How to use Levels to help you keep track of your progress: The following slides contain assessment information for the drawing and painting activities undertaken in this unit. You can read through the document to get an idea of what you will be doing over the next few weeks, and what you need to do in order to achieve certain levels. When you start activities on each level, you can circle C. When you have completed the majority of the activities on each level you can circle B. When all activities on a level have been completed and you feel confident to progress you can circle A The final level for this unit will be a combination of different marks, decided by Mr Hebden after discussing your work with you during the unit.
My drawings are clear and easy to understand. I can communicate my ideas. I can draw shapes in one point perspective. I can use colours with success. I can draw a city in two point perspective. I can draw objects by listening to someone describe them I can make a plan for a painting I try to make my drawings realistic, and less cartoon like. I can use drawing to explain different ideas. I can draw things that show a clear understanding of one point perspective. I can colour and shade my work to make it look finished and complete. I can add details to my city to make it more interesting. I can make a detailed plan for a painting. I have made good colour choices My drawings are starting to look more and more realistic. I sketch to help me explore an idea I can draw one point perspective in real life and get everything right, using shading to help me. My city contains lots of details that are all accurately drawn in perspective. My plan is coloured and complete, I have explored different possibilities I have tried to reproduce one of Picasso’s paintings. I can mostly control the paint and keep within the lines that I have drawn. I can control the amount of paint on my brush. I can mix colours by using small amounts of paint sensibly. I have create d a painting in the style of Cubism I can copy a painting accurately, making the colours look similar. I stay inside the lines that I have drawn. I build up colours slowly adding layers as they dry. I can mix interesting colours and use a small amount of colours imaginatively. My painting is finished to a good standard, I have used all the space in my canvas imaginatively. I can look at a painting and mix the same colours myself, making an accurate copy. I can make neat, sharp edges with the paint. I have chosen colours carefully and I can mix different tints and shades to help me add tone and depth to my painting. My painting contains detail, pattern and harmony, whilst exploring principles of cubism.
I try to make my drawings realistic, and less cartoon like. I can use drawing to explain different ideas. I can draw things that show a clear understanding of one point perspective. I can colour and shade my work to make it look finished and complete. I can add details to my city to make it more interesting. I can make a detailed plan for a painting. I have made good colour choices. My drawings are starting to look more and more realistic. I sketch to help me explore an idea I can draw one point perspective in real life and get everything right, using shading to help me. My city contains lots of details that are all accurately drawn in perspective. My plan is coloured and complete, I have explored different possibilities. I can use rules of perspective from other cultures and create my own original drawings. I can confidently show perspective in my drawings in a variety of ways. I use colour in my drawings and can shade in both graphite and coloured pencils. I use sketching to help me work out problems. I have a very detailed plan. My drawings show a comprehensive understanding of cubism I can copy a painting accurately, making the colours look similar. I stay inside the lines that I have drawn. I build up colours slowly adding layers as they dry. I can mix interesting colours and use a small amount of colours imaginatively. My painting is finished to a good standard, I have used all the space in my canvas imaginatively. I can look at a painting and mix the same colours myself, making an accurate copy. I can make neat, sharp edges with the paint. I have chosen colours carefully and I can mix different tints and shades to help me add tone and depth to my painting. My painting contains detail, pattern and harmony, whilst exploring principles of cubism. I have tried to recreate the exact colours and brushstrokes from a Picass o painting. I have used a limited colour palette effectively by placing interesting colours next to each other. I can mix colours carefully and use different tints and shades to add depth to my painting. My final work contains clear evidence of the principles of Cubism, yet is a personal and imaginative piece.