nQPS trips due to EMC transients 30/06/20111ZCh, TE-MPE-TM Z.Charifoulline - # nQPS.BS signals in A12 & A34 # statistics over all sectors – how many sectors would be tripped? - EMC Transient example in P8 - Brief statistics for nQPS trips 2011 (hyperlinks to logbooks) - Current status of BS thresholds for long quad buses (TS#3)
ev_ _RQ10.R1 ev_ _RQ8.L1 ev_ _RD2.R1 ev_ _RQ8.R1 ev_ _RQ10.L1 ev_ _RQ6.R1 ev_ _RD2.L1 ev_ _RQ9.L1 ev_ _RQ4.R1 # ev_ _RQ8.L5 ev_ _RQ10.R5 ev_ _RQ10.L2 ev_ _RQ10.L4 ev_ _RQ10.R4 ev_ _RQ10.R2 ev_ _RQ10.L1 ev_ _RQ10.L6 ev_ _RQ10.L5 ev_ _RQ8.R4 ev_ _RQ8.L4 ev_ _RQ9.L1 ev_ _RQ9.R2 # ev_ _RQ10.L4 # ev_ _RQ10.L8 ev_ _RQ10.R5 ev_ _RQ8.R6 ev_ _RQ9.L6 # ev_ _RQ10.R8 ev_ _RQ10.L1 ev_ _RQ9.L8 ev_ _RQ9.L1 ev_ _RQ9.R8 # ev_ _RQ10.L2 ev_ _RQ10.L4 ev_ _RQ10.R4 ev_ _RQ10.R2 ev_ _RQ10.L5 ev_ _RQ9.R2 #22/06/ h17: P1 LHC #22/06/ h24: P1,P2,P4,P5 #22/06/ h55: P5,P6,P8 #22/06/ h57: P1,P8 #22/06/ h17: P2,P4,P5 #22/06/ h45: P4 22/06/2011 Thunderstorm in LHC tunnel 30/06/20112ZCh, TE-MPE-TM LHCOP 16h24: Power cut global in the 400 V, all kickers off. LHCOP 17h25: We lost again 4 sectors
22/06/2011 Thunderstorm: Sector A12 B33R1_RQF B31R1_RQD B27R1_RQF B25R1_RQF B15R1_RQD … B32L2_RQF B30L2_RQF B28L2_RQD B24L2_RQD B22R1_RQD B34R1_RQD A12.RQD/RQF No significant EMC effects in the first shot. Why? #22/06/ h24: P1,P2,P4,P5 - more than 12 channels above 500uV; - EMC effect is stronger in the middle of the arc; - EE switches were already open; Most likely it would trip the circuit. 30/06/20113ZCh, TE-MPE-TM 500uV
22/06/2011 Thunderstorm: Sector A34 B34R3_RQD B28L4_RQD B26R3_RQF B30R3_RQF B12R3_RQF … B31L4_RQF B19L4_RQF B21L4_RQD B25L4_RQD B15R3_RQD B17R3_RQD A34.RQD/RQF No significant EMC effects in the first shot. #22/06/ h24: P1,P2,P4,P5 - more than 12 channels above 500uV; - EMC effect is more uniform over the arc; - EE switches were closed; Most likely it would trip the circuit. 30/06/20114ZCh, TE-MPE-TM U_RES max 500uV
22/06/2011 Thunderstorm: overall view & conclusion #22/06/ h24 #22/06/ h55 U_RES max Thunderstorm => 400V Circuit Breakers But no detailed information found Many sectors would be tripped due to the huge spikes on RQD/RQF-circuits even if IPQs will be stable, but without firing the sleeping quench heaters! Relatively easy solution is to increase the U_RES threshold to 1mV What else? It might be more sophisticated BS-board firmware with Jens experience in the Thermal Amplifier Project (mBS-board). 30/06/20115ZCh, TE-MPE-TM
30/06/2011ZCh, TE-MPE-TM6 LHCOP 16/06/ :49: Global Post Mortem Event Confirmation Dump Classification: Other Operator / Comment: stefano / Trip of the main quads in S81 - MP3 investigating the source of the trip No information found from SPS&Injection team – ALL OK. UFO or Tramp AUG? A81: 98 -> 99 A78.RQ A81.RQ 500uV 600uV Last nQPS.BS trip at Point8, 16/06/2011 “1 fb -1 ”
30/06/2011ZCh, TE-MPE-TM7 Time Stamp & WhereComments ****Thunderstorm => 400V Breaker A81.RQD/RQF A81.RQD/RQF (B11R8)Glitch in Point8, but it is not known why and where?98 => 99 ( ) A67.RQD/RQF A67.RQD/RQF (B15L7)Trip on RQF due to nQPS (Same as yesterday evening). Proposal to increase the threshold to 600 uV and postpone investigation… DQQBS board #9 B15L7 successfully exchanged by Joaquim --> ok. Problem solved A78.RQD/RQF A78.RQD/RQF (B11L8) Circuit tripped always at the end of a pre-cycle at around 1400A. This happened only if all the circuits are pre-cycled together. … We're just pretty close to the threshold. Further tests are required to find out which circuits causes the xtalk on the B11L8_8 card. JS (precyles&ramps view)view 98=> /17 A81.RQD/RQFBS boards tripped during SPS magnet tests at 11:39:11 in RQ81 (overall sector view)overall sector view A81.RQD/RQF A81.RQD/RQF (B11R8)Signal B11R8_4 passed the threshold of 500uV. All the nQPS crates signals pick up a noise which is bigger than usual (with an amplitude of about 100uV and a frequency of about 40mHz or 25 seconds) Probably there is some emf coupling with the SPS. See also the event on 30 march 2010 at 10h22!!! AW30 march => 99 ??? A12.RB A12.RB (B9L2)Replacement of the two BS boards of B9.L2 slots 3 and 4 (exceeded 500uV earlier this morning. 98??? 2011 nQPS.BS Trip Statistics from logbooks Not so many cases, but not negligible. All in Point 8 so far. Increasing the BS thresholds for all long buses and checking it by power cycling of the concerned units might help in many cases. Now it is very right moment to do so: TS#3.
30/06/2011ZCh, TE-MPE-TM8 A67.B15L7_RQD(A) A78.B11L8_RQD(A) A78.B11L8_RQF(A) A81.B11R8_RQD(B) A81.B11R8_RQF(B) A81.B11L1_RQD(A) A81.B11L1_RQF(A) Current status of BS-thresholds for the RQ long buses (30/06/2011)
30/06/2011ZCh, TE-MPE-TM9 PointCrateBus Bar SegmentMagnet 1Magnet 2splNumthrs Athrs B 1 DQAMGS.B11R13DCQDE.11R1.RMQ.12R1.B1 MQ.11R1.B23298 DQAMGS.B11R14DCQFE.11R1.LMQ.12R1.B2 MQ.11R1.B13298 DQAMGS.B10L23DCQDD.7L2.LMQ.11L2.B2 DFLAS.7L DQAMGS.B10L24DCQFD.7L2.RMQ.11L2.B1 DFLAS.7L DQAMGS.B11L23DCQDQ.12L2.RDFLAS.7L2.1 MQ.12L2.B12098 DQAMGS.B11L24DCQFQ.12L2.LDFLAS.7L2.3 MQ.12L2.B DQAMGS.B11R23DCQDB.C12R2.RDFLAS.7R2.1 MQ.12R2.B22098 DQAMGS.B11R24DCQFB.C12R2.LDFLAS.7R2.3 MQ.12R2.B12098 DQAMGS.B10R23DCQDD.7R2.LMQ.11R2.B1 DFLAS.7R DQAMGS.B10R24DCQFD.7R2.RMQ.11R2.B2 DFLAS.7R DQAMGS.B10L43DCQDD.7L4.RMQ.11L4.B2 DFLAS.7L DQAMGS.B10L44DCQFD.7L4.LMQ.11L4.B1 DFLAS.7L DQAMGS.B11L43DCQDQ.12L4.LDFLAS.7L4.2 MQ.12L4.B12098 DQAMGS.B11L44DCQFQ.12L4.RDFLAS.7L4.4 MQ.12L4.B DQAMGS.B11R43DCQDB.C12R4.RDFLAS.7R4.1 MQ.12R4.B22098 DQAMGS.B11R44DCQFB.C12R4.LDFLAS.7R4.3 MQ.12R4.B12098 DQAMGS.B10R43DCQDD.7R4.LMQ.11R4.B1 DFLAS.7R DQAMGS.B10R44DCQFD.7R4.RMQ.11R4.B2 DFLAS.7R DQAMGS.B11L53DCQDQ.11L5.LMQ.12L5.B2 MQ.11L5.B13298 DQAMGS.B11L54DCQFQ.11L5.RMQ.12L5.B1 MQ.11L5.B DQAMGS.B11R53DCQDE.11R5.LMQ.12R5.B1 MQ.11R5.B23298 DQAMGS.B11R54DCQFE.11R5.RMQ.12R5.B2 MQ.11R5.B13298 DQAMGS.B10L63DCQDD.5L6.LMQ.11L6.B2 DFLAS.5L DQAMGS.B10L64DCQFD.5L6.RMQ.11L6.B1 DFLAS.5L DQAMGS.B11L63DCQDQ.12L6.RDFLAS.5L6.1 MQ.12L6.B12198 DQAMGS.B11L64DCQFQ.12L6.LDFLAS.5L6.3 MQ.12L6.B DQAMGS.B11R63DCQDB.C12R6.LDFLAS.5R6.2 MQ.12R6.B21998 DQAMGS.B11R64DCQFB.C12R6.RDFLAS.5R6.4 MQ.12R6.B11998 DQAMGS.B10R63DCQDD.5R6.RMQ.11R6.B1 DFLAS.5R DQAMGS.B10R64DCQFD.5R6.LMQ.11R6.B2 DFLAS.5R DQAMGS.B10L83DCQDD.7L8.LMQ.11L8.B2 DFLAS.7L DQAMGS.B10L84DCQFD.7L8.RMQ.11L8.B1 DFLAS.7L DQAMGS.B11L83DCQDQ.12L8.RDFLAS.7L8.1 MQ.12L8.B12099 DQAMGS.B11L84DCQFQ.12L8.LDFLAS.7L8.3 MQ.12L8.B DQAMGS.B11R83DCQDB.C12R8.RDFLAS.7R8.1 MQ.12R8.B22099 DQAMGS.B11R84DCQFB.C12R8.LDFLAS.7R8.3 MQ.12R8.B12099 DQAMGS.B10R83DCQFD.7R8.RMQ.11R8.B2 DFLAS.7R DQAMGS.B10R84DCQDD.7R8.LMQ.11R8.B1 DFLAS.7R DQAMGS.B11L13DCQDQ.11L1.LMQ.12L1.B2 MQ.11L1.B13299 DQAMGS.B11L14DCQFQ.11L1.RMQ.12L1.B1 MQ.11L1.B Current status of BS-thresholds for the RQ long buses (30/06/2011) A81.B11R8_RQD(B) A81.B11R8_RQF(B) A81.B11L1_RQD(A) A81.B11L1_RQF(A) A78.B11L8_RQD(A) A78.B11L8_RQF(A)
30/06/2011ZCh, TE-MPE-TM10 Thanks!