What You Need to Know About Sexually Transmitted Diseases STDs What You Need to Know About Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Definition of STDs Are infectious diseases that spread from person to person If left untreated some STDs can cause permanent damage, such as infertility and even death STDs spread easily because you can’t tell whether someone has an infection. In fact, some people with STDs don’t even know that they have them.
STD Statistics More than half of all people will have an STD at some point in their lifetime Each year, 1 out of 4 teens contracts an STD 1 out of 2 sexually active persons will contract an STD by the age of 25 1 out of 20 people in the United States will be infected with Hepatitis B at some point in their lifetime. It is 100x more infectious than HIV 1 in 5 Americans have genital herpes
Chlamydia Is the most common STDs in the U.S. because it is spread easily and often causes no symptoms 75% of women and 50% of men have no symptoms It is especially common in men and women under the age of 25
About Chlamydia What is Chlamydia? How is it spread? It is an infection caused by a kind of bacteria that is passed during sexual contact. How is it spread? Sexual Contact From mother to infant during birth *It is not spread by casual contact
Signs and Symptoms of Chlamydia **Usually Chlamydia has no symptoms** Males: Painful or difficult urination Swollen or tender testicles Pus, watery or milky discharge Females: Pain in lower abdomen Painful urination Painful intercourse Low-grade fever Need to urinate more frequently than normal
Treatment and Prevention of Chlamydia Antibiotics Can either be given in one dose or for seven days Prevention ABSTINENCE
Gonorrhea Also called “the clap” or “the dip” It is the 2nd most commonly spread STD in the U.S. after chlamydia It infects more than 800,000 men and women in the U.S. each year. If left untreated it can be a serious health risk People diagnosed with Gonorrhea often have Chlamydia at the same time.
About Gonorrhea What is Gonorrhea? How is Gonorrhea Spread? An infection caused by a kind of bacteria that is passed during sexual contact Can infect the penis, vagina, cervix, anus, urethra or throat How is Gonorrhea Spread? Sexual Contact Mother to infant at birth **It is not passed through casual contact.**
Signs and Symptoms of Gonorrhea Often times there are no symptoms. This is especially true for women Male Female Frequent painful urination Yellow discharge from the urethra Tenderness in the groin or testicles **Typically no signs – 4/5 women have no signs Pain in lower abdomen Painful Intercourse/Urination Menstrual irregularities Yellowish or Yellow-Green vaginal discharge
Treatment and Prevention of Gonorrhea Antibiotics If left untreated it can be a serious health threat for both men and women Can Cause: Infertility Arthritis Prevention ABSTINENCE
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B Facts About 46,000 American Men, Women and Children become infected with Hepatitis each year Most of the infections occur between the ages of 20 to 49
About Hepatitis B? What is Hepatitis B? How is Hepatitis B Spread? Hepatitis is an infection of the liver caused by caused by a group of viruses 3 Types of Hepatitis viruses can be spread through sexual contact but the most common is Hepatitis B. How is Hepatitis B Spread? Person to another through blood and other bodily fluids Dirty Needles Pregnant woman can pass hepatitis B to her unborn baby *You cannot get Hepatitis from an object. For example you cannot get it from a toilet seat
Signs and Symptoms of Hepatitis B Flu-like symptoms Extreme tiredness Vomiting Joint Pain Headache Fever Yellowing of skin and eyes(Jaundice) Dark Urine
Treatment and Prevention of Hepatitis B There is no medicine that can cure Hepatitis B In most cases it goes away by itself within 4-8 weeks “Carriers” of Hepatitis B cannot get rid of the infection and it can lead to severe liver disease including liver cancer and liver damage Can be controlled with antibiotics Prevention ABSTINENCE Get the Hepatitis B Vaccine – Given as an infant Don’t share needles
Herpes More than half of American adults have oral herpes 1 out of 6 American adults have genital herpes Millions of people do not know they have herpes because they do not notice or have never had the symptoms
About Herpes What is Herpes? How is Herpes Spread? It is caused by two different but closely related viruses Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 It remains in the body for life and are easy to contract The symptoms can come and go How is Herpes Spread? Sexual Contact Can be passed by kissing or skin to skin contact Most contagious when sores are open, moist, or leaking fluid *The virus does not live outside the body for long so you cannot catch from an object, such as a toilet
Signs and Symptoms of Herpes Itching or pain Typically followed by sores that appear a few hours to a few days later Feel burning when urinating During the Initial Stages Flu-like Symptoms: Fever Headache Swollen Lymph Nodes Chills Tired Initial Herpes Sores heal in about 2-4 weeks The virus stays in the body and can flare up again
Treatment and Prevention of Herpes No cure but there are medications to ease the symptoms The medication helps speed up the healing of sores and helps prevent them from returning While there is no cure outbreaks do become weaker and fewer over a few years Prevention ABSTINENCE Don’t touch the sores it may spread it from one person to another and one body part to another
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) There are more than 100 types of HPV 40 types of HPV can infect the genitals HPV is so common that nearly all sexually active men and women get it at some point in their lives but most people don’t know it
About HPV What is HPV? How is HPV Spread? It is a virus and is a common infection. Most HPV infections have no harmful effects Some types of HPV cause genital warts Some types of HPV cause cervical cancer How is HPV Spread? Spread by skin to skin contact.
Signs and Symptoms of HPV Genital Warts: Small bumps or group of bumps in the genital area Cancer: Usually does not have any symptoms until it is too late This why screenings are done routinely
Treatment and Prevention of HPV There is no treatment for the virus itself Most do not require treatment and go away themselves Warts can be removed by the patient with medication Cancer – Diagnose and treat early Prevention: ABSTINENCE Get the vaccination - It can protect women against 2 of the HPV types that cause 70% of all cases of cervical cancer 3 shots given over 6 months Routine screenings for cancer
Syphilis About 36,000 men and women become infected with syphilis each year. Men suffer 1.5 times more than females Mostly occurs between people ages 20 – 39 years old
About Syphilis What is Syphilis? How is Syphilis Spread? Bacteria caused by a microorganism that are passed sexually. It can be a serious health risk if not treated. How is Syphilis Spread? By contact with syphilis sores Especially contagious in the early stages of the disease The liquid that oozes from the sores is very infectious Mother to infant prior to birth Including latent untreated syphilis **You cannot catch syphilis from a towel, doorknob or toilet seat
First Stage (Primary Stage) Later Stage (Secondary Stage) Final stage (Late Stage) Small red bumps at the point of infection (chancre) Painless sore Swollen Glands These symptoms can come and go for up to 2 years: Rash (Palms of hands/soles of feet) Joint Pain Mild Fever Hair Loss Fatigue Weight Loss Damage to nervous system, heart, brain or other organs Difficulty walking Numbness Gradual blindness Possibly even death
Treatment and Prevention of Syphilis Antibiotic – during early stages easy to treat Any damage done during later stages cannot be undone Prevention: ABSTINENCE