Womenswear Fashion Illustration Northbrook College Sussex Department of Art, Design & Media BA (Hons) Fashion Design Womenswear Fashion Illustration
using 9 heads to create elongated female figure length for fashion drawings
back and side view figures in equal proportions
balance line and body movement through curved torso
body movement through curved torso (curved center line)
dynamic poses through movement
dynamic poses through body movement
detailed design work on creative poses
placing design work onto moving poses
quality of line is key to the art of drawing, as it adds depth and vitality to your drawings applying pressure to specific areas when drawing with pencils will provide a variety of graphite tones, which can be used to suggest shadow or bring parts of your drawing to the front or set parts of your drawing to the back (depth of drawing) experiment with forms of mark making and styles of line drawing to develop your own individual drawing style
experiment with different drawing equipment to develop a diverse range of mark making and drawing styles brush and inks / pilot pens / brush nib pens / calligraphy pens / quills / charcoal / biro pen / graphite sticks / wooden stick / felt nib pens / left handed / continuous line / graphic style / stencil / spray paint
design development drawing with attention to detailing and exploded diagram of detail
design drawing style (Antonio Berardi) design drawing style (Julie Verhoeven)
using collage to explore design ideas, detailing, silhouettes, drape and textile placement
design development: consider how your fashion drawings reflect your personal style and also convey a contemporary and directional fashion look. does your design work show a clear visual story of ideas and styled to suit your design theme or consumer market
using different media to convey fabric and textures
fashion illustration to show cohesive collection
presentation example with ink illustrations and detailed technical working drawings with written garment descriptions
page layout and composition ideas
fashion illustration to show textile details
Fashion Drawing References Library Magazines Vavoom Books Sutton, J. The Importance of Drawing from Life. The Rokeby Press 2005 Stipelman, S. Illustrating Fashion: Concept to Creation. Fairchild Publication 2005 (2nd Ed) Dexter, E. Vitamin D: New Perspectives in Drawing. Phaidon 2003 Riegelman, N. 9 Heads. 9 Heads Media 2006 (3rd Ed) Drudi, E. Wrap & Drape Fashion. The Pepin Press 2007 MondoFragile / Delicatessen. Fashionize: The Art of Fashion. Happy Books 2005 (2nd Ed) Fashion FLA Fashion Forecast (International Textiles) View2 International Textiles Textile View Prototype Provider