & Vehicle Registration, Licensing & Summons Services, Utility Payments, MOH Online Information (E-Service) E-Procurement Project Monitoring System Human Resource Management Information System Prime Minster’s Office – Generic Office Environm ent E-Government Pilot Projects
Electronic Services (E-Services) Electronic Procurement (EP) Generic Office Environment (GOE) HRM Information System (HRMIS) Project Monitoring System (SPP II) E-Government Electronic Labour Exchange (ELX) E-Syariah MalaysianElectronicGovernmentFlagshipApplications
All Malaysian citizens use at least one of the services identified on a monthly or annual basis 1 16 million transactions – driving license, vehicle registration, road transport summons 2 Over 4 million households pay electricity and telephone bills every month, over 80 million transactions a year 3 Can be assessed via multiple channels One-stop service window Aid revenue collection for government coffers E-Service : Selection Rationale
Service Provider Establishing multiple delivery channels, developing applications and multimedia interfaces for the purpose of service delivery, establishing the payment mechanism and creating a marketing programme to encourage public usage Gateway Provider Providing the infrastructure to link government or utility systems onto a common network accessible by the Service Provider Service Supplier Owns the information used for customer transactions and information delivery and quality-assures service provided electronically Sole supplier of services to the public E-Service : Scope of Transformation
Financial Network Firewall JPJTNBTM Accountant General Gateway Server Kiosk Telephone Web TV PC Fax Internet Public Domain Government Domain Service Supplier : Government or Organisation maintain ownership of service, data, processing service, and backoffice system Gateway Provider : One or a few integrators building gateways to link legacy systems to public domain, competing for transactions Service Provider : Many service providers competing over multiple channels for transaction revenue Financial Domain Technical ModelBusiness Model
E-Procurement : Selection Rationale All federal, state and local government agencies purchase goods and services 1 Government agencies procures an estimated total of RM35 billion per annum 2 Upon rollout, over 4,000 responsibility centres or government procurement points and 30,000 registered suppliers will use the E- Procurement system 3
Enable most processes to be automated, reengineered and transformed from manual operation Ensure best value for money as well as transparency and accountability in line with established procedures Facilitate agency functions to create an integrated procurement system, enabling government to become more efficient Deliver cost savings and faster turn around time, helping government agencies to become smart buyers More accurate orders and fewer product returns and lower cycle time and operation costs due to electronic retrieval and submission of quotations Suppliers will be able to extend their reach to new customers on a global basis with the creation of an electronic catalogue with internationally recognised product classifications E-ProcurementE-Procurement Suppliers will benefit from the transparency created in the new system and receive faster payments E-Procurement : Scope of Transformation
GOE : Selection Rationale Enables the common functional components required to accommodate a variety of business functions 1 Capable of being customised for the business needs of other departments within the government, in time evolving to support future business needs 2 Provides a number of building blocks that can be combined by the users in a variety of ways to meet specific business needs, or to construct more sophisticated functional components 3
Generic Office Environment Enterprise-wide Information Management System (EIMS) Enterprise-wide Collaboration Management System Enterprise-wide Communication Management System GOE : Scope of Transformation
Generic Office Environment (GOE) With the basic foundation of electronic office in place and with the increased awareness and literacy in ICT as a result of intense usage and training programme, the transformation towards more sophisticated multimedia office environment would be user-driven Expected benefits from GOE includes timely access to information and knowledge, efficient information management, data sharing and integration in a multimedia and paperless environment as well as better decision making due to its collaborative and data analysis capability GOE : Scope of Transformation
HRMIS : Selection Rationale Provide a single interface for government personnel to perform human resource management functions in an integrated environment 1 Serve as a central repository for human resource data capture to enable better access to strategic and consolidated human resource information for government agencies, contributed towards better planning and management of government human capital 2
HRMIS : Scope of Transformation Achieve effective staffing and rightsizing of the public service through better availability of human resource management information Automate human resource operational processes which are currently done manually Build up-to-date consolidated human resource information for effective planning among agencies Provide paperless human resource management capabilities among agencies such as electronic distribution of human resource policy manuals and circulars Provide an open and flexible system, which will fulfill and improve the information needs of operational and managerial processes at different levels of government Achieve better communication, horizontal integration and more streamlined processes by establishing a richer collaborative systems environment among the agencies so as to provide a single window access to human resource management transactions that cut across agencies
PMS : Selection Rationale Provide accurate and timely capture of project information 1 Ensure that up-to-date information is available in a variety of formats to enable management at all levels to analyse, forecast and prepare reports of development projects 2 Facilitate management in formulating policies and making better decisions for future planning based on historical information 3
Project Monitoring System Establish a richer collaborative systems environment among government agencies to maximise the efficiency and effectiveness of project monitoring and communication processes Provide an open and flexible system, which will fulfill and improve the information needs of operational and managerial processes at different levels of government Provide paperless project monitoring capabilities among agencies involved in project monitoring PMS : Scope of Transformation
ELX : Selection Rationale Improving the mobilisation of the nation’s human resources 1 Ensure that manpower utilisation is optimised through the systematic matching of job seekers to job vacancies 2
Electronic Labour Exchange One-Stop centre for the labour market information Job Clearing System (JCS) Labour Market Database (LMD) Office Productivity System (OPS) ELX : Scope of Transformation
E-Syariah : Selection Rationale Introduce administrative reforms to upgrade the quality of service of the Syariah Courts 1 Improve the productivity and efficiency of the Syariah Courts management nationwide 2 Enhancing the effectiveness of the Islamic Justice Department (JKSM) in coordinating and monitoring its respective agencies 3
Title Court Case Management System Syarie Lawyers Registration System E-Syariah Portal Library Management System E-Syariah : Scope of Transformation