Lessons From Mt. Carmel (1 Kings 18:20-40)
Introduction Familiar site –Mediterranean coast of Israel –Site of contest with false prophets Elijah’s experience –Called upon to stand up for God –What lessons can we learn?
Mountain of Choice (vv. 20, 21) Called upon the people to choose –If you believe in God, serve Him –If you believe in Baal, serve him –No middle position offered
Mountain of Choice (vv. 20, 21) We must go to “Mt. Carmel” –C–Choose like Joshua (Joshua 24:15) –C–Can serve only one (Matthew 6:24) –W–With or against Christ (Matthew 12:30) –Q–Quit going back and forth
Mountain of Courage (v. 22) Elijah recognized the “odds” –Four hundred fifty to one –God plus one is a majority (Psalm 118:6) –“If God is for us, who can be against us” (Romans 8:31)
Mountain of Courage (v. 22) We need courage today –“Act like men” (1 Corinthians 16:13) –Ashamed of Christ? (Matthew 10:32) –Ashamed of gospel? (Romans 1:16) –Strength in the Lord (Ephesians 6:10) –“Fight the good fight” (1 Timothy 6:12)
Mountain of Challenge (vv. 23, 24) Proposed a test –Each side to prepare the altar –The “true” god will light the fire –The people agreed (v. 24)
Mountain of Challenge (vv. 23, 24) We have challenges –Contend for the faith (Jude 3) –Expose wrong (Matthew 7:15) –Test the spirits (1 John 4:1) –Souls are at stake (Matthew 15:14) –Church at Ephesus (Revelation 2:2)
Mountain of Confusion (vv ) Test was decisive –Elijah mocked the false prophets –They failed (v. 29)
Mountain of Confusion (vv ) Same happens today –False teachers contradict the Truth and themselves –Resort to name calling and slander –Go to source for authority (Acts 15)
Mountain of Conquest (vv ) God vindicated Himself that day –False prophets’ tricks –Elijah’s preparation prevented it –Soaked everything with twenty two gallons –Fire came from heaven
Mountain of Conquest (vv ) God will do the same for us –Truth still sets men free (John 8:32) –Strength is in the Lord (Philippians 4:13) –Can overcome (Romans 8:37) –He will be with us (2 Timothy 4:16-18)
Mountain of Condemnation (v. 40) Punishment came from God –F–False prophets killed –L–Law was clear (Deuteronomy 13:1-5)
Greater condemnation today –Must not twist the Scriptures (2 Peter 3:16) –Those who pervert the Gospel are accursed (Galatians 1:6-9)
Conclusion Learn the lessons Imitate Elijah’s faith