Technology program Helsinki Institute of Physics Technology Program Grid Activities Ari-Pekka Hameri Miika Tuisku Michael Kustaa Gindonis
Technology program Outline EU funded Grid research and timeline Other Grid research CMS software, Physics, LHC Grid Cluster activities, NorduGrid Grid technology transfer: Netgest -project DataGrid project personnel Summary and plans for 2004 …
Technology program EU funded Grid Research ● European DataGrid (EDG , 5. FP) HIP is coordinating Security Task and Metadata management task within Data Management Work Package. ● Enabling Grids in eScience and industry in Europe (EGEE , , 6. FP) ● Biggest EU-funded Grid deployment project so far: 1 st phase 32 M EUR, 70 partners. ● HIP is participant in Northern European Grid (NEG) federation with CSC ● EGEE comprises also LCG-project activities ● HIP researchers work within NEG Security Team defining EGEE wide security architectures, policies and best-practicies. Also involved in Security Software re-engineering and hardening. ● HIP & CSC together has promised Grid resources to EGEE ● EGEE has natural link to NorduGrid and recently started “Finnish Grid” activities
Technology program Timeline of Grid related projects
Technology program Other Grid research ● A framework for XML-based Grid-enabled decision support system Collaboration with Tampere University and University of Lausanne Proposal submitted to Academy of Finland Conference paper presented in Berlin in September ● CERN Openlab for DataGrid applications HIP has contributed manpower in developing next openlab projects (Matti Heikkurinen) ● OpenLogbook Analysis and visualization tool for very large multimedia data sets Gridification planned within CERN Openlab, HIP Netgest and HUT project course activities Customers: Imagination Lab from Lausanne and Athena Experiment from CERN
Technology program Cluster activities, NorduGrid and Grid computing for other sciences ● Non-Physics related area of Grid Computing Current users: University of Zaragoza, Finnish Environmental Institute, Helsinki Institute of Information Technology ● Ehrnrooth “Hirmu” Cluster The aim is to further develop the Hirmu cluster in Otaniemi, and to use it as training ground and test-bed for information technology researchers ● NorduGrid and Nordic Data Grid Facility NorduGrid software has been installed on the Hirmu Cluster HIP provides and develops a Grid Portal for NorduGrid users Aim to increase the availability of basic Grid services for the Finnish NorduGrid users and participate in Nordic Grid collaboration that will prepare for the Nordic Data Grid Facility. Application to Finnish Academy to engage more people in the R&D activities (to be known soon)
Technology program CMS software, Physics, LHC Grid ● Physics software main task is installing and using CMS software in Finland ● GRID computing in physics Grid computing software from the Globus toolkit, NorduGrid project and LHC Grid project will be used and tested in Finland Acting as a link between grid software developed in HIP Technology program (GridBlocks) and the LHC Computing Grid Project (LCG) ● GRID portal efforts Web-based interface to grid software, to move physics data between different locations and submitting simulation jobs Features Grid middleware independency (LCG, EDG, NorduGrid), metadata management using latest best-of-breed Open Source components. ● Applications Explore the possibilities of using physics software in other application areas
Technology program Grid technology transfer: NetGest project ● Trying to combine Grid with commercial Internet and wireless solutions ● Developing service scenarios and demonstrations ● Evaluating the business models based on the technologies and service scenarios ● Three academic partners: Telecom Business Research Center, Lappeenranta Technical university University of Tampere, Wirlab Network Research Center (administrative coordination) Helsinki Institute of Physics (technical coordination) ● Six industrial partners Nokia Research Center, Nokia Mobile Phones Valimo Wireless, Necsom, Cygate Vaasan Läänin Puhelin, Alajärven Puhelinosuuskunta
Technology program NetGest Project structure ● 1 year, total budget of euro (6 FTE, travel) ● Four work packages Network identity Virtual organization support Computing platform research Business modeling and service scenarios ● Status of September 2003 Tekes funding agreement received in August. Technical Work has started in September Planning of Project sequel important in respect to increased R&D funding in Tekes for year 2004 Project activity bias likely to shift more from CERN to Finland
Technology program DataGrid project personnel 2003 ● Group at CERN 1. Ari-Pekka Hameri (Program director) 2. Miika Tuisku (Project Leader) 3. Joni Hahkala (Student) 4. Marko Niinimäki (Senior Scientist) 5. Juha Herrala (Scientist) 6. Jukka Klem (Scientist) 7. Vesa Sivunen (Graduate Student) 8. Mika Silander (Scientist) 9. John White (Scientist) ● Total 17 of which 11 are full-time ● Group in Finland 1. Michael Gindonis (Senior Scientist) 2. Markus Happonen (Engineer) 3. Juho Karppinen (Student) 4. Antti Ukkonen (Student) 5. Ville Nenonen (Student) 6. Niklas Karlsson (Student) 7. Tuomas Nissi (Student) 8. Henri Mikkonen (Student)
Technology program Summary and plans for 2004 ● EGEE Attracting Grid resource providers, SMEs from Finland Hardening of existing Grid security solutions for production use ● NetGest sequel project ● CERN OpenLab collaboration ● Cluster projects Hirmu cluster collaboration with Tampere University NDGF led Infrastructure funding proposal to Academy of Finland Cluster services for other sciences HIIT/CERN OpenCluster -collaboration on Knowledge Grids and search engine research.