Writing and Publishing a Scientific Paper: What You Need to Know Pamela Fried, Director Diana Winters, Associate Director Academic Publishing Services Academic Publishing Services (APS) does not serve as legal counsel to Drexel University College of Medicine or to individual authors. Information received from APS does not constitute legal advice. Individuals should consult their own attorneys or the Office of the General Counsel, as appropriate, with respect to legal questions or concerns about their publishing activities and copyrights.
Publishing Process 1 Idea! 11 Check proofs 6 Format article for journal 2 Design project 4 Write draft 5 Select journal 7 Compile required parts 8 Register w/ journal 9 Submit article 10 Revise 12 Published Or Reformat for another journal Consult research compliance office Request permissions Contact Academic Publishing Services Consult mentor 3 Analyze results Academic Publishing Services, 19 th floor, New College Building, Room 19314, ;
“A clear question must be posed before the research is planned...” Huth EJ. How to Write and Publish Papers in the Medical Sciences. Philadelphia: ISI Press; 1982, p Idea!
“An effective paper deals with an important question, clearly answered with adequate evidence for the answer.” 2 Design project
2 Design project Consult research compliance office Consult mentor regularly
Huth EJ. How to Write and Publish Papers in the Medical Sciences. Philadelphia: ISI Press; 1982, p. 1. Meaningful question + meaningful answer = material for a scientific paper 3 Analyze results/ conclusions
Taylor RB. The Clinician's Guide to Medical Writing. New York: Springer; Write draft Select article type Consult mentor Review Case report Original research Letter to the editor
“For academic advancement, manuscripts that require development of a specific hypothesis to be evaluated using new original data are more important than review articles or case studies.” Holmes Jr, DR, Hodgson PK, Nishimura RA, Simari RD. Manuscript preparation and publication. Circulation 2009;120: Write draft
Holmes Jr, DR, Hodgson PK, Nishimura RA, Simari RD. Manuscript preparation and publication. Circulation 2009;120: Reserve time Set deadlines Organize notes Consider journals to submit to Review well-written papers Consult mentor regularly 4 Write draft Develop an outline Authorship
Holmes Jr, DR, Hodgson PK, Nishimura RA, Simari RD. Manuscript preparation and publication. Circulation 2009;120: Organize References (EndNote) Obtain permissions for copyrighted material 4 Write draft Avoid plagiarism View library Web site
4 Write draft Working title Eye-catching, concise, informative Important words first Final title
Sample titles Effect of family history on outcomes in patients treated with definitive brachytherapy for clinically localized prostate cancer (18 words) Definitive brachytherapy for clinically localized prostate cancer: effect of family history on outcomes (14 words)
Title page Word count Article title Corresponding author: complete contact information Authors’ names, affiliations Key words 4 Write draft
Huth EJ. Writing and Publishing in Medicine, 3rd ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1999, p Write draft Abstract UnstructuredStructured
Huth EJ. Writing and Publishing in Medicine, 3 rd ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1999, p Use IMRAD structure: Introduction Materials and methods/ experimental procedures Results And Discussion 4 Write draft
What is known? Why ? Question being answered 4 Write draft Introduction
Materials and methods Subjects Study design Huth EJ. Writing and Publishing in Medicine, 3rd ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1999, pp Measurements Animal, human protections Supplies: manufacturer, city Statistical analysis Interventions Data collection 4 Write draft
Results No interpretation Logical presentation Provide information only once Representative data 4 Write draft
Discussion State relationships Answer question Generalize results Explain limitations, biases Recommend future studies 4 Write draft
References Check citations against text before submitting Add/delete citations Import citations Format for target journal “Cite as you write” 4 Write draft Citation management systems: Endnote
Tables Write short, descriptive title Number, cite in order Matthews JR, Bowen JM, Matthews RW. Successful Scientific Writing, 2nd ed. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press; 2000, p. 83. Present in logical sequence Use word-processing program Check journal limitations 4 Write draft
Figures Number, cite in order Obtain permission from identifiable subject Make high-resolution files 4 Write draft
Halftone Line Drawing Halftone Halftone: 300 dpiLine drawing: 1200 dpi Figures/illustrations
Revise, revise, revise Coauthors Colleague in general field Academic Publishing Services Expert in specialty 4 Write draft
5 Select journal Consult mentor Identify journals in your specialty (> 10,000 scholarly/technical journals)
5 Select journal Consult mentor Amin M, Mabe M. Impact Factors: Use and Abuse. Perspectives in Publishing No. 1. New York: Elsevier Science; Seglen PO. Why the impact factor of journals should not be used for evaluating research. BMJ 1997;314:497. Consider the journal’s Impact Factor What does your article contribute to the journal?
6 Format article for journal Contact APS Consult Information for Authors: Length requirements Forms for signatures
7 Compile all required elements Contact APS Authorship Substantial contribution Contribution to intellectual content Final approval
Huth EJ. Writing and Publishing in Medicine, 3 rd ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1999, p Compile all required elements Contact APS No duplicate submission
7 Compile all required elements Contact APS No prior/redundant publication
Contact APS Conflict of interest disclosures 7 Compile all required elements
Affirm protection of human subjects and animals involved in research 7 Compile all required elements
Contact APS Confidentiality statement signed by patient 7 Compile all required elements
Contact APS Letters of permission for copyrighted material 7 Compile all required elements
Contact APS Cover letter 7 Compile all required elements
Cover Letter “Make sure to address your cover letter to the correct journal, and also make sure the date listed on the letter is correct. We understand where we fall in the hierarchy of journals, but at least give us the delusion that we were your first choice.” Neill US. How to write a scientific masterpiece. J Clin Invest 2007;117:
8 Register with jrl submission system Contact APS Save username and password
9 Submit article Contact APS Journals accept only complete submissions
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11 Check proofs Contact APS Check page proofs carefully
12 Published! Your name and work in print!
We can save you hours and hours of time! Academic Publishing Services Drexel University College of Medicine Room 19314, New College Building Tel: Online project submission: APS