ePortfolio – an update Stephen Parsons Curriculum Consultant School of Applied Arts & New Media NSCC February 2006 Student Success | Accessibility | Service | Respect | Collaboration | Diversity | Innovation | Public Accountability
ePortfolio What is ePortfolio? Depends a great deal on who you ask… LIFIA One digital record of learning for life SAKAI A set of tools for collaboration on portfolio and portfolio research National Coalition on ePortfolio Research Digital portfolios that foster established and newly recognized forms of learning
ePortfolio What is ePortfolio? Depends a great deal on who you ask… TaskStream Customizable multimedia tools for organizing and presenting professional and academic achievements ePortfolio.org An electronic collection of work that can be used to engage in new models of learning, guide career development, and support advisement and assessment
ePortfolio What is ePortfolio? Depends a great deal on who you ask… IMS Global Consortium A collection of digital artifacts, evidence and resources organized and presented within a framework that supports standards for interoperability and portability OSPortfolio An organized collection of one or more portfolio pages which are intended to be published and shared with others
ePortfolio History Collection of artifacts digitized for storage and portability (FlopFolio) Interactive multimedia presentation of learning (FolioDVD) Interactive repository of digital documents (WebFolio) Dynamic Learning Experience for Reflection and Assessment (ePortfolio Communities)
ePortfolio Contemporary Directions Audience Diversity PLA, Registrars, HRSDC, HR professionals, consultants, software developers Convergence HRMS, ERP, LMS/LCMS, eLearning Product Development – standards! Open Source vs Proprietary ePortfolio Environments vs Digital Portfolios ePortfolio Communities
ePortfolio Examples Angela Byron (Webfolio) Helen Barrett (MultiFolio) html html Stephen Parsons (Dynamic Webfolios)
ePortfolio Players Institutions University of Minnesota Duluth University of Delaware CSU Monterey Bay Virginia Tech University of Indiana University of Michigan Stanford University MIT George Mason University University of Washington DePaul University Syracuse University Portland State University University of Amsterdam
ePortfolio Players OSPortfolio.org Open Source Community for ePortfolio The Sakai Project Collaboration and Learning Environment (CLE) rSmart Group Carnegie Mellon Foundation IMS Global Fostering Standards for Interoperability and Portability Learning Innovations Forum pour l’Innovation d’Apprentissage (LIFIA) Eurofolio, Pan-Am conferences and MOUs
OSPortfolio OSPortfolio.org A community of interest and practice in ePortfolio tools based on open source (OS) standards An open source product and process being developed by a growing OS community supporting portfolio activities by providing an environment to collect and reflect on work, and to design and publish portfolio presentations
OSPortfolio (April 2003) CSU Monterey Bay 1.Usability & Customization 2.Assessment & Accreditation 3.Integration & Interfaces 4.Scholarship of Teaching & Learning 5.Templates 6.Portability
OSPortfolio (Fall 2005) Learners Learning portfolio, articulation, individual creativity and ownership Institutions Authentic assessment, program evaluation, teaching, learning, collaboration best practices Community Collaboration, standards, interoperability, portability, employment, recruiting, and selection
OSPortfolio (Fall 2005) UsabilityAssessmentIntegrationScholarship T/LTemplatesPortability Learner Learning Portfolio Creativity Ownership Learning Portfolio Individual Articulation Outcomes Creativity Outcomes Learning Portfolio Individual Articulation Outcomes Learning Portfolio Creativity Learning Portfolio Ownership Institution Best Practice Outcomes Accreditation Learning Collaboration Outcomes Best Practice Portability Outcomes Accreditation Learning Teaching Collaboration Best Practice Accreditation Teaching Portability Global Community Employment Best Practice Portability Standards Interoperability Standards Best Practice Portability Standards Interoperable Employment
NSCC Connection Canada’s Portfolio College Drivers Portfolio College, IT/Applied Arts and Business Faculty, Schools, Technical Services Definitions Digitally representing oneself through web, CD and other digital presentation Converting the products of portfolio learning to an electronic form
NSCC Examples Websites CDs Multimedia Presentations Activity Pan-Am MOU Conferences LIFIA Pan-Am (Vancouver, Montreal 2004) CAPLA Gateways Innovations P2P Contracting Data driven apps SharePoint My Site
NSCC Grading the effort Ad-hoc electronic portfolio development Strategic focus on academic systems Resources & capacity Technical awareness Presence Implementation
NSCC Regaining the Position Get in the Game! Applied Research Pilot for OSPortfolio Use what you got Leverage LIFIA Portfolio Course/ AET Grow the Capacity Vancouver Pan-Am Promote Awareness Publish or perish? Academic Research
NSCC References 902/ Dr. Helen Barrett LIFIA CAPLA OSPortfolio IMS Global Learning Consortium
Thank You! Next Steps ePortfolio Conference Vancouver, April 6-8, 2006 Conference Proceedings on LIFIA