Elijah Met God in the Wilderness 1 Kings 19:1-18
Background Elijah confronted 450 prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel – 1 Kings 18:17-40. The people wanted to serve God and Baal. Elijah showed Baal was powerless to answer. Elijah proved God before the people. Elijah executed the prophets of Baal. God answered Elijah’s prayer for the drought to end – 1 Kings 18:41-46.
Elijah Ran for His Life When Ahab told Jezebel what happened to the prophets of Baal, she sent a messenger to Elijah to tell him she would slay him – 1 Kings 19:1-2. He went into the wilderness beyond Beersheba and prayed that he might die – 1 Kings 19:3-4 (compare Jeremiah 9:2). No wonder James said Elijah had a nature like ours – James 5:17-18.
Why Elijah Struggled “The Lord allowed His servant to pass through this conflict, that he might not exalt himself, but, being mindful of his own impotence, might rest content with the grace of his God, whose strength is mighty in the weak (2 Cor. Xii. 8, 9), and who would refine and strengthen him for further fulfillment of his calling” (C. F. Keil, p. 252).
God Sent an Angel to Elijah God’s angel directed the prophet to eat and drink – 1 Kings 19:5-6. Then, the prophet laid down to rest. The angel directed him to eat and drink again – 1 Kings 19:7-9a. He went to Horeb, the mountain of God, which was about 200 miles from Beersheba. Elijah spent the night in a cave.
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God Spoke to Elijah at Horeb “What are you doing here, Elijah?” (1 Kings 19:9b). This expression allows the prophet to express all of his feelings. He felt he was the only faithful one left and they were seeking to kill him (1 Kings 9:10). He forgets faithful Obadiah who had hidden 100 prophets from the wrath of Jezebel (1 Kings 18:4).
God Displayed His Power God first displayed his control over nature (1 Kings 19:11-13a). God was not in the strong wind, earthquake or fire. The Almighty had previously revealed himself through these types of things (Exodus 19:16-25). It was in the “delicate whispering voice” (NKJV margin) that God spoke.
God Explained His Plan When Elijah responded in much the same way, God revealed his plan (1 Kings 19:13b-18). Elijah would go to Damascus and anoint Hazael as king over Syria, Jehu as king over Israel and Elisha to serve in his place. Whoever escaped one would be killed by the next. To the shame of the prophet whose eye saw Israel in a limited way, God revealed that his eye saw all who were his, some 7,000.