Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative
Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative (MCCC) is a joint powers organization providing services, software, and other cost- effective measures to substantially reduce the cost of data processing for counties. Established in 1978, MCCC works with all 87 Minnesota Counties, several Minnesota Agencies, some Minnesota cities, and a few out-of-state counties and agencies. Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative
Assists User Groups with organizing their group. Facilitates User Group Meetings. Manages funds, serves as a fiduciary agent for the User Groups. Serves as a liaison between the User Groups and their vendors. Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative MCCC provides the following services to User Groups:
Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative Facilitates the sharing of information and resources between the different user groups. Manages the RFP and contracting process. Negotiates contracts on behalf of the User Groups. Helps identify problems and develop solutions. Applies for grants on behalf of the User Groups. Handles an array of other User Group responsibilities.
Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative Some of the MCCC User Groups own their software. This allows them to control all software changes, releases, updates and customizations to best meet their needs. MCCC User Group software is maintained, supported, and enhanced by vendors selected by the User Groups through an RFP process.
Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative MCCC currently has seven user groups: Minnesota Property Tax Law Enforcement Finance & General Government Community Health Service Corrections County Attorneys Information Services Support Group
Minnesota Property Tax User Group The Minnesota Property Tax System (PTS) User Group currently has 47 counties using the ACS Minnesota property tax system. There are several subcommittees committed to various projects, such as the Legislative Research Committee, the Beta Testing Committee, the Training Committee, and the Standards Committee. The MCCC Tax User Group works closely with the Minnesota Department of Revenue on all of our projects. The Property Tax User Group also has a CamaUSA subcommittee. Several of the Tax User Group Counties are currently working on a new property tax system with Manatron. We will be converting and implementing these counties the end of 2007 and throughout A committee is also reviewing the Manatron CAMA system.
Law Enforcement User Group The Law Enforcement User Group currently has 20 member counties. CIS is the Law Enforcement User Group software vendor. The Law Enforcement User Group is working with neighboring state counties sharing the same software needs. The MCCC Law Enforcement User Group works closely with both the Department of Corrections and CriMNet in our activities and training.
Finance & General Government User Group The Finance & General Government User Group has 47 member counties. The User Group has several software packages, including: Two payroll packages, a human resources package, Capital Assets, Integrated Financial System, and Treasurer’s Financial System.
Community Health Services User Group The Community Health Services Group (CHS) currently has 22 member counties and agencies. Our primary software package is the Public Health Documentation System (PH-Doc). The CHS Group supports the Environmental Health Documentation System (EH-Doc), Jail Health and a Community Immunization Tracking System (CITS). The MCCC CHS User Group works closely with the Minnesota Department of Health on all of our projects. PH-Doc is HIPAA compliant. We have a scheduling enhancement to PH-Doc. And, we have included the Omaha Outcomes into PH-Doc.
Corrections User Group The Corrections User Group is MCCC’s largest user group working with all 87 Minnesota counties either directly or through agencies and the Department of Corrections. The Corrections User Group has developed and maintains the Court Services Tracking System (CSTS) software, which is used by probation and parole officers throughout the state. STI holds the maintenance & support contract for CSTS. Juvenile/Adult Information Management System (JAIMS), the Financial Tracking System (FTS) and the Domestic Relations System (DRS) are also Corrections User Group managed programs. The Department of Corrections (DOC) is a member of the MCCC Corrections User Group; and the group works closely with CriMNet on both projects and training.
County Attorney User Group The County Attorney User Group is MCCC’s newest user group. The County Attorney User Group owns and manages the MCAPS software package. The User Group is working closely with CriMNet to provide a CriMNet version of the software which will link with MNCIS for all User Group counties. As a new user group, new counties are joining on a regular basis. The User Group works closely with the Minnesota County Attorney Association.
Information Services Support Group MCCC’s Information Services Support Group (ISSG) members are IT, MIS, IS managers and staff throughout the state. This group provides an amazing pool of resources! We share knowledge, assist each other on software and hardware challenges, and work together to find cooperative solutions. The ISSG Group spends time training and developing cooperative IT solutions for counties.
Other Benefits MCCC is Offering to Counties User Group Specialized Training MIS/IT/IS Staff Training Sessions and Certification Programs MCCC also provides an automated meeting calendar system to provide meeting notification. Check out RSVP at
Message from the CriMNet Office The CriMNet Program considers MCCC a major partner in the state's criminal justice information integration goals. MCCC has been awarded implementation grants to enhance data sharing among probation agencies and prosecutors, and these agencies provide key pieces of information in the electronic flow of data between agencies statewide. Submitted by: Dale Good, CriMNet Executive Director Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
Message from MACO eCounties MCCC has proven to be a valuable resource for the MACO eCounties Committee. eCounties is a collaboration of county offices working together to promote electronic services to the taxpayer and customer. The open dialog with the MCCC staff and the user groups has played and important role in the communication between county government offices. Submitted by: Kay Wrucke, Martin County Recorder MACO eCounties Chair
Message from AMC As important as it was for MCCC to be created in the 70's, it is even more important today that counties work together to reduce costs and provide quality services. MCCC plays a vital role in ensuring the Minnesota Counties can continue to meet the technological challenges of today and tomorrow. Submitted by: Jim Mulder, Executive Director, AMC
Message from the Minnesota Department of Health The great thing about working with MCCC is that they are ‘user owned and operated’, so there is tremendous commitment to developing and maintaining a quality product, and to getting the most out of every dollar invested. Submitted by Bill Brand, M.P.H. Minnesota Department of Health
For more information on MCCC, visit our website at and check out our monthly newsletter!