Immigrants fighting for their Rights. Lets look back into History.. After WWI, a immense fear of communism ran through United States. America's new philosophy.


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Presentation transcript:

Immigrants fighting for their Rights

Lets look back into History.. After WWI, a immense fear of communism ran through United States. America's new philosophy caused many people to be terrified that a communist revolution would break out in the country. Since Europe was seen as a breeding ground for communism, Immigrants who mostly came from Europe was seen as a threat.

Xenophobic Nation Xenophobia is the irrational fear of foreigners and also hatred of foreigners or strangers of another country; of their politics or culture. Plenty of irrational fear and actions towards immigrants was most portrayed in the 1920's.

1920's: The Roaring Twenties There was richness in the society during the twenties but much racism against people of foreign countries who came to America for better opportunities existed. Many immigrants rushed to the united states in the hopes of finding jobs and better life oppurtunities for their families.

Actions taken for Immigrants  Nativist, saw the immigrants as a threat to their lives. These immigrants were from cultures that were different from existing American culture so they were marked as an alien reputation.  The widespread unemployment that followed the end of World War I, caused the Nativist to believe that immigrants sought out to take away the job opportunities that were rightfully deserved by the them.

Klu Klux Klan The KKK, also known as the Klu Klux Klan, gained widespread support to prosecute immigrants that came to the United States because many people had a hostile look towards them.

Emergency Quota Act Emergency Quota Act also known as Immigration Restriction Act of 1921, restricted immigration to the United States. The Act restricted the number of immigrants admitted from any country annually to 3% of the number of residents from that same country living in the United States As a result of this act, the number of new immigrants admitted fell from 805,228 in 1920 to 309,556 in

Chinese Exclusion Act Chinese Exclusion Act was a federal law that suspended Chinese immigration to the united states. During the California Gold Rush, Competition arose and became harder to find gold which caused the Chinese immigration to be intolerable.

Literacy Tests Literacy Tests were given to Immigrants to make sure they could read and write inn English. If they couldn’t, there were not allowed to immigrate into the United States. Failing the literacy tests meant deportation for these immigrants.

“ You’re Welcome in..If you can climb it!”

Sacco-Vanzetti case Two men carrying two boxes containing the payroll of a shoe company were shot and killed by two men who escaped with over $15,000. When witnesses said that the robbers looked Italian and Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti had gone to claim a car that police connected with the crime, they were arrested.

The men were carrying a gun when they were arrested so this further more questioned their innocence even though they swore many times that they were. The two men were not given a fair trial and neither man spoke well English The disadvantage of not knowing the English language made it harder for these two men because they weren’t even given a translator. Sacco and Vanzetti were found guilty of murder and sentenced to death. Even after a man already sentenced to death confessed of the murdering, the court still refused to grant another trial based on the evidence.

Legacy still continues... There are still many immigrants living in the United States. They are still looked down upon by our society. They try to support their families and even though they are human just like everyone, they work longer hours and get paid minimum wage if not less. They are deported back to their countries if they are spotted in the united states regardless of the reason they may be here. They aren't given a chance.