Technology in Computerized Classrooms & Testing: Friend or Foe? Joann Segovia Rhonda Ficek
Agenda SurveyE-Friend / E-Foe Objectives Millennial Learners Maintaining Integrity: Wireless Classrooms Maintaining Integrity: Computerized Testing
Survey: Is technology highly integrated in your course? 1= Yes 5= No Do you frequently use electronic communication with your students? Chat room Discussion board Postings on web page 1=Yes 5=No
Survey: What types of technology do you use? Computerized testing during class time 1= Yes 2=No Computerized testing online1= Yes 2=No Personal response system1= Yes 2=No Website1= Yes 2=No Interactive website1= Yes 2=No Electronic texts1= Yes 2=No Electronic games1= Yes 2=No
Survey Do you use software for computer classroom management? (i.e Silicon Chalk) 1= Yes 2=No
Survey: What type of Instructional Management System do you use? 1)Blackboard 2)WebCT 3)D2l 4)Other system 5)None
Survey: Do you think your students use publisher websites? 1= Yes 2=No Do you think your students have used technology inappropriately during an exam? 1= Yes 2=No Do you have an academic honor code that students must sign? 1= Yes 2=No
Survey: What is your greatest challenge? 1 Time 2 Funding 3 Training 4 Technical support 5 Controlling “misuse” 6 Lack of recognition or rewards 7 Other Agenda
“E-Friend” Assists student learning Motivates student learning Dynamic, up-to-date instructional content Prompt feedback Increases efficiency Accommodates multiple learning styles
Did you know? What percentage of students are visual learners? –0-25% –26-50% –51-75% –76-100%
“E-Foe” Students misuse technology Effects on IQ, Attention Span?Effects on IQ, Attention Span Writing Skills? Acronyms?Acronyms Digital Divide Poor performance on computerized tests?
Did you know? Cell phones: –publisher websites’ text material –Text messaging (avg rate: 40 chars/min) –Pictures of test screens Calculators: –Text messaging –Programmable calculators: loading notes / Test banks / Term papers for sale on the Internet Agenda
Did you know? “Workers distracted by phone calls, s and text messages suffer a greater loss of IQ than a person smoking marijuana, a British study shows.” …the IQ of those who tried to juggle messages and work fell by 10 points -- the equivalent to missing a whole night's sleep and more than double the 4-point fall seen after smoking marijuana.
Objectives Explain key characteristics of millennial learners and their “best” learning strategies Provide best practices for maintaining integrity –computerized testing environments –wireless classrooms Agenda
Millennial Learners
Would You Repeat That Please???
You’re Going to Do What???
I’m not interested in textbooks – I’ll keep up on topics MY way????
The Millennial Learner: Characteristics
The Millennial Learner: Learning preferences Teamwork Experiential activities Structure Use of technology
The Millennial Learner’s Activities and instant messaging Blogging, Podcasting High-technology gadgets “Multiprocessing” and multitasking Prefer teamwork, group projects, service learning, community service Entertainment and excitement
The Millennial: Visions for Learning Environments Digital devices (Small, voice-activated) High speed Internet access Intelligent tutor/helper with homework Source: Visions 2020 at
The Millennial: Visions for Learning Environments Intensive use of technology games virtual world experiences online classes computer or online assignments digital teachers e-books, personalized learning Source: Visions 2020 at
Millennials’ Expectations: Teachers, Learning Environments Expect academic staff to be comfortable and use wide range of technologies Flexible learning environments / creative activities Agenda
Best practices for computerized testing environments NCTA Professional Standards and Guidelines for Post-Secondary Test Centers: Standards Policy Contractual agreements Staffing Institutional representation and coordination Physical environment See:
Best practices for computerized testing environments NCTA Professional Standards and Guidelines for Post- Secondary Test Centers: Guidelines Staffing and room environment Scheduling and admission processes Responsibilities of proctor Security issues Reviewing exams See:
Tips for Securing Computerized Testing Environments Prohibit cell phones, PDAs in the room Randomize selection of questions on tests Randomize order of choices in MC questions Disable printing during testing
Tips for Securing Computerized Testing Environments Release only total score rather than questions / student responses / correct answers Monitor from a point where screens are visible Rules in place beforehand – no windows open except for test, leave room after test is completed Don’t allow students to leave before they submit test
MSUM’s Proctored Testing Experiment Pilot Spring 2005 Additional Funding for Targets large classes –Current labs have < 30 computers –Randomized question sets –Testing over a period of days
Students’ Innovative Ways to Use Technology Use of electronic devices during class or exam –Cell phones, PDAs, laptops, programmable calculators Specific examples of inappropriate uses and any solutions to improve environment? “Wired for Cheating” ( for Cheating Agenda
Managing Computerized Classrooms: Formative Assessment Use Chat to take attendance while asking an opening question Quick writes Quick writes (
Managing Computerized Classrooms Monitors off at times Creating active learning through technology: Horizon Wimba
Managing Computerized Classrooms: Formative Assessment Web-Based Self-Assessment Tools Study Mate Demo e.shtmlDemo Quandary Demo tutorials_examples.phpDemo Agenda
Conclusion New Learners New technologies: Best of both worlds?
Contact Information Rhonda Ficek, Director of Instructional Technology, MSU Moorhead Joann Segovia, Accounting Professor, MSU Moorhead