HSSP-OHT “Toolkit” Project
Today’s Call Quick review of the project’s intent Status of activities to date Discussion of the two use cases Inventory of current assets/commitments Identification of participants/early-adopters Next steps / strategy planning
Goal Foster broader marketplace adoption of SOA within health Lower the “barriers to entry” adversely affecting SOA and its use within health Promote standards-based solutions
Objectives Collect available open-source implementations of HSSP (HL7 + OMG) standards into one distribution Attract new implementers to contribute OSS offerings Build at least two exemplary applications using the above software infrastructure Target delivery in/about October 2013, with a cloud hosted environment
Activities to Date… This is the third call/webinar since the project was chartered (in principle) at OHT Board Meeting “Discovery” Session held at HL7 in Atlanta with ~20 attendees Outreach and engagement with multiple stakeholders to revise/refine exemplary applications
Use Case 1 Focused on enablement for Care Coordination / Care Plan Management Goal is to build a demonstration application, based in part of the HSSP Care Coordination Service draft specification and leveraging others (Services Directory, master person index, terminology service, clinical decision support service…) Rationale – Broadly applicable to US and non-US stakeholders – Clinically-focused application – No established vendor with strong market dominance – Critical growth area of interest to many – Well suited to SOA
Use Case 2 Focused on Electronic Submission of Claims Documentation/attachments for CMS Goal is to build a demonstration application, leveraging security services, provider directory, MPI, record locator, data retrieval, and terminology services Rationale – Plans underway within CMS to provide for this capability in support of Medicare/Medicaid program – Supports objectives for Meaningful Use Stage 3 (good timing!) – Targets administrative/financial side of healthcare, highlighting intersection with clinical side/EHR – US focused, but with broad applicability elsewhere – Strategic work heading in to the mainstream
Current Assets / Commitments Integration/ Development Resources ITG Health Master Person Index VUHID / Global Patient Identifiers Services Directory ServD implementation, Database Consultants Australia (DCA) Data Transformation Engine MDMI implementation, Firestar Software Data Locator/Retrieval Service RLUS implementation, HealthSOAF; Invitalia Integration Support Systems Made Simple (SMS) Terminology Service CTS2 Implementation, Mayo Clinic; PHAST Care Coordination Service Design / Functional Support CareFlow Solutions OTHERS? (forgive me if I missed someone!!)
“Call” For Early Adopters What does it mean? What is the commitment? What is the benefit to you? What is the impact to the community?
Next Steps… SIGN UP FOR THE LIST!! Send an to asking to be subscribed to the OHT Toolkit