Jana Jechová, Barbora Doležalová, Michaela Barešová, Zuzana Hudáková, Vratislav Veselý JOB SATISFACTION CASE STUDY OMEGA TECHNICAL SERVICES Ltd.
Introduction Background of Omega and its present situation Study of the survey Our suggestions
Medium size UK company Provides technical support services to the engineering industry 180 full time staff Labour intensive business
Head Office (6 Directors, Personnel Manager, 12 Admin. Staff) SE Region SW Region NW Region NE Region EM Region WM Region HC Region Scot. Region
Regional Manager Project Leader Direct Employee Admin. Support
Facing external pressures, trading difficulties Holding down the costs – rationalization Results: → Small training and development budget → No formal communications policy
Low morale amongst employees Low productivity Increasing labour turnover and absenteeism Lack of formal communication →Discussion about new developing strategy →Formal attitude survey
Caried out by personel manager with the use of anonymous questionnaire Response rate 42% Questions randomly presented, no question order Type of scale (truth, false), no multiple degree
„My work carries too much responsibility“ 11% => no responsibility „I am fairly treated by my immediate superior“ 89% => fairly treated by immediate superiors
„I have little control over things that effect me at work“ 68% „I feel frustrated by things over which I have no control at work“ 80% „I never know what‘s going on in other regions“ 84% => there is no vertical neither horizontal communication => company does not care about employees opinions
„The management of the company care about the conditions in which we work“ 22% => workers believe, that management do not really care about working conditions „Lack of management support limits my productivity“ 54% => low management support
„Working for Omega gives me a strong sense of belonging to a group“ 23% => weak belongingness, weak relations between employees „I do not hold shares in the company“ 91% => very few share holders
„If the company offered to do one thing to improve my job I would ask for improvement to an aspect of my work which does not dirrectly relate to pay of benefits“ 58% => employees are willing to improve quality of their outputs, learning new things „Our competitors treat their staff better than this company does“ 64% => employees complain on company´s treat
„Money is important but it is not the most important aspect of my job“ 89% =>issue of money is not the most important aspect for the employees „ I have applied for a job with a different company this year“ 68% =>almost 70 % of employees applied for a new job
― Lack of communication ― No/low belongingness ― No responsibility of workers Workforce qualities Willigness of employess to improve working environment Level of salaries FINAL RESULTS OF SURVEY
Heathy competition between divisions Show to workers, that managers respect them and trust them Provide praise and recognition Teamwork environment Motivational tactics
Personal projects Delegate employees Sharing suggestions for improvement Allow managers to learn from each other Set formal communication policy
Interview with employees Write records and performance evaluations Share the goals and reasons for doing the task or project Share the success Improve communication
According to the survey, employees do not need any fringe benefits Give to workers advantages of being a worker of OMEGA Build a warm, welcoming and fair operating environment with communication policy Buying shares for lower price
Richard K Miller: How to motivate workers [online]. [cit. 2009– ]. URL: How to improve the workers‘ sense of responsibility [online]. [cit. 2009–03-28 ]. URL: Susan M. Heathfield: Ten Tips for the Leader About Employee Motivation [online]. [cit. 2009–03-28 ]. URL:
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