 starter activity Guess who?  How important is it to study the early life of figures from history?


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Presentation transcript:

 starter activity Guess who?  How important is it to study the early life of figures from history?

Who was Adolf Hitler? To create a timeline of key events in AH’s life To write an interview with AH highlighting key ideas and turning points  Learning objectives

 Your task Read p Plot these dates on a timeline and note what happens in a sentence. Read p Plot these dates on a timeline and note what happens in a sentence  Study the interpretations of Hitler’s early life and choose which you think is the most accurate. Use evidence from your timeline to support your judgement.

Hitler’s early life 1889 – born in Branau, Austria 1889 – born in Branau, Austria 1899 – attended local church school for 5 years 1899 – attended local church school for 5 years 1903 – father (a hard-drinking bully) died 1903 – father (a hard-drinking bully) died 1905 – failed exams & left school 1905 – failed exams & left school mother died, Hitler went to Vienna in search of work mother died, Hitler went to Vienna in search of work 1907 – tried to pass entrance exams at Vienna Art Academy 1907 – tried to pass entrance exams at Vienna Art Academy 1913 – went to Munich to avoid compulsory service in army 1913 – went to Munich to avoid compulsory service in army 1914 – volunteered to join army at start of WWI; Iron Cross 1914 – volunteered to join army at start of WWI; Iron Cross 1918 – temporarily blinded, in hospital at end of War 1918 – temporarily blinded, in hospital at end of War 1919 – joined German Workers’ Party 1919 – joined German Workers’ Party

An example of Hitler’s art work.

 Your task Imagine you had the chance to interview the young Hitler. Ask him about key events in his life and get him to explain their importance to him in the development of his ideas. Imagine you had the chance to interview the young Hitler. Ask him about key events in his life and get him to explain their importance to him in the development of his ideas. Find out which 2 events were turning points Find out which 2 events were turning points

Good start Getting to know Hitler better Star interview! You have made a limited number of references to events in Hitler’s early life You partly explain what events influenced his later ideas You refer to a range of events in Hitler’s life You broadly explain how events were so influential You refer in detail to key events in his life including: his school, parents, attempts to become an art student in Vienna, experiences in WWI, joining German Workers’ Party You fully explain through your questioning the influence of these events on his ideas It is written like a talk show interview

 Homework Write an essay-style response to this question: Write an essay-style response to this question: ‘How important was ‘hyperinflation’ amongst other factors in weakening Weimar government?’ ‘How important was ‘hyperinflation’ amongst other factors in weakening Weimar government?’ Tip – don’t only discuss hyperinflation consider 3 or 4 other factors and decide which was the most important. Aim to write 1 side of A4 Tip – don’t only discuss hyperinflation consider 3 or 4 other factors and decide which was the most important. Aim to write 1 side of A4

Plenary Plenary 3 key events in Hitler’s early life? 3 key events in Hitler’s early life? 2 turning points? 2 turning points? Key ideas emerging from his experiences and writings? Key ideas emerging from his experiences and writings?  Do you think that by 1919 it was inevitable that Hitler would become an extremist?  Do you think that by 1919 it was inevitable that Hitler would become an extremist?