Learning Styles Academic Strategies for the Business Professional Professor Kelly UNIT 3 SEMINAR
Online Learning Reflection Now that we are in week 3, how do you feel about online learning? Describe what you’ve learned so far in 3 words. What would you tell a friend about these first 2 weeks at Kaplan University?
Agenda Assignments Leaning Styles Multiple Intelligences Case Study Questions
Unit 3 Assignments Complete the Unit 3 Reading – Learning Styles Complete the Learning Styles quiz Participate in the Unit 3 Discussion Complete the Learning & Study Skills Inventory (LASSI) Complete the Unit 3 LASSI Inventory Assignment
Assignments The Unit 3 Reading will focus on Learning Styles and direct you to complete a brief Learning Styles quiz. The quiz will help you to identify your learning styles as Visual, Kinesthetic, Auditory or a combination of two or all three styles. The Unit 3 Reading will focus on Learning Styles and direct you to complete a brief Learning Styles quiz. The quiz will help you to identify your learning styles as Visual, Kinesthetic, Auditory or a combination of two or all three styles. Make sure to complete the Learning Styles quiz before responding to the Unit 3 Discussion question!! Make sure to complete the Learning Styles quiz before responding to the Unit 3 Discussion question!! Please don't confuse the Learning Styles quiz with the LASSI Inventory--these are two separate items! Our focus in the Unit 3 Discussion forum will be on the Learning Styles quiz, not the LASSI Inventory. You will focus on your LASSI Inventory results as you complete the Unit 3 Assignment. Please don't confuse the Learning Styles quiz with the LASSI Inventory--these are two separate items! Our focus in the Unit 3 Discussion forum will be on the Learning Styles quiz, not the LASSI Inventory. You will focus on your LASSI Inventory results as you complete the Unit 3 Assignment.
Assignments Select the LASSI tab under Unit 3 on your Course Menu and complete the LASSI Inventory—make sure to SAVE the scores you receive! Select the LASSI tab under Unit 3 on your Course Menu and complete the LASSI Inventory—make sure to SAVE the scores you receive! Select the Assignment tab under Unit 3 on your Course Menu to access the Unit 3 template. Assignment instructions are included on the Unit 3 template; review all instructions carefully. Select the Assignment tab under Unit 3 on your Course Menu to access the Unit 3 template. Assignment instructions are included on the Unit 3 template; review all instructions carefully. For the Unit 3 Assignment, you will report your scores from the LASSI Inventory on the Unit 3 template and complete several follow-up questions and activities. For the Unit 3 Assignment, you will report your scores from the LASSI Inventory on the Unit 3 template and complete several follow-up questions and activities. Proofread your work carefully!
Learning & Study Skills Inventory Anxiety Anxiety Attitude Attitude Concentration Concentration Information Processing Information Processing Motivation Motivation Online Learning Strategies Online Learning Strategies Study Aids Study Aids Selecting Main Ideas Selecting Main Ideas Self-Testing Self-Testing Testing Strategies Testing Strategies Time Management Time Management
Diagnostic Measure Provides standardized scores for the different scales listed previously percentile score equivalents national norms Does not give a total score since this is a diagnostic measure.
Diagnostic….. serving to identify or characterize The LASSI provides students with a diagnosis of their strengths and weaknesses, compared to other college students, in the areas covered by the scales.
Prescriptive…… giving directions or injunctions The LASSI provides feedback about areas where students may be weak and need to improve their knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and skills.
LASSI If you scored above the 75th percentile on any of the eleven LASSI for Learning Online scales, you probably do not have to give a high priority to improving your strategies in those areas. If you scored above the 75th percentile on any of the eleven LASSI for Learning Online scales, you probably do not have to give a high priority to improving your strategies in those areas If you scored between the 75th and the 50th percentiles on any of the eleven scales, you should consider improving your strategies for those scales. If you scored between the 75th and the 50th percentiles on any of the eleven scales, you should consider improving your strategies for those scales If you scored below the 50th percentile on any of the eleven scales, you need to improve your skills to avoid serious problems succeeding in college. If you scored below the 50th percentile on any of the eleven scales, you need to improve your skills to avoid serious problems succeeding in college.
What are Learning Styles? Information enters your brain three main ways: sight, hearing and touch, which one you use the most is called your Learning Style Information enters your brain three main ways: sight, hearing and touch, which one you use the most is called your Learning Style Visual Learners learn by sight Visual Learners learn by sight Auditory Learners learn by hearing Auditory Learners learn by hearing Tactile Learners (kinesthetic) learn by touch Tactile Learners (kinesthetic) learn by touch
Visual Visual learners tend to think in pictures or images; they take in what they hear or read and translate it into images in their brain. This type of learner likes seeing things, highlighting notes and using symbols, pictures and graphs. Visual learners tend to think in pictures or images; they take in what they hear or read and translate it into images in their brain. This type of learner likes seeing things, highlighting notes and using symbols, pictures and graphs.
Visual Learners Prefer to see information such as pictures, diagrams, cartoons, demonstrations Picture words and concepts they hear as images Can be easily distracted in a lecture with no visual aids Can be overwhelmed with intense visuals accompanied by lecture Will benefit from using charts, maps, notes, and flash cards when studying
Auditory Auditory learners like to listen and take in information that is spoken, taped, sung, etc. This type of learner tends to like to talk, sing, listen to music, tell stories and take part in class discussions. Auditory learners like to listen and take in information that is spoken, taped, sung, etc. This type of learner tends to like to talk, sing, listen to music, tell stories and take part in class discussions.
Auditory Learners Prefer to hear information spoken Can absorb a lecture with little effort May not need careful notes to learn Will often avoid eye contact in order to concentrate May read aloud to themselves Commonly enjoy background music when they study
Kinesthetic Kinesthetic or hands-on learners like to get directly involved in the learning process by touching, manipulating and feeling whatever they are learning about. This learner works well with examples and illustrations and likes to build models, act things out, go on field trips, talk with others--anything that allows direct involvement in the learning process. Kinesthetic or hands-on learners like to get directly involved in the learning process by touching, manipulating and feeling whatever they are learning about. This learner works well with examples and illustrations and likes to build models, act things out, go on field trips, talk with others--anything that allows direct involvement in the learning process.
Kinesthetic Learners Prefer touch as their primary mode for taking in information In traditional lecture situations, they should write out important facts May create study sheets connected to vivid examples Role-playing can help them learn and remember important ideas
Index of Learning Styles Learning style profiles … are CONTINUOUS They are NOT either/or categories suggest behavioral TENDENCIES They are NOT predictors of behavior suggest that you have MORE strengths associated with one learning style THAN the other can be affected by your educational experiences
Study Tips What are some study tips for the kinesthetic, auditory, and visual learning styles? What are some study tips for the kinesthetic, auditory, and visual learning styles? Do you plan to implement any of these into your study routine? Do you plan to implement any of these into your study routine?
Questions to ask yourself ???Have you ever been able to picture something in your mind? ???Do you add colors, pictures or doodles to your notes? ???Do you organize yourself and write down every detail of an issue? ???Do you think best when exerting yourself in some strenuous physical activity? ???Do you find you can memorize something when you say it out loud or put in a catchy jingle? ???Do you learn best in a quiet and highly organized atmosphere? ???Do you find yourself reading assignments or notes out loud?
Reflection How can understanding your own learning style help you to succeed in your studies here at Kaplan University?
New way of thinking Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory was first published in Howard Gardner's book, Frames Of Mind (1983), and quickly became established as a classical model by which to understand and teach many aspects of human intelligence, learning style, personality and behaviour - in education and industry. Howard Gardner initially developed his ideas and theory on multiple intelligences as a contribution to psychology, however Gardner's theory was soon embraced by education, teaching and training communities. Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory was first published in Howard Gardner's book, Frames Of Mind (1983), and quickly became established as a classical model by which to understand and teach many aspects of human intelligence, learning style, personality and behaviour - in education and industry. Howard Gardner initially developed his ideas and theory on multiple intelligences as a contribution to psychology, however Gardner's theory was soon embraced by education, teaching and training communities.
8 Intelligences – by Dr. Howard Gardner Linguistic Logical/ Mathematical Spatial Bodily/ Kinesthetic Musical Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic
New way of thinking Each person possesses all eight intelligences - MI theory is not a "type theory" for determining the one intelligence that fits. It is a theory of cognitive functioning, and it proposed that each person has capacities in all seven intelligences. Most people can develop each intelligence to an adequate level of competency - although an individual may bewail his or her deficiencies in a given area, Gardner suggests that virtually everyone has the capacity to develop all eight intelligences to a reasonably high level of performance if given the appropriate encouragement, enrichment, and instruction.
New way of thinking The question is not “Are you intelligent,” but rather “How are you intelligent?” Think about your strengths and weaknesses as I describe the 8 main types of intelligences as identified by Dr. Howard Gardner
The bottom line….. There are many ways to be intelligent within each category - there is no standard set of attributes that one must have to be considered intelligent in a specific area. Consequently, a person may not be able to read, yet be highly linguistic because he can tell a terrific story or has a large, oral vocabulary. Similarly, a person may be quite awkward on the playing field, yet possess superior bodily- kinesthetic intelligence when she weaves a carpet or creates an inlaid chess table. MI theory emphasizes the rich diversity of ways in which people show their gifts within intelligences as well as between intelligences. Can you relate to the theory of Multiple Intelligences?
Dimensions of Intelligence Linguistic Intelligence Skilled with words/ “The Word Player” Bodily/ Kinesthetic Intelligence Physical skill/ “The Mover” Logical/ Mathematical Intelligence Skilled with numbers & reasoning/ “The Questioner” Skilled with numbers & reasoning/ “The Questioner” Spatial Intelligence Skilled with pictures & images/ “The Visualizer”
Dimensions of intelligence Musical Intelligence Skilled with melody & rhythm/ “The Music Lover” Interpersonal Intelligence Skills of social understanding/ “The Socializer” Intrapersonal Intelligence Skills of self-knowledge/ “The Individual” Naturalistic Intelligence Skills of making connection to elements in nature/ “The Outdoorsman” “The Outdoorsman”
Linguistic If you have strong linguistic intelligence you might learn better by Reading Memorizing Playing word games (Scrabble, Anagrams, Password) Making up rhymes, puns Using the internet
Logical/Mathematical Learner If you have strong logical-mathematical intelligence you might learn better by Recording information systematically Setting up experiments (“What if…?”) Playing strategy games (Chess, Checkers) Analyzing data Asking logical questions Using the internet
Spatial Learner If you have strong spatial intelligence you might learn better by Studying pictures Watching videos Using visual, tangible aids Doing mazes, puzzles Making predictions Using the internet
Bodily/Kinesthetic Learner If you have strong bodily-kinesthetic intelligence you might learn better by Doing role plays Constructing physical examples Exercising while reviewing Visiting museums, institutions, parks Asking logical questions Using the internet
Musical Learner If you have strong musical intelligence you might learn better by Listening to recordings Talking to yourself Making up songs Mentally repeating information Reading aloud Changing tempo
Interpersonal Learner If you have strong interpersonal intelligence you might learn better by Studying in groups Comparing information with others Interviewing experts Relating personal experiences Being a teamplayer Doing cooperative projects
Intrapersonal Learner If you have strong intrapersonal intelligence you might learn better by Avoiding distractions Establishing personal goals Playing solitary games Setting own pace Working alone Relating personal experiences
Naturalistic Learner If you have strong naturalistic intelligence you might learn better by Studying outside Learning in the presence of plants & pets Relating environmental issues to topics Smelling, seeing touching, tasting, Observing natural phenomenon
The Case of Jayden Jayden liked school but always got in trouble for getting up and moving around in his high school class. He would tap his pencil on the desk when he was reading, and when doing his assignments at home he liked to walk around. He didn’t like to follow instructions on assignments, but preferred to just get started and do the work. This caused some problems for him because he sometimes missed important parts of the assignments. Jayden is now taking classes online. He wants to get his degree and earn more money.
Based on just the information from the case study, what is Jayden’s preferred learning style: Visual, Auditory or Kinesthetic? What information from the case study helps you to make this selection?
How can Jayden use his learning style to help himself do well with his online education? What specific approaches could he take that would allow him to draw upon his kinesthetic (hands-on) strengths?
L et’s say Jayden really doesn’t understand his own learning styles or strengths. What kinds of questions could Jayden ask himself in order to better understand his own learning styles?
The Toolbox Approach Think of your learning styles/preferences in this manner: What good is a toolbox with only one tool in it? Think of your learning styles/preferences in this manner: What good is a toolbox with only one tool in it? Put as many tools into your "learning toolboxes" as you can Be prepared for anything that might come your way. This will give you many more options and prepare you to deal with many different Put as many tools into your "learning toolboxes" as you can Be prepared for anything that might come your way. This will give you many more options and prepare you to deal with many different learning situations. learning situations.
Final Questions?
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