Annotations & Design Ideas
Hmm, what does it mean to ANNOTATE?... Try to explain what you think about your work. Be honest, if you think it is brilliant say so! What did you feel about the media you used? Keep it simple and straight to the point. Use notes, key words and phrases. - to add critical or explanatory notes…. Rodin’s ‘The Thinker’ Bronze and marble used.
Writing must add to the artwork something that you can’t show in any other way – it should not just be a repeat of what is already there. If you have drawn a picture of a figure in charcoal as part as your study on ‘Recycled Figures & Forms project’, you could note down: 1.Why you chose to draw it, 2.How it links with the theme, 3.Whether charcoal was a good choice or not. To write or not to write?...
It does not matter if you write your annotations by hand or on the computer. However, they do need to be clear and easy to read. It can be effective to print your text onto acetate, tracing paper or coloured paper. Acetate and tissue paper can be placed on top of pictures on the page. To write or not to write?...
‘I think my drawing skills are starting to develop and I have more confidence drawing from direct observation. I am very pleased with my drawing of a shell. Next time, I would try and draw on a larger scale. I think I have captured tone well as my shell looks 3- dimensional. However I need to spend more time looking at the shell to achieve a more realistic shape. I have enjoyed working with a range of graded pencils.’ at this annotation…. Do you think it is a good example?
Think about these questions in relation to your drawing. Are you pleased with the end product? What might you have done differently next time? Describe how you have used the Formal elements in your drawings. (Focus on two in particular) (Line, tone, texture, pattern, colour and shape) Have you enjoyed working with the materials?
Design at least 3-5 different ideas based on your research. Then complete a final design idea. Include annotations and material samples.