CULTURe EXchange Platform (CULTUR-EXP) Prof. Ramaz Kvatadze Georgian Research and Educational Networking Association – GRENA
Georgian Research and Educational Networking Association - GRENA GRENA founded in 1999 by five major state universities, Georgian National Academy of Sciences and Open Society - Georgia Foundation. Main fields of activities: Providing ICT services to users and implementation of new services (connectivity, hosting services, CERT, GRID, software licenses). IT education (Cisco Networking Academy, Linux Professional Institute, Juniper Academic Partner, Distance Learning Center, Pearson VUE certification center). Preparation and implementation of international and local R&D projects (EU FP7 - 3, EU TEMPUS - 1, BS CBC - 1, National Science Foundation -1). 2 CULTUR-EXP Project 2nd Meeting, May 26, 2014 Burgas, Bulgaria
Overall objectives To facilitate the cross-border exchange of culture by providing an innovative IT platform, based on available open source social platform solutions and adapted for culture producers (artists, directors or art, festival organizers), culture operators (museums, festivals, etc.) and other actors of culture. The platform will be an online tool, where all cultural professionals and organisations in the Black Sea region will be able to advertise, discuss and organize cultural activities and events. The platform will also be an important source of information about the culture and related cultural events. 3 CULTUR-EXP Project 2nd Meeting, May 26, 2014 Burgas, Bulgaria
Specific objectives To provide the CULTUR-EXP platform with carefully defined functionalities To provide rich content on the platform To ensure the wide uptake of the platform by the users 4 CULTUR-EXP Project 2nd Meeting, May 26, 2014 Burgas, Bulgaria
Indicators of achievement CULTURE-EXP online platform is installed, operational with initial content 50 culture producers registered and using the platform 5 culture operators registered and using the platform 200 visits per month to the platform Platform advertised on 3 major cultural events in participating countries 5 CULTUR-EXP Project 2nd Meeting, May 26, 2014 Burgas, Bulgaria
Team Georgian Research and Educational Networking Association (GRENA) – Georgia (Coordinating partner) European Regional Framework for Co-operation (ERFC) – Greece District Government of Burgas – Republic of Bulgaria "AMAP" Human Development NGO – Republic of Armenia Research and Educational Networking Association of Moldova (RENAM) – Republic of Moldova 6 CULTUR-EXP Project 2nd Meeting, May 26, 2014 Burgas, Bulgaria
Duration, budget Project started on July 1, 2013, duration is 24 months Total budget of the project is 330,901 € EU contribution: 295, 495 € Co-funding 10.70% 7 CULTUR-EXP Project 2nd Meeting, May 26, 2014 Burgas, Bulgaria
Group of Activities GA1 Platform requirements definition (1-4 Months, BURGAS) GA2 Selection of existing open source platform (4-5 Months, GRENA) GA3 Platform adaptation and implementation (6-10 Months, GRENA) GA4 Preparation and migration of cultural content to the platform (1-24 Months, BURGAS) GA5 Platform operation and maintenance (11-24 Months, RENAM) GA6 Visibility of the Action (1-24 Months, ERFC) GA7 Management and coordination of the Action (1-24 Months, GRENA) 8 CULTUR-EXP Project 2nd Meeting, May 26, 2014 Burgas, Bulgaria
GA2: Selection of existing open source platform Aim: Existing open source social networking software solutions will be analysed and compared regarding the requirements and the possibilities of customization to CULTUR-EXP requirements. Partners: GRENA, RENAM Activity: Selection of open-source social network platform Period: 4-5 Months Expected results: Base software for CULTURE-EXP platform is selected. Written recommendation on the platform's software selection is available as online document in project’s data repository. 9 CULTUR-EXP Project 2nd Meeting, May 26, 2014 Burgas, Bulgaria
GA2: Selection of existing open source platform Results: Investigation of available social network platforms has been performed. At first stage 9 promising open-source systems were selected and analysed. Based on this study 3 platforms (Friendica, and Oxwall) were chosen as most interesting and suitable candidates and extended comparison was performed. ELGG was selected for the base of Culture Exchange platform. Report on the Selection of CMS Software for CULTURe EXchange Platform Engine Based on Functional and Non- Functional Requirements was developed, discussed among the project partners and uploaded on the project web-site: 10 CULTUR-EXP Project 2nd Meeting, May 26, 2014 Burgas, Bulgaria
GA3: Platform adaptation and implementation Aim: To accommodate selected open source solution to the drafted requirements, minimizing the efforts related to the actual software modification by implementing available open source components. Partners: GRENA, RENAM Activity 1: Modifications to the selected open-source solution Activity 2: Implementation in selected data center Period: 6-10 Months Expected results: - Modified platform software is available - Platform is implemented (installed) in a dedicated server environment 11 CULTUR-EXP Project 2nd Meeting, May 26, 2014 Burgas, Bulgaria
GA3: Platform adaptation and implementation Results: CULTUR-EXP portal was implemented by GRENA and RENAM according to the developed in GA1 Functional and Non-Functional Requirements. Testing of the platform was performed by all partners. Correction of the system performance and modifications were performed. CULTUR-EXP portal is installed at RENAM server and is accessible with URL: Back-up system is implemented at GRENA. 12 CULTUR-EXP Project 2nd Meeting, May 26, 2014 Burgas, Bulgaria
GA7: Management and coordination of the Action Aim: To provide sound and clear management of the project according to EU practices Partners: GRENA, ERFC, all partners Activity 1: Detailing management procedures Activity 2: Organization of project meetings Activity 3: Provision of collaborative work environment Activity 4: Organization of reporting procedures and progress reports Activity 5: Liaison with external organizations Activity 6: Financial management Activity 7: Quality control Period: 1-24 Months 13 CULTUR-EXP Project 2nd Meeting, May 26, 2014 Burgas, Bulgaria
GA7: Management and coordination of the Action Expected outputs: Month 2: Management procedures are established and available to all partners Months 1- 24: 4 project meetings performed face to face Month 2: Organisation of project communication tools: mailing list, ftp server, communicator Months 1- 24: Preparation of periodic reports Months 1- 24: Correct financial management 14 CULTUR-EXP Project 2nd Meeting, May 26, 2014 Burgas, Bulgaria
GA7: Management and coordination of the Action Results: A1: Management procedures are defined, Project Coordinator, Team Leaders and Management Board established. A2: Project meetings: 1st Skype meeting - July 9, 2013 Kick-off face-to-face meeting – August 26-27, 2013 2nd Skype meeting – October 29, 2013 3rd Skype meeting – January 15, 2014 4th Skype meeting – March 25, 2014 Minutes of all meetings were prepared, distributed to project partners and are uploaded to the project web-site. 15 CULTUR-EXP Project 2nd Meeting, May 26, 2014 Burgas, Bulgaria
GA7: Management and coordination of the Action Results: A3: Collaborative work environment Working contacts has been developed between all partners. Project mailing list created - Project web-site established Information about project and all developed documents and presentations are uploaded on project web-site. Project logo designed. 16 CULTUR-EXP Project 2nd Meeting, May 26, 2014 Burgas, Bulgaria
GA7: Management and coordination of the Action Results: A4: Reporting procedures and progress reports Reporting procedures are defined. Two four months Progress Reports are prepared and accepted by JMA. Interim Progress Report for the period – is prepared. Financial and Audit reports are in progress. 17 CULTUR-EXP Project 2nd Meeting, May 26, 2014 Burgas, Bulgaria
GA7: Management and coordination of the Action Results: A5: Liaison with external organizations Good contacts with external organizations was established in all participating countries. Press release, leaflet and two project newsletters have been prepared. These documents were distributed to the culture producers and operators. More information from ERFC. 18 CULTUR-EXP Project 2nd Meeting, May 26, 2014 Burgas, Bulgaria
GA7: Management and coordination of the Action Results: A6: Financial management All partners keep its financial data of the project separately according to its accounting system. 30% of pre-financing transferred to the partners. Project budget was modified via notification mechanism on and (change number of participants of the meetings, interchange of locations of 2nd and 3rd project meetings, change working period for some BURGAS staff). 19 CULTUR-EXP Project 2nd Meeting, May 26, 2014 Burgas, Bulgaria
GA7: Management and coordination of the Action Results: A7: Quality control All activities performed as well as developed documents are according to the Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme requirements. Special attention was devoted to the development of the CULTUR-EXP platform. Final editing of all prepared documents is performed by GRENA and ERFC. 20 CULTUR-EXP Project 2nd Meeting, May 26, 2014 Burgas, Bulgaria
Action Points CULTUR-EXP Project 2nd Meeting, May 26, 2014 Burgas, Bulgaria IDGADescriptionParticipantsInitiatedDueStatus 1GA4 Define platform moderators, deleting Spam All partners Open 2 GA4Register your organization on platform and start uploading information about events All partners Open 3 GA4Distribute information about platform via contact lists All partners Open 4 GA4BURGAS, AMAP and ERFC attracts at least 30 culture producers and operators registered and using the platform BURGAS, AMAP, ERFC Open 5GA4 GRENA and RENAM attracts at least 20 culture producers and operators registered and using the platform GRENA, RENAM Open 6GA6 Platform advertised on 3 major cultural events in participating countries ERFC, All partners Open 7 GA6 Platform announcement ERFC, All partners Open 8GA7 Provide Interim Financial and Audit reports All partners Open 9
Thank you for attention! 22 CULTUR-EXP Project 2nd Meeting, May 26, 2014 Burgas, Bulgaria