Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London1 How (and why) HEP uses the Grid.
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London2 Overview Major challenges Scope of talk MC production Data transfer Data analysis Conclusions
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London3 HEP in a nutshell Workflows include: Monte Carlo production Data calibration Reconstruction of RAW data. Skimming of RECO data. Analysis of RAW/RECO/TAG data physicists per experiment So far main activities are MC production and user analysis
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London4 Computing Challenges I Large amounts of data. –~100 million electronics channels (per experiment). –~1MB per event. –40 million events per second. –Record ~100 events per second. –~billion events per year. –~15PB per year. Trivially paralizable workflows Many users, O(1000), performing unstructured analysis Each analysis requires non-negligable data access (<1TB). Each analysis requires similar amounts of simulated (Monte Carlo) data. Concorde (15 Km) Balloon (30 Km) CD stack with 1 year LHC data! (~ 20 Km) Mt. Blanc (4.8 Km)
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London5 Computing Challenges II HEP requirements: –Scalable workload management system with 10,000s of jobs, 1000s of users and 100s of sites worldwide. –Useable by non computing experts. –High levels of data integrity / availability. –PBs of data storage –Automatic/reliable data transfers between 100s sites managed at a high level. Of a 120TB data transfer Mr DiBona, open source program manager at Google said: "The networks aren't basically big enough and you don't want to ship the data in this manner, you want to ship it fast.” We have no choice
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London6 Scope of talk I know most about LHC experiments, esp. CMS. Many Grid projects/organisations/acronyms Focus on EGEE/Glite == (mainly) Europe. NGS not included - though plans for interoperability. Illustrate the different approaches taken by LHC experiments. Attempt to give an idea of what works and what doesn’t.
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London7 HEP approaches to grid As many ways to use distributed computing as there are experiments. Differences due to: –Computational requirements –Available resources (Hardware/Manpower) LCG systems used in a mix ‘n’ match fashion by each experiment –Workload management Jobs submitted to Resource Broker (RB) which then decides where to send job, monitors it and resubmits if failure. –Data management Similar syntax with jobs submitted to copy files between sites. Includes concepts of transfer channel, fair share and multiple retries. File catalogue maps files to locations (can have multiple instances for different domains)
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London8 Computing model ATLAS (also ALICE / CMS) Tier2 Centre ~200kSI2k Event Builder Event Filter ~7.5MSI2k T0 ~5MSI2k UK Regional Centre (RAL) US Regional Centre French Regional Centre Dutch Regional Centre RHULUCLQMUL Imperial ~0.25TIPS ~100 Gb/sec ~3 Gb/sec raw Mb/s links Some data for calibration and monitoring to institutes Calibrations flow back Each of ~30 Tier 2s have ~20 physicists (range) working on one or more channels Each Tier 2 should have the full AOD, TAG & relevant Physics Group summary data Tier 2 do bulk of simulation Physics data cache ~Pb/sec ~ 75MB/s/T1 raw for ATLAS Tier2 Centre ~200kSI2k 622Mb/s links Tier 0 Tier 1 Desktop Average CPU = ~1-1.5 kSpecInt2k London Tier ~200kSI2k Tier 2 ~200 TB/year/T2 ~2MSI2k/T1 ~2 PB/year/T1 ~5 PB/year No simulation 622Mb/s links 10 Tier-1s reprocess house simulation Group Analysis
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London9 MC generation Last few years conducted extensive analysis of simulated data. Required massive effort from many people. Only recently reached stage of large scale, automated production with grid. Taken a lot of work and still not perfect Each experiment has own system which use LCG components in different ways. CMS adopts a “traditional” LCG approach –I.e. jobs to RB to site. ATLAS bypasses the RB sends direct to known “good” sites. LHCb implement their own system using the RB but managing their own loadbalancing.
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London10 MC generation (CMS) LCG submission uses RB, multiple instances also can be multi-threaded. Adopts a “if fail try-try again” approach to failures. Does not use LCG file catalogues due to performance/scalability concerns. Instead use a custom system with an entry per dataset, O( GB). ProdRequest ProdMgr ProdAgent Resource User Request Get Work Jobs Report Progress User Interface Accountant
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London11 MC generation (CMS II)
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London12 MC generation (CMS III) Large scale production round started 22 March.
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London13 MC generation (LHCb) Completely custom workload management framework –“Pilot” jobs –Late binding –Pull mechanism –Dynamic job priorities –Single point of failure Use standard LCG file tools
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London14 MC generation (LHCb II) CNAF GRIDKA IN2P3 NIKHEF PIC RAL ALL CERN
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London15 MC generation overview Couple of different approaches. LCG can cope with workload requirements but concerns over reliability, speed and scalability –Multiple RBs with multiple (multi-threaded) submitters –Automatic retry –ATLAS Bypass RB and submit direct to known sites (x10 faster) –LHCb implement their own late binding File handling –Again scalability and performance concerns over central file catalogues. –New LCG architecture allows multiple catalogues but some still have concerns Instead of tracking individual files use entire datasets
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London16 Data analysis Generally less developed than MC production system. So far less jobs - but need to be ready for experiment start up. Experiment use similar methodologies to their production systems. LHCb adopts a late bindng approach with pilot jobs. CMS submits via resource broker Generally send jobs to data Additional requirements from MC production –Local storage throughput of 1-5MB/s per job –Ease of use –Gentle learning curve –Pretty interface etc. –Sensible defaults etc.
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London17 Data analysis (ATLAS/LHCb) See talk by Ulrik Egede
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London18 Data analysis (CMS) Standard grid model again using the RB. Requires large software (~4GB) install at site. –Site provides nfs area to all worker nodes –Software installed with apt,rpm (over nfs) –Trivial to use tar etc… User provides application + config CRAB creates, submits and tracks jobs. Output returned to user or stored to a site Plans for server architecture to handle retries
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London19 Data analysis (CMS II)
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London20 Data analysis summary More requirements on sites - harder for smaller sites to support. Non expert users cause a large user support workload.
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London21 Data Transfer Require reliable, prioritisable, autonomous large scale file transfers. LCG file transfer functionality relatively new and still under development. Can submit a job to a file management system that will attempt file transfers for you. All(?) experiments have created their own systems to provide high level management and to overcome failures
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London22 Data Transfer (CMS) PhEdEx –Agents at each site connect to a central DB and receive work (transfers and deletions). Web-based management of whole system. With web interface –Subscribe data –Delete data –All from any site in system –Authentication with X509 certificates
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London23 Data transfer (CMS II)
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London24 Data transfer (CMS III)
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London25 Data transfer overview LCG provides tools for low level (file) access and transfer. For higher level management (I.e. multi- TB) need to write own system.
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London26 Conclusions The (LCG) grid is a vast computational resource ready for exploitation. Still far from perfect –More failures than local resources –Less performance than local resources –But probably much larger! The less your requirements the more successful you will be.
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London27 Backup
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London28 Computing model II LHCb Similar but places lower resource requirements on smaller sites. Allows uncontrolled user access to vital Tier- 1 resources. Possibility for conflict
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London29 MC generation (ATLAS) Submission via Resource Broker slow >5-10 secs per job. Limit of 10,000 jobs per day per submitter. LCG submission bypassing the RB, goes direct to site, load balancing handled by experiment software.
Stuart Wakefield Imperial College London30 Data Transfer (ATLAS) Similar approach to CMS. Throughput (MB/s) Total Errors