Accreditation Institute – 2013 Pearl Cheng – Trustee, Foothill-De Anza Community College District Dolores Davison – Foothill Community College Richard Mahon – Riverside Community College Virginia May – Sacramento City College
Who we are on the panel What experience have we had with the accreditation process? We will cover: The importance of Governing Boards in the Accreditation process Tips for meeting the standards covering Governing Boards in the Accreditation process Resources
What questions do you hope we will address before we’re done?
As noted in the Guide to Accreditation for Governing Boards by the ACCJC: “The purpose of regional accreditation is to assure and improve the quality of higher education to support student success.” content/uploads/2010/09/Guide-to- Accreditation-for-Governing- Boards_2012.pdf
What is your “culture”?
What role does the Governing Board play in accreditation? The Governing Board sets policies and delegates responsibilities to the college President, other college leaders, and to constituencies. In addition, the Governing Board is ultimately responsible for fulfilling the college mission and achieving student success.
Standard IV.B. is the standard that defines the role and responsibility of the Governing Board Standard IV.B subsections (a) through (j) cover: Policy-setting Conflict of interest Mission Budget process tied to mission Bylaws and policies Selection of Chief Administrator Board development New board member orientation Code of ethics
Standard IV.B.3 is the standard that defines what is expected in multi-college districts The Commission also has “Policy & Procedures for the Evaluations of Institutions in Multi- College/Multi-Unit Districts or Systems” (See page 59 in the 2012 Accreditation Reference Handbook)
In the ACCJC Summer 2012 Newsletter: Colleges on Sanction Jan 2009-Jan 2012 Colleges on Sanction Program Review Planning Internal Governance BOARD Financial Stability or Mgt 2009 (n=24) 71% (17) 92% (22) 46% (11) 46% (11) 54% (13) 2010 (n=19) 68% (13) 89% (17) 42% (8) 58% (11) 58% (11) 2011 (n=21) 19% (4) 71% (15) 24% (5) 67% (14) 62% (13) 2012 (n=28) 21% (6) 71% (20) 18% (5) 71% (20) 50% (14)
In the ACCJC Summer 2012 Newsletter: Of most concern was the increase in the proportion of colleges on sanction due to the Governing Board practices.
Do this to improve your college, not for mere compliance. It requires too much time, effort, and funding to undertake only to “pass” and then backslide once the visiting team leaves. Address weaknesses when you find them—you don’t need to wait for the team or the Commission to tell you to improve.
Accreditation Basics training/accreditation-basics-%e2%80%93-an- online-workshop-on-the-basic-principles-of- accreditation
Accreditation Process Tips It is critical to start early and be organized Ensure Accreditation process (and ultimately reaffirmation!) as a priority Chancellor/Presidents Top item for the Board of Trustees Identify Accreditation Officers, steering committee and Standards Leads Identify Board Trustee(s) as part of Standard IV.B team Establish timeline and milestones Consider an accreditation overview and training at District Opening Day or other time in the year; focus and support
Accreditation Process Tips (cont.) Communicate priority, status, and process Within the institution – timely and ensure progress With the Board of Trustees With the community at large Foundation, Commissions Students, other stakeholders All stakeholders, including Board of Trustees review and give input to Self-Study report Prepare for Accreditation Evaluation team visit Student Trustee participation essential, exemplifies mission All Board Trustees participate
Accreditation Process Documents (sample) The Faculty/Staff and Student Accreditation SurveysFaculty/StaffStudent Foothill College Agenda and Meeting Minutes Template and Self Study Template for Standard TeamsAgenda and Meeting Minutes TemplateSelf Study Template ACCJC's Self Study Manual, information on writing the Self Study and the Site Visit. ACCJC's Self Study Manual Standard I Templates | Standard II Templates | Standard III Templates | Standard IV Templates Standard I TemplatesStandard II TemplatesStandard III TemplatesStandard IV Templates ACCJC Report on Jan 6-8 Meeting (List of Colleges and Accreditation Status) (PDF) ACCJC Report on Jan 6-8 Meeting (List of Colleges and Accreditation Status) (PDF) Annotated Accreditation Standards (PDF) Annotated Accreditation Standards (PDF) Guide to Evaluating Institutions (PDF) Guide to Evaluating Institutions (PDF) Accreditation Dos and Don'ts (PDF) Accreditation Dos and Don'ts (PDF) Rubric for Evaluating Institutional Effectiveness (PDF) Rubric for Evaluating Institutional Effectiveness (PDF)
Accreditation Standard IV.B sample template (outline sections from Foothill templates) (could show a couple of templates)
We hope you will be on a path to successful accreditation reaffirmation Most importantly, use the Accreditation process to move your college (and district) forward!