Navigating Your Way Through Walden: Tips for Success Welcome and Introductions Introduction to Student Services Tips for Success Academic Advisors: Angie Rackstraw, Tobias Ball, Donyea Collins, Sarah Olson
Student Services Academic Advising School of Psychology Mon - Fri 7am - 7pm CST School of Health & Human Services Mon 8:30am-9pm CST Tue-Fri 7:30am-5pm CST Public Health Programs ext Health & Human Services Prog. ext
Student Services Academic Advising School of Education Mon – Fri 8am – 5pm CST EdD Program , option 4 PhD Education Program , option 4 School of Management Mon – Fri 8am – 5pm CST AMDS Program ext Public Policy & Admin. Prog. ext
Student Services Online Concierge Contact Information: Mon-Fri 8am – 6pm CST For assistance with: Passwords Online classrooms Web forms Technical assistance
Student Services Registrar’s Office Contact Information: , option 5 For assistance with: Student records Registration Transcripts Grades Name/contact information changes LA and KAM processing
Student Services Finance Offices Bursar , option 2 For assistance with: Student accounts Refunds Payments Tuition and billing Financial Aid , option 2 For assistance with: Financial aid Loan disbursements
Student Services Disability Services Office Contact Information: ext Contact the Disability Services Director to request academic accommodations due to a disability.
Student Services Library/Writing Center Library For assistance with: Online databases Document services Effective library use Writing Center ents/CurrentStudents_562.htm For assistance with: Writing/formatting KAMs Dissertation help APA style Plagiarism prevention Writing resources
Student Services Academic Residencies Contact Information: ext For assistance with: Registration for residencies Questions about upcoming residencies Availability of residencies Any residency related questions
Tips for Success Speak the Truth Honesty really IS the best policy; we are your advocates. If you call and get a voic , leave your specific question or concern we can look into it and have an answer upon responding. Remind the staff person you are contacting exactly where you are in your process. If you have several concerns, compile them into one communication. The whole story helps us help you.
Tips for Success Be Patient It takes time to process things in our administrative office…sometimes frustrating, but part of our academic quality and integrity. Allow reasonable time to process items such as: audits, dissertation paperwork, petitions, etc. When phoning a staff member, leave one voic message. We will call you back. Leaving multiple messages on the same business day will actually lengthen the time it takes to respond. Trust us! We are here to help you.
Tips for Success Be Proactive Don’t wait until the last minute to contact your advisor, instructor, or faculty mentor with your question or problem. Before assuming that your problem is not being addressed, try an initial, yet brief, follow-up, placed a day or two later than your first request. Follow the chain of command. Start with the appropriate initial contact person; give it time and then move up the ladder. This will help your case in the long run.
Tips for Success Be Thorough When calling or ing Walden staff, state your full name, student ID and/or social security number. Which Bob are you? Empower yourself by thoroughly reading Walden communications, such as s that come to your Walden or specified account. Consider where best to direct a question: technical questions go to the online concierge, content questions go to the appropriate faculty member, finance questions go to the finance office, program and individual concerns to your academic advisor, etc.
Tips for Success In General Use your program of study (POS). This is a tool to guide you through your program. Contact your advisor IMMEDIATELY if something comes up and you are unable to participate in your courses or need time away from your studies. Pay attention to deadlines: registration period, drop dates, withdrawal dates, dissertation time lines, etc. If in doubt, ASK!