Regions 7/8 Tech Directors Update Mark Samberg, October 2014 Friday Institute, NC State University
For the Policy Brief and additional information: To submit inquires and recommendations: Working Group Interest Form:
Two Views Digital Learning Plan or Digital Learning Plan
Our View ✔ Digital Learning Plan ✖ Digital Learning Plan
A Plan to Implement Legislative Actions
Elements of the Digital-Age Learning Model Advancement based on demonstrated mastery of the content and competency in applying what has been learned. Anywhere and anytime learning, inside and outside of schools, 24/7, with most learning blending face-to-face and online activities. Personalized learning and flexible resources optimized for each student. Student-centered instruction, combining large group, small group and individualized learning, with teachers serving as facilitators and coaches. Digital content providing interactive, flexible and easily updated educational resources. Assessments integrated into learning activities to provide ongoing information about students’ achievement that can be used to improve teaching and learning. Parent portals provide 24/7 access to their children’s assignments, grades, and records, as well as a means to communicate with teachers and administrators. Project-based and community-based learning activities connecting to students’ lives outside of school.
The DL Plan will Include Feasibility study –Functional and technical –Economic –Legal –Operational –Timing Readiness assessment –State, district, school* Findings and recommendations –Services, budgets, organization and governance, funding, policy Instruction and Digital Content Technology Infrastructure and Devices
Digital Learning Plan Work Teams Mark Samberg Mary Ann Wolf & Lauren Bryant Phil Emer & Ray Zeisz Trip Stallings Glenn Kleiman – Project Director Jeni Corn – Project Director
Digital Learning Challenges Note: Data from open-coding of text-based responses (n=112).
Components of Digital-Age Learning Note: Percentage of respondents selecting “very important” and “every school” on 2 Likert-scaled survey items (n=207).
Questions the NC DL Plan will address: Models 1.What exemplary approaches and lessons learned from local school districts’ digital learning initiatives should North Carolina build upon? Instruction & Digital Content 2.How will North Carolina transition from funding for textbooks to funding for digital materials that are aligned with curriculum, remain current, and are effective for all learners? 3.How will existing systems, such as Home Base, the North Carolina Virtual Public School, Public Libraries, and the K-12 Cloud support the transition to digital resources and digital learning? Technology Infrastructure & Devices 4.How will North Carolina ensure that all public schools and community anchor institutions have the technology, service, and support infrastructure needed to sustain robust digital learning?
Questions the NC DL Plan will address: Human Capacity 5.How will North Carolina enhance the capacity of all its teachers, school leaders, and district leaders to fully utilize digital resources and meet the new digital learning standards? 6.How will North Carolina ensure that there will be a sustained pipeline of teachers and administrators prepared to support the K-12 digital learning transition? Policy & Funding 7.How do State and local education policies and processes need to be updated and revised to further digital learning? 8.How does the digital learning transition impact school budgets and how can the digital learning transition be funded? Recommendations 9.How can North Carolina best support current and future local digital learning transitions in districts throughout the State?
Status of Wireless Infrastructure in NC Schools (2013)
Recommendation: Leverage RttT & E-Rate $44 M RttT - $4.6 M E-Rate Discount $32 M E-Rate Discount $32 M North Carolina $12 M North Carolina $12 M Internal Networking cost per year E-Rate - $ 16.3 M “Jump Start” in Internal Networking cost per year
Timeline November 2014 Survey Closes RFP Developed December 2014 RFP Released February 2015 Contract must be awarded March 2015 USAC funding decisions made April 2015 E-Rate Funded Work Can Begin September 2015 RttT Funding Ends
SBE Has Approved E-Rate discount rate (highest discount – 85% - gets highest priority) Current wireless infrastructure status (biggest gap from standard gets highest priority; age of any existing equipment factors in) – based on statewide survey High Middle Elementary
What’s In? Network Components (APs, Switches, Controllers/Management, Wiring, Install) Not all schools need all components Traditional Instructional Areas get RttT funding priority LEAs will be able to buy off the contracts –LEAs should feel free to file for E-Rate on their own projects Will Charters be included?
What Happens Between Now & April Early 2015 we will notify you if your project will receive RttT Funds. Our goal is to reduce paperwork on LEAs –LEAs will more than likely be the 471 Filer –We want to reduce the need for mini-bids One throat to choke –Vendors can’t cherry pick schools in your district –Solutions should work with your existing environment Expect visits, calls, s, etc if you’re funded
The Long Game Recurring Funding for School Connectivity 2.0 –It’s bigger than network gear Expanded CNE Services Managed Network Services
Content & Instruction ContentInstruction Data & Learning Analytics Assessment
Content Locally- Created Resources Purchased Resources Partner Resources Online Courseware Open Educational Resources
Key Issues Selection, Vetting, Alignment Sharing & Distribution Evaluation of Effectiveness Pricing Models Changing Pedagogical Methods Ongoing, Integrated Formative Assessment
Digital Content & Instruction Recommendations Will Address Criteria and processes for reviewing, evaluating and procuring digital education resources. Processes and incentives to encourage the development and sharing of locally-created digital resources across the State. Requirements for next generation technology tools to support the creation, reviewing, indexing and sharing of digital resources. And other relevant areas.
Human Capacity Leadership Professional Learning Educator Roles and Pipeline -Shared Vision-Continuous Improvement-Communication & Collaboration -Policy-Sustainability-Community Engagement -Personnel -Focus-Format -Participation-Professional Learning Communities -Teachers-School Leaders-District Leaders -ITFs-Instructional Coaches-Technicians
Human Capacity: Initial Recommendations Support policies to update the education workforce by embedding professional learning in the day-to-day work of all educators. Support programs to prepare school and district leaders to serve as change agents who will lead digital learning initiatives. Support programs to provide an instructional technology facilitator or coach in every school. Shift policies from seat time (CEU) requirements to competency- based requirements for licensure and recertification. Establish expectations and incentives for teacher preparation programs to prepare new teachers for digital learning classrooms.
Teacher Working Conditions Data Teachers have sufficient access to instructional technology, including computers, printers, software and internet access. Teachers have sufficient training to fully utilize instructional technology.
Policy and Funding: Some Focus Areas Funding levels, sources and flexibility Licensure requirements for staff supporting digital learning Virtual learning: funding, quality assurance, equity of access Data from embedded assessments used to improve instruction Statewide or regional LEA consortia for economies of scale Data security, privacy and access Selecting and procuring digital resources Public-private partnerships
Stakeholder Engagement Advisory Boards Meetings with –Educators: superintendents, principals, tech directors, teachers –Students and parents –Policymakers –Business leaders Sample LEAs Models/exemplars Regional town halls Webinars and online surveys
Proposed Sample Districts
Final Notes NC is positioned to be a national leader in digital learning The Digital Learning Plan will move things in the right direction, but the changes will be ongoing, not completed by 2017, 2020 or any other year We believe there will be a good long-term ROI in terms of educational outcomes, increased graduate rates, workforce preparation and state budgets. Investments in infrastructure, digital content and human capacity development will be required.
Solicitation of Input 1.What strategies do you think your district or school does well to support digital learning? 2.What are some ways that digital content is currently being used in your district or school? 3.What are the human capacity needs for the digital learning transition (e.g., PD, leadership, and staffing)? 4.What local funds might be available to enable your district to make the transition to digital learning after 2017?
For the Policy Brief and additional information: To submit inquires and recommendations: Digital Learning Plan Information Gathering: Working Group Interest Form: