Mrs. Doolittle STUDY SKILLS
This is my forth year teaching and this year I will be teaching all of your lovely children. I graduated from Montclair State University and I just received my Masters as well.
Study Skills The rapid pace of change in communications and information technology, in the classroom, and in the workplace places unprecedented demands on today’s young learners. Bridging the gap between elementary and secondary education, this course addresses critical literacies needed by our students now and in the future. Knowing how to learn, how to find and use information and information technologies, and how to present knowledge and understanding have become as important as the learning of content.
Multiple Intelligences Study Tips
Calendar Update school wires daily with students.
Planner/Assignment pad Make sure planner is up to date and organized.
Check Notebooks and Bags Make sure they are clean and organized.
Daily Log This is a log where students write their activity they completed for the day. Also, we track numerous important study habits!
Topics we Will Cover Coping with Test Stress Agenda Check Quizzes/Quizzes/Quizzes Remove or Limit distractions. Who can help me succeed? Pick a Pal. Weakest Subjects Strongest Subjects Techniques that haven't worked. Techniques that have worked. Have you contacted your teachers? Partner Up! "Who can I contact in case..." ing Study Guides Study Guides
Additional Extra time on test Online programs Reading comprehension and skills Math strategies and techniques Independent/Guided work towards IEP objectives
Grades Pass/Fail
Online Websites Study Island - Moby Math - TeenBiz - Books -Most student books are online
Extra Help Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday From 7:15-7:40 and 2:40-3:10
Questions Comments or Concerns?