You are required to do homework assignments. These assignments will be a series of drawings and mixed media pieces that you will use for your portfolio. Each one should be considered a complete art piece. This means that composition and principles of good design can and should be utilized.
Homework Assignment #1 These are the homework requirements for September. DUE October 1, 2010
1. On page #1 of your sketchbook, Use Prismacolor Colored Pencils – Draw your favorite food or candy with the wrapper included, and product showing. Draw LARGE!
2.On page #2 of your sketchbook, Use a Kneaded Eraser, a Charcoal Pencil and a Blending Stick – Draw yourself using a strong light source on one side of your face. Use a mirror or take a photo and try to have some expression. Focus on the strong shadows created by the light. Use the Eraser to erase the light areas and the charcoal pencil to shade the dark areas.
3. On page #3 of your sketchbook, use three Prismacolor colored pencils ONLY – BLACK, WHITE, and the color of your one color wash. (If you used blue paint, you will only use Black, White, & Blue pencils) - Draw anything from observation. Choose an actual object and draw it while looking at it. Create different values with the three colored pencils.
4. AP Art students must also complete 1 extra assignment to fulfill the AP Portfolio requirement. This assignment will be completed on page #4 of your sketchbook. Draw your own feet using the woodless pencil. Create strong contrasting values. This assignment will also be due on October 7, 2011.