AP Study Groups
While study groups are recommended – they are not mandatory.
Study groups gathering to prepare for the AP Test should be limited to four or five students.
Study groups should always have an agenda each time you meet. If your meetings take a turn toward being a social hour then point to the agenda and get back on track.
Several past study groups have met on the weekends at the Grapevine Public Library where they could meet in a study room that had large white boards on the walls for tracing elements of world history across a specific time period. You may have to call the library about reserving these study rooms.
Here are some tips on what to do with a study group: ~Compare your chapter notes and questions ~Compare lecture notes from various chapters ~Discuss handouts/readings from your five notebooks ~Make flashcards of vocabulary and important people ~Work with Barron’s flashcards for AP World that you can find at bookstores or Amazon.com. ~Make copies and take the tests in the back of the booster books. ~Divide up the info from ACORN and assign each person to make a one page review of their assigned topic to hand out to the rest of the group.
Try to have each person in your group purchase a different study guide so you have lots of different material to look over. Check out apps online