Sheila L. Jett, NBCT – Montevallo Middle School
Bellringer Create a 3 column table liken the one shown on the board. As we read this lesson, write the names of the diseases on the left in the first column, the symptoms and effects in the next column and how to prevent the disease in the last column. Now, write down 3 facts that you know about STD’s.
STD’s Sexually transmitted diseases are infections that are spread from person to person through sexual contact. The good news is that std’s are completely preventable. The bad news is that most std’s are found in young people
Common STD’s Chlamydia – bacterial std that may affect the reproductive organs, urethra, and anus. Often referred to as the silent disease because it can exist without symptoms. When symptoms are present, they are usually genital discharge and pain when urinating.
More stds Genital warts are growths in the genital area caused by certain types of HPV – human papillomavirus. It is the most common type of std in the U.S. Symptoms may take years to appear. The warts can be treated, but there is no cure. Some strains may even be linked to cervical cancer. A vaccine has been developed for women.
More stds Genital herpes produces blisters in the genital area along with genital pain and discharge. Can also be present for years before symptoms appear. Some people experience periodic outbreaks for years because there is no cure and the virus remains in the body.
More stds Trichomoniasis is caused by protozoan. Symptoms include vaginal discharge, pain during urination, itching and irritation. Pubic lice can cause itching around the genitals. This disease is often referred to as the crabs because you can see the tiny insects with the naked eye.
More stds Gonorrhea affects the mucous membranes of the body, especially around the genitals. Symptoms include a thick yellowish discharge and burning sensation during urination. Left untreated, this disease can be deadly. Syphilis can affect many parts of the body, and symptoms include painless sores and swollen lymph nodes. It can also cause a severe rash. It can move throughout the body damaging many organs, including the brain and can be deadly.
More stds Hepatitis B is a disease that affects the liver. The only sure way to avoid stds is to remain abstinent from sexual activity.
Abstinence from Sexual Activity You can not tell from looking at someone if he/she is infected with an std. Media portrays sex as exciting, but often does not give an accurate picture of the risks involved. Engaging in premarital sex puts teens at risk for stds and unplanned pregnancy. It can also lead to social and emotional problems.
Why am I curious? It is normal to have sexual feelings as a teen. Talking about these feelings with a trusted adult can help you deal with them in a responsible manner. You don’t have to hide feelings or affection. You can share these feelings in ways that don’t compromise your health and values. What are appropriate ways to show affection?