CELL MICROSCOPE INVESTIGATION Objective: To learn characteristics of all cells To identify cell parts To compare and contrast various cell types- Plant and animal cells To develop microscope skills
Elodea Plant - A water plant
40X Scanner 400X High Power
100X Field Of View Diameter = 8 cells Of F.o.V. = 1.5 mm
400X Diameter = 2 cells = 0.375 mm
Parts of cell are--- “organelles”
Nucleus Nucleolus
Tree leaf cross section
Drawings must be neat, use colored pencils, accurate in size and scale Your turn! Create a wet mount slide of onion skin Stain w/ Lugol’s iodine Examine Draw and Label Create a slide of cheek cells Stain w/ methyl blue Drawings must be neat, use colored pencils, accurate in size and scale
Cytoplasmic streaming or cylosis
E. Coli bacteria cell
Nerve cells = Neurons
Amoeba proteus