Work Package 3 SEE cluster policy learning platform.


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Presentation transcript:

Work Package 3 SEE cluster policy learning platform

Work package 3 – Main Tasks Action 3.1Platform concept generation through working groups 3.2Platform design, setting up and rules 3.3Platform management and development 3.4Training package as S3 common knowledge base

A3.1 Platform concept generation The platform’s concept paper: provides methodology on how to initiate and push forward the structure list the aims and activities to be implemented to achieve them include recommendations on further input on the 6 central topics for cluster policies improvement it is not just a performing ICT tool (information, promotion, good practice dissemination) it is a collaborative learning tool for people behind the ICT tool, the SEE cluster policy makers, the PPs, the innovation actors involve

Entando Entando is an open source web platform that combines in a single solution the functionality of enterprise portal, content management and application frameworks. Entando is a suitable tool for developers and IT companies who wish to have full control of a web platform with software modules, features and management tools that facilitate customizations, increase the speed of development and permit extensive customization. Moodle Moodle is a Course Management System (CMS), also known as a Learning Management System (LMS) or a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). It is a Free web application that educators can use to create effective online learning sites.

Roles – Groups – Users (Members) GROUPUSERS WG1 – Innovation, R&D cluster developmentstc1/stcuser1 pjm1/pjmuser1 WG2 – Sustainability through cluster developmentstc2/stcuser2 pjm2/pjmuser2 WG3 – Cluster cooperation and networkingstc3/stcuser3 pjm3/pjmuser3 WG4 – Cluster funding (financial framework)stc4/stcuser4 pjm4/pjmuser4 WG5 – Cluster and Regional Specializationstc5/stcuser5 pjm5/pjmuser5 WG6 – New Skills and jobs creationstc6/stcuser6 pjm6/pjmuser6 Level 0 – Members of STC Role: stc_members (Validation and management) Level 0 – Members of STC Role: stc_members (Validation and management) Level 1 – Project Members Role: project_members (input and modification of materials) Level 1 – Project Members Role: project_members (input and modification of materials) WG7 - Multiple level and Cross-Department CPstc7/stcuser7 pjm7/pjmuser7

GROUPDEMO USERS PUB1 – Regional/National institutions responsible on cluster policy development and implementation pub1/pubuser1 PUB2 – Academic & Research departmentspub2/pubuser2 PUB3 – R&D transferand innovation promotion bodies pub3/pubuser3 PUB4 – Cluster associations / confederations and networks as associates pub4/pubuser4 PUB5 – Financing institutions &civil society, pasrtner members in the platform pub5/pubuser5 Level 2 - Joining/Associated members Role: public Level 2 - Joining/Associated members Role: public While registering public user will have to choose between one of these groups. If the new user is a member of the platform, administrators/STC users could associate the new user to the right WG and remove any association to a PUB group. Roles – Groups – Users (Public)

Contents FREE ACCESS CONTENT REGISTERED USERS CONTENT CONTENTS SHARED BETWEEN 2 OR MORE GROUPS CONTENTS RESERVED TO A GROUP All registered user will automatically join the «Reserved» user group «Administrators» group will be maintained for HD/Platform Management users

User registration form Privacy agreeementflag Usernamealphanumeric Nametext Surnametext format confirm format Countrytext City/Locationtext LanguageDrop down list - languages supported by the portal Type of organizationDrop-down list - type of joining/associated organizations ->PUB groups

Customized desktop Preview of different features Management of personal profile Administrator/editors Area access Registered Users Area

Entando Module - Documents Management Document libraries organized in WGs Preview of the latest documents WGs libraries can be directly selected Versioning Forum

Entando Module – Ideas sharing / Crowdsourcing Contents organized by “tag” system Search Engine features for approving rates

Entando module/ Forum area Forum area is directly linked to documents management. Now the forum area is nearly empty. It will be filled with contents.

Administration area Content Management Group Management Users Management Content Validation Sharing features Calendar and Event management Templates management

Only logged users could reach the Cluster PoliSEE E-Learning area Moodle module/E-learning

Features: Profile management Course management Lessons and webinar Surveys Wiki Forum Open meeting

Moodle Module/ Openmeeting

Implications for future work Rethinking of the past and reflecting Learning by doing (and/or using) Being educated / trained Exchanging knowledge and experience Imitating / emulating other people Platform opportunities to foster Learning mechanisms Use the Learning Platform to map and tag the project results in terms of relevance (pertinence) to: Single / Double / Triple Loop Learning The six thematic domains of the project WGs The nature of learning objects / mechanisms

Thank you for your attention! Ferdinando Di Maggio