Adolf Hitler Life and rise to power
The Life of Adolf Hitler Born 1889 died 1945 born in Brunau, Upper Austria father-minor customs official mother-Bavarian in his Youth-loved Art and Music drops out of Secondary Education Vienna Academy of Arts rejects him <Hitler as a young man Hitler’s Report Card
Hitler 1906-1913 Supports himself selling prints, postcards, hanging wallpaper While in Vienna-absorbs the characteristics of the lower middle class intense anti-Semitism, fear of Socialism, German nationalism (sacred German Blood and Soil as preached by Richard Wagner)-Aryan Race <Hitler Art Work Richard Wagner’s Opera
Migration to Germany World War I-enlists in a Bavarian Regiment decorated for bravery twice promoted to Lance Corporal (Private First Class in US Army) becomes the 7th member of the ultranationalist and anti-Democratic German Workers Party-renamed The Nationalist Socialist German Workers-(Nazi) Hitler in WWI
Leader of the Party Great orator especially with War veterans, Nationalist who hated the Weimar Republic who were blamed for the treaty Origins of the Nazi Party- along military lines-Storm Troopers-Brown Shirts 1923-attempts to seize control of the Bavarian Government in Munich-The Beer Hall Putsch-fails sent to fortress Landberg to prison <Hitler Speaking
In Prison Trial is a Farce sent to prison for 10 years-spends 9 months there while in prison, dictates to Rudolph Hess-Mein Kampf (My Struggle) outlines the program for German restoration and domination of Europe while in jail-Nazi power declines-economic difficulties 1923-1929-he extends party through Germany
The Depression and beyond 1929-Depression hits refuels the fire the Nazi rise in Reichstag to near majority Nazi constantly disrupted and shut down 1932-Hitler is defeated by <Paul von Hindenburg for Presidential Elections Chancellors-von Poppen and von Schliecher couldn’t cope with unemployment, street clashes between Nazis and communists
Hitler takes power January 30, 1933 Hitler appointed Chancellor gets unprecedented powers from Reichstag begins organization of a Totalitarian regime-The Third Reich (The Third Empire) 1934-von Hindenburg dies Hitler combines Reichpresident and Chancellor positions to become Der Fuhrer <Hitler at Nuremburg