HPV Human Papilloma Virus
Prevention Abstinence and not having any sexual intercourse. HPV vaccine Having one partner
Treatments there are treatments for genital warts but they are only temporary Creams Getting the warts removed
People at Risk People who are sexually active people who don't use condoms during intercourse people that have more than one sex partner have higher risks of getting HPV
Will Condoms Prevent HPV? Condoms will help protect against the virus but they are not 100% reliable because the condom doesn’t cover everything and you can even break out on your thigh area.
Long Term Effects Cervical cancer, cancers of the vulva, vagina, penis, anus, head, tongue, tonsils and throat.
Signs and Symptoms warts that can either be raised above the skin and itch which are genital warts they are located on the vulva, cervix, scrotum, penis, thigh area, and rectum. Even though this is uncomfortable this kind of HPV can not turn into cancer The kind of HPV that can turn into cancer has no signs or symptoms which is why it is so dangerous and why it is so important to get tested regularly.
Links vaccination/Pages/Introduction.aspx vaccination/Pages/Introduction.aspx dt3Irs dt3Irs