Leading God’s People God’s Way Lesson 11 – The Law of Magnetism
Who you are is who you attract The Law of Magnetism Who you are is who you attract Philippians 2:19-20 19 But I trust in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you shortly, that I also may be encouraged when I know your state. 20 For I have no one like-minded, who will sincerely care for your state.
Discussion (in groups of 3 or 4) The Law of Magnetism says that leaders attract followers who are like them. Think about the people who are following you. In what ways are they like you? Paul attracted a young man named Timothy. Their relationship became as close as a father-son relationship. Do you have any followers with whom you have that kind of relationship?
Our Story in History Solomon Jesus Elijah taken up into heaven in fiery chariot c. 852 BC Elisha becomes Elijah’s servant c. 860 BC Elijah and Elisha 900 850 800 750 Elijah challenges 450 prophets of Baal at Mt. Carmel c. 874 BC Elisha dies c. 795 BC c. = circa (about)
Scriptures to Read 1 Kings 16:29-17:24 1 Kings 18:20-46
Sidon The Divided Kingdom Tyre Aram (Syria) Phoenicia Ahab became king of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. His capital was the city of Samaria. Ahab did evil in the eyes of the Lord. He even married Jezebel, the daughter of Ethbaal, the king of Sidon. Mt. Tabor Mt. Carmel Tishbe Mt. Gilboa Samaria Mt. Ebal Mt. Gerizim Ammon Israel Jerusalem Mt. Nebo Asa was the king of the Southern Kingdom of Judah. His capital was the city of Jerusalem. Gath Judah Moab Philisita Kir Hareseth Edom
Sidon The Ministry of Elijah Tyre Aram (Syria) Phoenicia Mt. Tabor Mt. Carmel Tishbe Mt. Gilboa Elijah was from the town of Tishbe. After he told King Ahab that it would not rain for a few year, he went to a brook near his home as the Lord commanded. The ravens fed him morning and night, and he drank water from the brook. Samaria Mt. Ebal Mt. Gerizim Ammon Israel Jerusalem Mt. Nebo Gath Judah Moab Philisita Kir Hareseth Edom
Sidon The Ministry of Elijah Zarephath Tyre Aram (Syria) Phoenicia The Lord to Elijah to go to Zarephath where he would meet a widow. While there he miraculously provided food, and also raised the widows son from the dead after he had become sick and died. Mt. Tabor Mt. Carmel Tishbe Mt. Gilboa Samaria Mt. Ebal Mt. Gerizim Ammon Israel Jerusalem Mt. Nebo Gath Judah Moab Philisita Kir Hareseth Edom
Sidon The Ministry of Elijah Zarephath Tyre Aram (Syria) Phoenicia Mt. Tabor Mt. Carmel Tishbe Elijah told Ahab to summon all the people of Israel to Mt. Carmel. He also told him to bring the prophets of Baal and Asherah. Mt. Gilboa Samaria Mt. Ebal Mt. Gerizim Ammon Israel Jerusalem Mt. Nebo Gath Judah Moab Philisita Kir Hareseth Edom
Sidon The Ministry of Elijah Zarephath Tyre Aram (Syria) Phoenicia Mt. Tabor Mt. Carmel Tishbe Jezreel Elijah ran ahead of Ahab and beat him to Jezreel. Ahab told Jezebel what Elijah had done and she vowed to kill Elijah. Mt. Gilboa Samaria Mt. Ebal Mt. Gerizim Ammon Israel Jerusalem Mt. Nebo Gath Judah Moab Philisita Kir Hareseth Edom
Sidon The Ministry of Elijah Zarephath Tyre Aram (Syria) Phoenicia Elijah fled for his life to Beersheba. He left his servant there and continued on to Mt. Horeb (also called Mt. Sinai). There he hid in a cave feeling very sorry for himself. Mt. Tabor Mt. Carmel Tishbe Jezreel Mt. Gilboa Samaria Mt. Ebal Mt. Gerizim Ammon Israel Jerusalem Mt. Nebo Gath Judah Moab Philisita Beersheba Kir Hareseth To Mt. Horeb Edom
Sidon The Ministry of Elijah Zarephath Tyre Aram (Syria) Phoenicia God spoke to Elijah at Mt. Horeb and told him to go to Abel Meholah and anoint Elisha to succeed him as prophet. Mt. Tabor Mt. Carmel Tishbe Jezreel Abel Meholah Mt. Gilboa Samaria Mt. Ebal Mt. Gerizim Ammon Israel Jerusalem Mt. Nebo Gath Judah Moab Philisita Beersheba Kir Hareseth From Mt. Horeb Edom
Discussion (in groups of 3 or 4) Even Elijah, the great man of God, had his moments of weakness and failure. What do you do when you fail? Do you stay sitting in the mud, or do you allow God to pick you up, clean you off, and keep you moving forward? When Elisha made his decision to follow God (and Elijah), he destroyed everything that he relied on to provide for him. Do you completely trust God to provide for your every need? Or, do you sometimes rely on yourself also?
Sidon The Ministry of Elijah Zarephath Tyre Aram (Syria) King Ahaziah of Israel fell through the lattice of his upper room. He sent messengers to consult Baal-Zebub the god of Ekron to see if he would live. Phoenicia Mt. Tabor Mt. Carmel Tishbe Jezreel Abel Meholah Mt. Gilboa Samaria Mt. Ebal Mt. Gerizim Ammon Israel Ekron Jerusalem Mt. Nebo Gath Judah Moab Philisita Kir Hareseth Edom
Sidon The Ministry of Elijah Zarephath Tyre Aram (Syria) Phoenicia The Lord spoke to Elijah and told him to meet the messengers and send them back to the king with the word of the Lord. Mt. Tabor Mt. Carmel Tishbe Jezreel Abel Meholah Mt. Gilboa Samaria Mt. Ebal Mt. Gerizim Ammon Israel Ekron Jerusalem Mt. Nebo Gath Judah Moab Philisita Kir Hareseth Edom
Sidon The Ministry of Elijah Zarephath Tyre Aram (Syria) The king sent three captains with fifty men each to bring Elijah to him. The first two, with all of their men, were consumed with fire because they did not respect Elijah. The third humbled himself and Elijah went with him to the king. Phoenicia Mt. Tabor Mt. Carmel Tishbe Jezreel Abel Meholah Mt. Gilboa Samaria Mt. Ebal Mt. Gerizim Ammon Israel Ekron Jerusalem Mt. Nebo Gath Judah Moab Philisita Kir Hareseth Edom
Elijah Taken to Heaven Aram (Syria) Samaria The time came for Elijah to be taken up to heaven. He and Elisha had been in Gilgal. Together they went to Bethel. Israel Gilgal Bethel Jericho Philisita Jerusalem Judah
Elijah Taken to Heaven Aram (Syria) The Lord told Elijah to go to Jericho. Again Elisha refused to leave him, and they went to Jericho together. Samaria Israel Gilgal Bethel Jericho Philisita Jerusalem Judah
Elijah Taken to Heaven Aram (Syria) The Lord told Elijah to go to the Jordan river. For the third time Elisha refused to leave him, and they went to the Jordan together. Elijah took off his cloak, wrapped it up and then hit the waters of the Jordan with it. The water built up on the left and the right and they walked across on dry land. Samaria Israel Gilgal Bethel Jericho Philisita Jerusalem Judah
Elijah Taken to Heaven Aram (Syria) When Elijah asked Elisha what he could do for him before he was taken, Elisha asked for a double-portion of Elijah’s anointing. Elijah said it would be his if he saw when he was taken up into heaven. Samaria Israel Gilgal Bethel Jericho Philisita Jerusalem Judah
Elijah Taken to Heaven Aram (Syria) Elisha saw when Elijah was taken up into heaven. When he no longer saw Elijah, he picked up Elijah’s cloak that had fallen and headed for Jericho. When he came to the Jordan, he struck the waters with Elijah’s cloak and they parted for him to cross over. His ministry had begun in the same spirit as Elijah’s. Samaria Israel Gilgal Bethel Jericho Philisita Jerusalem Judah
Elisha Begins His Ministry Aram (Syria) Mt. Carmel Elisha went up from Jericho to Bethel. On the way some youths mocked him. When he placed a curse on them, some bears came out of the woods and killed 42 of them. Elisha then went on to Mt. Carmel and then to Samaria. Samaria Israel Gilgal Bethel Jericho Philisita Jerusalem Judah
Elisha Raises the Shunammite’s Son Aram (Syria) Mt. Carmel Shunem The Shunammite woman went to Mt. Carmel to find Elisha after her son died. Elisha returned with her to her home and raised her son from the dead. Samaria Israel Gilgal Bethel Jericho Philisita Jerusalem Judah
What Do We Learn From Elijah? Leaders attract who they are, not who they want. People like those who are like them. Leadership is about who you are, more than what you do. Effective leadership begins with being yourself .
Leaders attract who they are, not who they want Elijah drew like-minded people to himself. Let us look at how magnetism affects leadership: Every leader has a measure of magnetism A leader’s magnetism may impact others minds, hearts, or wills Magnetism is neither good nor bad in itself – It depends on what a leader does with it.
Leaders attract who they are, not who they want Elijah drew like-minded people to himself. Let us look at how magnetism impacts leadership: While all leaders draw followers similar to them, secure leaders draw followers who are similar to them and who add to them. A leader’s magnetism is not static.
People like those who are like them Elijah and Elisha were mutually attracted to each other. Mutual attraction is founded upon: Mutual Vision Mutual Expectations Mutual Contributions Mutual Commitment
Discussion (in groups of 3 or 4) We learned that leaders attract people who are similar to them, not necessarily the people that they want. What kinds of people are attracted to you? Most of us like to be with people who are like us. Normally we are not attracted to people who are different from us. What kinds of people are you drawn to?
Leadership is more about who you are, than what you do Proverbs 11:30 “Live right, and you will eat from the life-giving tree. And if you act wisely, others will follow.” Leadership is not just something you do; it is something you are. All leader must “be” first and then “do”. What you are able to do as a leader comes as the result of who you are. Leaders have problems when their true identity and the results they desire do not match up
Effective leadership begins with being yourself Elijah had to know himself to do the things God called him to do. There are four things we all have to deal with when it comes to knowing ourselves: How others see you How you want others to see you How you see yourself Who you really are
Discussion (in groups of 3 or 4) We learned that what we do is not as important as who we are or who we are becoming. Do you focus on what you have done or on who you are becoming? To be an effective leader you must learn to be yourself. How well does your perception of yourself and other people’s perception of you match up with who you truly are?
Homework – Scriptures to Read 1 Kings 11:41-43 1 Kings 12:1-33 1 Kings 14:21-31