Patty Kupfer
Practical Messages Enforcing the rule of law Promoting national security Ensuring fairness to taxpayers Values Messages Protecting the dignity of every person Keeping families together
Earned path to citizenship This is not a give away. Through this process, immigrants will invest in becoming part of the country. They will: register with the government, work, pay taxes and study English.
The so-called “enforcement-only” approach is equivalent to “mass deportation.” Mass deportation is inhumane and unrealistic. Enforcement-only strategies are expensive, ineffective and tear families apart.
Keep it simple Your message should have no more than 3 points You points should be simple, explained in a sentence or two. Messages don’t change frequently. They have to be repeated over and over again. Your message should be tailored for a specific audience, while remaining consistent.
Communicate your message Know who you are talking to (audience, not interviewer) If the question does not fit your message, then bridge Include anecdotes, statistics, or soundbites to support your message. Make your message compelling and relevant to who you are and what you believe